Thursday, September 30, 2010

Careful what you pray for

I asked the girl in my group last week to pray for a desire for me to quit smoking.  I did well for about 3-4 months than fell off the wagon.  I told them I have no desire to quit but really want to for good.  No more back and forth.

Yesterday I had this nagging thought.  Why not make today the day.  In one year you can celebrate being 35 and one year smoke free.  I kept pushing the thought away and continued on with my day.

I smoked a cigarette while chatting with James before picking Victoria up from the bus stop.  I butted my cigarette out in the planter hanging on the porch, grabbed A&A and drove up to Grant Line to wait on the bus.  I was there about 10 minutes before the bus cam with Victoria came bouncing out and told me that she was didn't get her name moved again today.  (This is a 4 day run for Victoria not getting in trouble at school and getting her name moved to a different color.)  We chatted a bit about it and then headed back home.  I pulled into my driveway to a cloud of smoke and horrible smell.  My cigarette I "put out" wasn't out and the side of my porch was in flames.  I panicked and grabbed my coke out of the cup holder and poured it over the flames.  It didn't do much so I ran in the house and flung open the cupboards to find my popcorn buckets staring at me.  I filled two and ran back outside before I had my "Duh" moment and ran down the side of the house to get the garden hose.  It took a second to get it completely out.  In the meantime my heart is racing, Anthony has rolled down the window and thrown Addison's blanket out of the car causing her to scream bloodymurder, and is now yelling "Mommy the porch is broke!"  I cooled the planter off enough to remove it from the railing to find that about a 1 and a half 2 foot hole burned completely through the lattice work.  It took about 15 minutes for my adrenaline to level off and I broke down and cried on the swing.  Thank God we are all ok! Thank God I didn't have anywhere to go after I picked up Victoria!  Thank God the bus was on time!  Thank God I still have a home to shelter me!  Thank God for answering a prayer while protecting me and my family!  When you get a prompting from the Holy Spirit you better listen up!  God can and will use mighty ways to get your attention if he needs to.

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