Monday, March 31, 2008

I miss my Mamaw

This morning I had my Mamaw on my mind. She has been gone now for a few years and I decided to honor her this morning. I was trying to find something different for breakfast and I found a pack of biscuits in the fridge. I remembered how my Mamaw would fix us Grand kids doughnuts in the morning when we would spend the night. She would always give Papaw a bowl full and us kids would only get like 3. I never found that fair but now with having children it was probably her way of keeping the sugar level low in a house full of grand kids. (Papaw always did feed us spoonfuls of sugar while nobody was watching) I decided to take a try at the tradition, let's face it I was craving Krispy Kremes again. They turned out really good. Not as good as Mamaw's but at least this time I was the one with a bowl full!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Oh my goodness where do I even begin?!? Mom got my house this morning at 7 so that we had plenty of time to get to Louisville to the sale after we had a breakfast of Krispy Kremes fresh from the store on Bardstown Rd. We found the sale and got in line. Being a member of the group you get to shop two hours earlier than general public.

Mom and I stood in line foaming at the mouth peering into the gym that is was set up in. It was wall to wall stuff. Organized by gender, size, and even sets of coordinating clothes. Even the shoes were in bins by size! We teased about stretching out before hand so that we didn't strain any muscles while shopping. I was in the market for a super yard for the kids and so was mom. I was nervous about if it would still be there. I had heard of a few that would be for sale but member that help with the setup got to shop the night prior. Mom and I made a plan of attack on who would go to what area to search it out.

Within 5 minutes of walking in the door I found not one but two super yards. Combined they were 60 dollars!! They are 60 in the store for one of them. We found a playpen for mom that looks like it hasn't been used for $15. We found so many clothes in perfect condition, a life jacket for Victoria looks brand new $1.75, shopping cart covers, a frog sleeping bag for Victoria to keep at Grandma Harbs house, Lamaze toys, blocks, sandals for the pool for both of them, crib sheets, and also found Carter blankets with the tags still on for $3 each! We went hog wild! I couldn't believe what we got for the money that we spent. Mom and I almost had them re-ring our stuff thinking that they undercharged us. We were two kids in the candy store! Of course we had to celebrate by eating another of the doughnuts that we bought to take home. (We honestly knew there would be some doughnuts casualties before we hit the driveway)

Mom and I enjoyed a wonderful lunch at KT's, and shopped at the Summit. It was great to just take off with mom without the kids. Daddy had to take care of all 5 of them while I was gone. I owe him one for doing this for me. He is great!

Friday, March 28, 2008

A week in the life.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life has been super busy in my world. On top of therapy for Anthony and working with CAPS towards a goal of finding affordable counsel for Victoria I had lots of hair to do this week. Had to make some money for the upcoming Twins sale!

I am loving doing hair at home. I honestly do. Not because the friends of mine that come over for me to do their hair read my blog, I just enjoy still being able to see them and catch up. I feel like my friends/clients that came to me for so long are my second family.

Tuesday I took a road trip to my friend Mary Beth's mom's house to do their hair. Victoria went nuts when she recognized where we were when we pulled into her neighborhood. She remembers well the room that is set up for Davis, Mary Beth's adorable son. It looks like Toy's R Us in their. She is equipped for any toy emergency. Need a book? Got it! Need a train? Got it! Need a play mat that plays music when you step on it? Got it! Along with any Little people set that you can think of! I can't see a Little people set without thinking of her. I am inspired to start my own collection.

Wednesday, Felecia came with her mom. We always end up laughing through our whole appointment. I think her mom has adopted my kiddos as her own. She was even sweet enough not to loose it when Addison threw up all over her last time that they were here. She even brought back the sweatshirt that I loaned her and nice clean and folded. Although I have to fault Felecia for not following American Idol and Big Brother this season. That used to be our thing comparing notes on what we think of the contestants. Next season if you are not watching these shows I will no longer do you hair. Just kidding!

