Saturday, September 29, 2007

The quiet time was not quiet

Just wanted to add that tonight was the babies first night at church. I was about to burst with pride walking in with everyone asking if they were twins and commenting on how cute they are. We reached the time of communion and the church is silent. The communion plate is being passed and Anthony is sitting on my lap. The praise and worship music was a lil too much for him I believe ,he kept jumping. OK back to my story the plate reaches me and I am very carefully passing it on to the person two seats down from me when it happened. PRRRRT! Yep that is right Anthony let out a big old fart with another following. My dad who was sitting three seats down heard it and leaned over to make sure he didn't blow a hole in his pants. I mean it was powerful! I wanted to crawl under my seat but I couldn't help but laugh and realize that he was my son without a doubt.

Happy Birthday to me

I can't believe that I am 31 years old. That just sounds soo old! It is barely 7:30 here and I am enjoying the quiet house. The babies are fed and Victoria is still asleep for the time being. I have a busy day and exciting night ahead of me.

Mom and Dad offered to watch the babies for my birthday so I could finally have a date with my husband. It has been quite a while for this. Things always get in the way and we have to make a conscious effort to keep our relationship fresh and maintained. We wanted to get a chance for one last night out but once I started having contractions and stopped working that kind of put a halt to that plan. Plus can't really have a romantic evening and feel pretty with feet the size of an elephant.

James is on his way home from Connecticut today and I have so much to do before he gets home. I am going to try to get my hair colored (still trying to figure that one out) and go shopping for an outfit with some birthday money from my Aunta Kathy and Grandma in California. I am really excited to have some money that I can just spend on me. It has been so long since I have worn "real clothes" that I have no clue what is cool anymore. I am going to have to mark some time in my day to see what is in fashion before I go shop. I have been stuck in maternity world for so long and now that the babies are here I barely have time to make sure I have underwear on let alone makeup and a pair of cute shoes.

OK Victoria is awake now and she hasn't stopped babbling from her good morning hug. Her hair is the largest I have ever seen it with all of her curls and she is rambling on like a crazy person. I swear her eyes and mouth open at the same time in the morning and neither one of them shut without the other. Love her to death but I am fully aware that I am getting paid back for all of the energy that I had as a child. Funny how parenthood makes you want to give your own folks a spa day for the energy used to entertain yourself as a child. "Sorry mom and dad I understand what it is like now to raise a child that thinks that she has something to say all of the time and has ambitions of being a movie star." I guess the former childhood diva is going to have to step down from her throne to make room for the newest diva "Princess Victoria" I'll wait till tonight to regain my premommyhood diva self when I have a Maker's and Coke in my hand and my ears are ringing from loud music and not kids crying. Go Kelly it's your birthday!

Friday, September 28, 2007

A creature from the outside!

Four weeks old today! I just can't believe it. They have been home almost a full two weeks now and I have enjoyed them so much. I couldn't resist I had to post this pic of Anthony. He really worries about his sister but he also worries about his own bottle. In this pic he is really torn because sissy is screaming her bottom off for her bottle yet he is hungry too. He just can't figure out if he should give up his spot of "I was the first one awake so I should be the first one fed" or just be selfish and enjoy his bottle to the sound of his sisters screams.

I have been asked many times if I feed one first or the other. I think the best way to describe dinner time for the babies would be to bring up the movie Toy Story. If you remember the scene where Woody and Buzz are at Pizza Planet and Woody finds himself in the crane game with all of the squeaky toy aliens. They all sit in waiting to see who the "chosen one" is that the claw picks. That is kind of how it is when they wake up at the same time and are both hungry. You just kinda of close your eyes spin around the room 3 times and walk. The first baby you come to is the one that you feed first. But it never fails I get a look from the "chosen one" that reminds me of that movie " A creature from the outside OOOOOOO!"

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All in a days work

Well it is noon I have fed everyone in the house, including me, and now time to just collect my thoughts and enjoy the rain outside that we so desperately need. Yesterday was a roller coaster ride. Starting at 6 I began to get everyone fed, bathed, and packed up ready for the day. I need the make a trip to the bank to sign some paperwork for a car loan. James bought me a Acura MDX from a friend in the family for my birthday/anniversary. I am in love with it. It is the nicest car I have ever owned leather interior, sunroof, heated seats/mirrors the works.

I got everyone loaded up in the truck diaper bag and all to go about 1 1/2 miles down the road to the bank. Park in the front parking spot let Victoria out then have her stand with her hand on the door handle of the truck to make sure she doesn't move and get Addison's car seat out of her base and then with Victoria go to the other side and get Anthony out of his base, hand Victoria the diaper bag and my purse grab a baby in each hand and then head into the bank. People stared in amazement that I have that many lil ones with me and also at Victoria because she looked like a pack mule with all of my bags on her arms. She could barely walk. Quite a sight to be seen. Of course with all of this work it took about 4 minutes to sign the paperwork and be done. So we headed home.