Thursday "Miss Ashleigh" came and got her nails and hair done. Victoria loves when she comes. She is really good with her. She used to work in a daycare so she is used to the energy level of a four year old. Her hair turned out great! She modeled it after a pic of my friend Brandi (shout out!) I had shown her the pic on my computer when I was first thinking of cutting my hair. We did a highlight and her cut and when we were finished and in my bathroom drying her hair Victoria came in and said (not knowing of what we were going for) "she looks just like that girl on the computer!" I swear I didn't pay her to say that. I guess I am just that good.

Today was the last ditch to get my house clean before the troops (Makenzie, Brooklyn, and Daddy) got home. I was working hard up until they got here. We had this awesome beef veg soup that I made for dinner and had a great time hanging out. I found some worksheets on Family Fun for April Fool's Day. They had a maze that was unsolvable and a word search where no words could be found. We had the kids do these and promised them that the first person finished would get a special prize. They didn't find it amusing as James and I when we told them that it was all a joke. Let's just say it was a tough crowd.

I went to bed early tonight to get ready for the Louisville Mother's of Twins sale in Louisville. I had been saving for it all week and was ready to do some serious shopping.

Monday, March 24, 2008

We learn something new everyday

I am not having the best day after Easter. Everything seems to be working against me. I have been cleaning the house getting ready for the busy week ahead. I sprayed down the sink with Clorox clean up trying to get the ring of soap scum out of it from when James shaves in there. I decided if I sprayed it and let it sit for a bit that it would be easier to scrub. I worked my way through the rest of the house and after my vacuum belt broke, making the house smell like I am manufacturing tires, I decided that it was time to go check on my sink. The sink was just as hard to scrub. That stuff did nothing!! I grabbed the bottle again to spray a little more and noticed that I had sprayed Shout in the sink instead of Clorox. I think I am going to sit down and rest before I hurt something. It has just been one of those days. I am in need of some comic relief. Here is one of my favorite videos to make me laugh. The end is disappointing but the idea behind it cracks me up. I can't help it I am a sucker for this kind of SNL humor. some tidbits are not for young eyes or ears but this thing makes me crack up everytime and has turned into a nice running joke with family and friends.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I wish the bunny could bring my "Honey"

Easter is finally here! It doesn't quite feel like Easter time as far as the weather goes but we are wearing our dress for the second time today. We are going to get our moneys worth. Last night we went to Easter service. It was wonderful. They had two painters on stage doing a painting using white paint, with their hands while we were worshiping. There were two huge black canvases one on each side of the stage. After communion they came back out and added some red. I sat staring at these through the sermon trying to figure out what exactly they were. I figured out that they fit together somehow but couldn't make out what the image was. At the end of the service when we were singing our closing song they brought the painting together and attached them to wired to be raised into the air. They formed the face of Christ on the cross. It was beautiful! A very touching service.

James did not make it home Easter weekend. I am very sad about that. He took a load to Maryland and is stuck without a load home because of the businesses closing for Easter. He thought he had a load and they took it away from him because the delivery date was wrong. He isn't happy about this situation either. I hate when he isn't home and it is so hard when he is gone on the Holidays. It would be much better if he was working, but he is sitting in a parking lot in his truck just playing his PSP trying to kill time since Friday night waiting to pick up his load on Monday morning. He is alone and has to go into the Walmart is he needs to use the restroom. I don't know how he handles it. I am at home and it is killing me. OK I need to quit talking about it or I am going to start to cry.

This morning I awoke to Victoria jumping into bed telling me that the Easter bunny came last night. Apparently he came in wandered around the house with our bowl of carrots eating away when he got startled by something dropping the bowl right beside Victoria's door and dropping carrots in a path straight to her Easter basket. She was ecstatic! She cracked up! We called everyone we knew, it felt like, to tell them about the mess that the Easter bunny made. He even drew a Easter basket with Victoria's name in it outside on our driveway. He was quite busy while we were sleeping. He changed our wallpaper on our computer too. It had an Easter bunny with a basket that said Egg Hunt! I had Victoria come over to the computer to show her. I asked her what the computer said and she told me "Dear Victoria Happy Easter I broke your carrots up and threw them on the floor!" again laughing. I think she is going to remember this Easter.

Today Grandma Harb treated the family to dinner at Ceaser's. It was WONDERFUL. My sister and her family came too. James's mom works there so she waited to take her break until we got there so that she could see us. You should of seen her showing off her Grand babies. It was so cute. She was beaming and I have to admit so was I. They looked just too adorable today.

Just a side note tonight when I went outside to get my phone out of the car. I noticed something in the yard. I ran inside and told Victoria to get her slippers on and very quietly come outside. I took the flashlight this time. We both made it just in time to catch a bunny in the beam of the flashlight. I guess the Easter bunny came one last time to check on us knowing that Daddy wasn't home. At least that is what we believe.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Making sure Grandma Harb has a "Good Friday"

I rarely get a chance to show my mom how appreciative I am for all of her daily help. Whether it is a phone call for me to vent, or bringing groceries by, or helping me load up kiddos so that I can go the grocery store. My mom is amazing. It has taken us far too long to get to the point that we are at but I am so grateful that we have reached this point in our lives.

Today mom was suppose to come over so that I could do her hair. I pretty much had the house cleaned up so I decided to use my time turning our house into "Salon Craig" . I made a sign up and taped it on the window of the front door saying "Welcome to Salon Craig please come in and the receptionist will be right with you. " I grabbed Victoria and explained to her that we are turning the house into a salon and she lit up with excitement. I told her that she was going to work the front desk like her friend Leslie did at my last salon. I told her she was going to have to get dressed. She wanted to put on her Cinderella dress but when I asked her what color you wear when you work in a salon, without hesitation she answered "BLACK!". So we ran in her room and put on all black clothes and topped it off with an updo, clip earrings, and an array of accessories. I got brave and took her into my bathroom and put makeup on her (something I hadn't done in about a week on myself but here I am putting it on my 4 year old). I coached her on what to say when Grandma comes and told her to offer her some tea and a snack while dinner was getting ready. We also hid some lotion and cooling gel in our cabinet in the living room so that she could help Grandma take her shoes off and rub her feet. After several run throughs she had it down pat and was waiting at the door for Grandma to get here.

Mom walked through the door and Victoria was amazing. She lead her to the couch (waiting area) and asked her what her name was before she highlighted her name on the "appointment book" located on the end table. She brought her the ice tea and crackers with cheese, and began to remove Grandma's shoes. At this point mom was crying she was so touched by my little one pampering her. Grandma snacked on her crackers while Victoria rubbed her feet and legs with cooling gel and Grandma cracked up when Victoria had extra lotion on her hands and decided to just rub it into herself. Victoria did step out of character when she asked Grandma if her crackers were good. When Grandma assured her that they were and asked her if she would like some she plopped right down on the couch and began to eat every cracker. What a nut! We set up a tray and Victoria brought Grandma her lunch. I made Fettucini Alfredo with broccoli and grilled chicken. I was "amazing" Victoria got to bring her Dora table out in the living room to eat with us and thought she was hot stuff.

Mamaw and Papaw came and got Victoria for some play time outside with her bike and left me and mom alone with the bambinos to do her hair. Anthony laid on the floor of the living room watching me put foils in Grandma's hair. Dad came by and visited and played with the babies. Mom's hair turned out beautiful.

After hair we decided to get out of the house. After a failed attempt to find cheap crib sheet at Value City we headed to Sonic for a corndog. It was one of the best times I have ever had with mom. My stomach still hurts from laughing!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Here comes the sun!

I couldn't wait. I had to show Grandma Harb what the Easter bunny was bringing the babies for their first Easter. So we had to play a little bit. They look like they are sunbathing in their nursery sitting in their bouncy seats. I wish they had a detachable umbrella for them. They would work great!
He seems to be saying "Hey someone bring me a drink with an umbrella!"

"The girls are picking me up in a little bit and we are heading to the pool"

THIS is American Idol!