It was then time for the 2pm feeding trying to get everyone fed and ready to go to the doctor for the babies weight check. Only an hour to go before we need to leave and I need to feed and change both babies diapers but I am believing in myself and I can do it. Anthony is having a hard time waking up and is quite fussy. I am staring at the clock thinking.."ok I have about 23 minutes and 15 seconds till I need to leave I have to.........." I take him in to change his diaper finally and start on Addison. Victoria in the mean time is asleep over the foot board of her bed with her legs in the air clinging to her sippy cup for dear life. She isn't stressed at all about the situation. Finally get Addison fed and changed get the diaper bag ready and start to head out the door when I "hear" Anthony decide to leave me a present in his diaper. What timing! It took 4 diapers to finally get him clean. Miraculously he isn't fussy anymore and I swear he giggled a lil as I am trying to clean the mess. I have heard these tales about motherhood but thought I would be able to escape situations like this. Silly me.

I sign in at the doctor's office and find a seat that can accommodate the load of two infant carriers, Victoria my purse and huge diaper bag. The receptionist asks what time my appointment is and I repeat to her what I wrote on the sign in sheet thinking that this couldn't be good. Yes I was correct my appointment was YESTERDAY and I have loaded everyone up for an appointment that doesn't exist. Being overly understanding they take me anyway (or was it the fact that I was nearly in tears) and head to the room to get them weighed. Anthony is now at a whopping 6 lbs 6 ounces and Addison at 5 lbs and 10 ounces. I can't believe how they are growing. But I don't have time to think about it I have to go and pick up James's dad and head to Salem to get my car.

Pick up Papaw and start out to Pekin to drop off the twins to mom's house while I get the car taken care of, get behind someone who is confused about what the gas pedal is for on his car and creep slowly all the way to Salem. After getting all of the paperwork done and transferring car seats and such we head out to get the temporary tags on the back when the down pour begins. There isn't a stitch of clothes on me dry and I am starving!! Head to Mcdonalds for a cheeseburger to find that after ordering their credit card machine is down and I have no cash on me at all. The day just keeps getting better.

I decided to head back to mom's house and let Papaw take James truck to his work. When I walk in the door I see Anthony and Addison in my dad's chair in the living room with pumpkin and ghost hats that "Gramma Harb" bought them. They are sitting right next to each other looking so cute that I want to burst into tears with pride! It is amazing how these beautiful lil babies can just take your day and make it all better. I have to just steal kisses from them. I am soo in love with those lil ones it is hard to stay frustrated for long.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Might as well be a blogger too.

James and I have had our computer for about a year now and I have really enjoyed being a part of the rest of the society with a world of knowledge right at my fingertips. I have recently become an active blog reader. I have really enjoyed keeping up with friends by reading their day to day life in the wee hours of the morning when I finally have quiet time in the house. So I have decided to join the blog world myself to keep people posted on what is going on in the Craig house.

Anthony and Addison have been home now for a week and a day and I have somehow managed to keep them alive the whole time. I guess my motherly instinct is kicking in. I have enjoyed and been terrified by how quickly they have grown only in the week that we have had them home. Being a mother of twins is not an easy job and it just depends on what five minute segment of my day that you catch me in to see if I am holding it together well or not. One minute I am thinking "Oh I have got this!" and then all of a sudden I am hanging on my a thread. I am definitely learning the art of multi-tasking. I can feed one baby in my arms, talk on the phone (if it rang while burping a baby) bounce another baby in their bouncy seat with my big toe and tell Victoria to chew with her mouth closed all at the same time. Pretty impressive huh?

James has been a tremendous help! I can't believe how much he has taught me about parenthood and calmed me when I am about to lose my mind. He has been teasing me because I tend to "bundle" the babies a lil too much. I am afraid after spending time in the hospital for not being able to maintain temp. that it is mommy's job to wrap them in fourteen blankets and put mittens on them with a scarf. Many times I have checked on them to find that their lil backs are sweaty. They look at me already at 3 weeks old like I have lost my mind. James keeps telling me "They get hot just like you and I" I am sure if they were able to talk they would say "Can someone bring me a fan?"

This weekend was Victoria's birthday party. I can't believe that she is 4. She had a party at her Mamaw and Papaw's house with of course a Princess theme. I wish someone would of taken a picture of us getting out of the truck. James Makenzie and I were in the front seat with Anthony Addison and Victoria in the back. We pulled up in the front yard opened the doors and people poured out of the vehicle. James and I started singing circus music as we exited the vehicle. We have quite a sense of humor when it comes to the size of our family as you can see.

This weekend we also received a wonderful surprise visit from our friends David and Jill Pennington. Although no blood relation family just the same. They brought us an incredible dinner of chicken and rice along with salad, cheese bread and the most amazing brownies that I have ever eaten. It came at the perfect time. James and I were just discussing the fact that it was our one year anniversary and we hadn't had the time to even acknowledge the fact. Life has become very busy and with Victoria's birthday my cousins bridal shower and taking all of the kids home on Sunday not to mention trying to add the twins to the mix with feeding schedules etc. We ran out of time to celebrate our Anniversary by having at least a nice meal. Once I sit down these days the only thing I have time to cook is a hot dog. It was wonderful to have someone bring us such good food. This just proves that God will provide no matter how little time you have.