I decided to snap a pic of us last night as we set up for our American Idol fest. We are holding our popcorn waiting for that all famous line "THIS is American Idol" before we take that first bite of our popcorn. I have to admit that I am already getting frustrated with this season, but I still enjoy our "Quality time"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thought some might find this amusing.

Here is a little insight into bed time at the Craig house. I have arranged their beds where I can see both of them without walking across the room. I stood in between the beds last night going back and forth between my son showing off his new trick (Getting on all fours and rocking back and forth until he starts to get tired and dives his face into the sheet hiding the fact that he is a thumb sucker) and my rotten daughter that cries when mommy isn't paying attention to her (she was a little fussier last night little did I know that she was popping that second tooth. Check out how Anthony's eyebrows turn into one line across his face when he is looking up checking to see if I am paying attention to him. I think he looks like Bert on Sesame Street with his uni brow. You know mommy is going to have to wax if he grows hair all the way across there.

Rain Rain Go AWAY!

Today was the babies doc. visit. They were due for some more immunizations. They are doing well. This morning Miss Addison had a surprise for Mommy. While screaming as I put her into her car seat I noticed not one, but TWO lil Chicklet teeth peeking out at me. She cut her first tooth about 3 days ago and now she already has two! Man at this rate I better start a savings for braces. I couldn't believe it. She just looks too cute. She is very fussy though. I was warned about teething. I guess I am getting ready to find out.

Addison now weighs 15 lbs and Anthony weighs in at 14lbs. 2 oz.. Sissy is still ahead. Funny to think that she was just 3-14 at birth, almost over a pound behind bubby. She has really taken off and is growing so fast. I still have to shake myself sometimes at the thought of them being here all together. Some days it strikes me as odd that I am a mom.

Tonight was my first night of "Real moms" at church. What a wonderful group. There was about 150 of us there. They provided dinner (for us and the kiddos) , childcare, and a neat little craft to do. We made organizers by just folding a piece of poster board together and lacing ribbon through holes punched in the sides. I made one for Victoria for her door. I am calling it the "Reclaim the fridge" organizer. This will be used for all of the color pages and such that she wants to proudly display on the fridge on a daily basis.
I got to meet some really neat women and have some adult conversation. When it was finished I headed off to get the kiddos knowing that all I had to do was put Victoria in her pj's and my night was done! They were fed and so was I. I could watch my Big Brother in peace. I peeked in the playroom where Victoria was assigned just in time to see her smacking a little girl on the hand while they were playing with the toys. Ah back to reality! Gotta love motherhood!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Just another manic Monday!

Well this Monday morning started off just like any other. With a list a mile long of things to do. My lovely daughters Victoria with the help of her sister Brooklyn (who helped keep the secret of the situation) overflowed the toilet this past weekend leaving the floor waterlogged out into the hallway. Out comes the Lysol!! I had to mop and alcohol down everything that I could see. I just can't win. I had just mopped and cleaned everything a few days prior to the weekend. Ah life with children.

This morning we had Physical therapy with Anthony at 10:30 and then CAPS (Children and parent support) coming at 12 to see about some possible counseling still for lil Miss drain clogger! The physical therapist was running late and didn't make it until 11:00. Victoria was informed of our busy morning and was set up with Hairspray in her room and instructions to just hang out in there for the time being so that I could visit with the ladies coming over. As always things didn't work out according to plan. She was in about every 3-5 minutes with something was of dire importance to say such as "Yesterday, in the morning, when it was dark, I was going to tell you, if I could have an apple, when I feed my baby, Tomorrow" Oh 4 is such a fun age! The therapy session hadn't come to a close yet when Victoria had informed me that she just let in the lady from CAPS....good thing it wasn't a stranger!! I could see her now "Sure come on in and have a seat you can rob my mom in a minute, when it is dark, in the morning.......Hey can you get me an apple?" I was scrambling around trying to get my barrings still from the lack of coffee running through my veins. Just a typical day around here! I wonder how I had time to work, it is just beyond me how mothers work and have a family. I commend you out there that can accomplish it! You are the true supermom!

Well we have entered a new phase of motherhood..... Teething! Miss Addison has cut her first tooth in the front on the bottom. Life has taken a new turn. She has always had a bit of a temper but all around a good baby. When she gets upset now, man she gets upset. I am going to have to save up for a deep freeze to put a lifetime supply of pacifiers for her. The seem to be the only things that helps at times. She is very particular. She freaks out at the feel of something cold on her skin. She is just not a fan of it. I tried to give her a teething ring a while back that I had put in the freezer and she had a fit. She is such a snob. It cracks me up just to watch the babies interact with each other. Anthony just loves sissy to death and just stares at her and studies her. She looks at him as just an annoyance. Someone who is just rude overbearing and invading her space. She gives him this side glance thing that cracks me up. Everyone in a while she smiles at him but mostly when someone is holding her and not him. It is kind of a "ha ha they have me and not you" smile. Oh the competitiveness begins.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I think that cancels it out

Today was filled with therapy, paperwork and a sweetly ended workout. Anthony's therapist came this morning and worked with Anthony (who by the way is up on all fours rocking back and forth now, just one step away from crawling) While here I had her take a look at Addison. She just isn't keeping up with her brother and I wanted her opinion on her. It is hard being a first time mom to know if Anthony is ahead or if she is behind. Turns out Anthony is right on target now and Addison is about 2 months behind developmentally in her gross and fine motor skills. So we are working on getting her evaluated for therapy too now. I am all about early intervention. Don't deny that there is a problem and address it immediately is my motto.

I also had someone at the house to fill out paperwork on yet another avenue for counseling with Victoria. I am not giving up on finding cheap affordable counseling for her. There HAS to be something out there! So I filled out a zillion forms with CAPS (Children and parents support) So keep your fingers crossed with me for some help on yet another road of possible assistance.

After all of the company in the house Victoria and I along with the babies headed over to Marlina and Travis's house to do some walking in the beautiful day today. The temps reached 60! The babies loved the fresh air and so did I. After working off calories we headed to Zesto's Ice cream bar. We completely killed our workout but OH MY GOSH IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!! Worth every bite. Zesto's is just the best. There is a new one opening up by their house and Marlina and I decided that we are going to camp out on the sidewalk the night before opening. We are going to have to test it out and make sure that the ice cream isn't poisonous. Safety first!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Retail Therapy

Today Victoria got picked up by Mamaw and Papaw so that she could spend the night. That left me with nothing to do.....................................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............Ring......"Grandma Harb? What are you doing today? Wanna go play? " Before I hung the phone up she was at my door ready to go. We had a ball! We strolled around just enjoying the day of no schedules just shopping and showing off my babies. Addison enjoyed the bunny ears at Target and Anthony loved the hot rod jumper in Babies R Us. It was the most relaxing day that I have had for a while. When I got home I had to catch up on my American Idol and Big Brother. I have to admit I missed the little stinker while watching American Idol. It just isn't the same without her.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Let's do lunch!

Today James and I got the special treat of having a sitter for a few hours. We took off to Walmart to do some shopping for baby food ( I know we are such the romantics) and then we went to Arby's for a little coupon redeeming. After James showered me with baby food and roast beef we headed to the movies to see 10,000 BC. It was pretty good. I was just excited to be sitting next to my husband watching a movie! We came home to a frazzled Grandma Harb, a baby girl that had pooped her neck apparently needing a bath and a 4 year old that broke two drawers in the kitchen while Grandma was in the bathroom not watching and lil Boogie Bear just hanging in there sucking his thumb. WELCOME HOME MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! James had to leave for work immediately when we got home. I was left with two screaming babies that I couldn't shove sweet potatoes into fast enough, Victoria crying in her room because she tried to pin the broken doors on Grandma (and got busted) and the memory of a few hours ago when I was sitting the a dark theatre holding my husbands hand falling in love with him all over again. i later found out that I had blown off two appointments. I was suppose to be home for a meeting and some paperwork and I had a doctor's appointment for today at 1:30 that I completely forgot about. Funny how the calendar falls by the wayside when someone says that they will watch the kids. Thank you Grandma Harb!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

You will pee your pants!

Seriously take a minute to go to the bathroom before viewing. I haven't watched this without tears of laughter. Miss Addison was sitting under her play mat with her brother (crying in the background until I give him his paci and he snorts away) when she decides that it is nap time. I grabbed my camera and was lucky to capture this on film. She is in such denial that she is tired. She even opens her eyes completely and give me a big smile before her eyes roll back in her head and she catches a few more seconds of sleep. This is just precious. And I don't think that is just the proud mommy talking.

The most beautiful thing ever said to me

Victoria and I have had some REALLY good days here the past few days. I don't know if she just has been really good or if my meds are kicking in and I am just a lot calmer these days. We were sitting on the pull out couch tonight watching American Idol (as with every Tuesday Idol night) and out of the blue she turned to me and said "My mommy Tina made me really happy when she gave me to you" and gave me the biggest hug that I have ever received in my life. It was completely unexpected and we weren't really talking much up to that point. We were just watching Idol and she turned and said those beautiful words to me. I will never forget it. I am fighting back tears as I type. How that lil girl has blessed me. She has given me more patience than I thought I could have and tests it everyday. She has brought me so much laughter and tears. She has been my pest and been my friend when I just want to be a kid for a little bit. How a four year old little girl knows to say something like that can only be explained by saying God works through people. He uses us and other people to say what others are needing to hear. God knew that I was needing some confirmation that I am doing a good job and he delivered the message through the best snuggler in the world.

Monday, March 3, 2008

I heart my church!!!

Tonight Northside had a Spa Night for all of their mothers with children that are 6 months and under. It is hard to admit that my babies are now 6 months old (how did that happen?!?) They had a caterer and Free drinks at our coffee bar and had some of the men in our congregation dressed in tuxes serving us all night. They had all kinds of resources for moms from lactation consultants to Chiropractors. In our old sanctuary they had 4 stations set up. One for facials, one for pedicures and manicures, one for makeup, and one for massages. I was in heaven. I really got a chance to talk with some of the volunteers at church in kidstuff and get to know them. They are an amazing group of people. I left with tears feeling so incredibly loved by God and by my church.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Got a pretty day? Gotta go to the zoo!

Well the troops headed out to the zoo again yesterday. The weather was wonderful! We couldn't of asked for a prettier day. We made some new friends once we were there. A peacock noticed that I was munching on some crackers and decided to strut around close by in case I "happened" to drop some. I feeding him by hand by the time mom and the kids made their way through the Herpaquarium. Victoria thought it was amazing that I was feeding an animal at the zoo. She even got brave and fed her too. It began to follow us around the zoo and Victoria cracked up at it. We teased her that it was going to hang onto the bumper of our car and ride home with us in case we had more crackers at home.

After a short break of pb&j and a bag of chips that I packed Victoria couldn't help it anymore she had to dance to the music at the African Safari restaurant. I don't blame her it does have quite a beat. Before long she had us taking turns showing us how to dance to it. Grandma Harb even joined in on the fun. I had to post this video of Victoria showing Grandma Harb and Ariel how to dance. She had lost some of her steam by the time I recorded this you should of seen the moves earlier. It was a "very intense" routine that she was coming up with.

We just were not ready to call it a day yet so we had ice cream at Dairy Queen. Victoria had to sing as soon as the sugar from the ice cream kicked in. She was making up songs and singing random words and such and I gave her "the look" you know the one... the "Hey you are getting a lil out of hand and you need to calm down" look. She looked right back at me and said with her hands in the air "What?!? It is the perfect song!" We all about fell out of our chairs laughing! She had been like that all day, just hilarious! On the way home we were listening to a CD that I made of all of my favorite songs. Magic Carpet Ride is one of them. I can't help it I just can't sit still through that song. I was explaining that the song was talking about a magic carpet ride like on Aladdin and Victoria says back to me "Yea that boy and girl are riding that carpet and they have to stop and put more batteries in it" I guess the carpet isn't as magic as we thought!