Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who invented these things?

Today mom and I also gave the babies teething biscuts. Mom has yet to experience the joy of them. It can only be explained in video.............

Bad beginning hilarious end

Only a child can make you so mad you see red and then on the same day make you want to pee your pants with laughter. This morning I woke up and was surprised that Victoria wasn't in bed with me watching cartoons. (the normal routine) I was even more surprised to hear her on the monitor saying "Where's sissy?" over and over. I knew that could only mean one thing that she was in the nursery without permission. A big no no! I tiptoed down the hallway to catch her in the act. I noticed that the blanket on Addison's bed was moved and that the bumbo seats were toppled over. When I made my was into the nursery I didn't see Victoria, but I could hear her very well. When I peered over the Addison's bed my heart dropped. Victoria had made her way INTO Addison's bed and was playing peek-a-boo with her smashing a blanket over her head. Let's just say that mommy was VERY MAD! Her day quickly turned into sitting in time out all day long only to get out of time out to eat and take a nap. NOT A GOOD DAY FOR VICTORIA!

I headed out to the shed (very dangerous) to start getting stuff together for the neighborhood yard sale on the 14th of next month. This will be the first time that I am participating in this and I knew that I had stuff that I could get rid of in there. I had to take a picture of the mess that was in the yard it was ridiculous. Victoria's time out turned to sitting on the top step of the porch quietly while mommy worked. She has a very hard time being quiet (as any of you that have met her know) Looking at all of the mess she kept yelling to me "Are we having a yard sale?" I didn't respond to her repeating this over and over through the course of the day I just kept working and getting stuff reorganized. As always, nobody has to respond Victoria will just keep talking.
Dusk started to come and all of the neighborhood started walking their dogs. Victoria watched about 4-5 people walk right by our driveway with their dogs and said "Well......................I guess nobody want to come to our yard sale" I about peed my pant with laughter. Let's just say she knows how to push my buttons, but she also knows how to make me laugh the hardest that I ever have. You gotta love her....the little turd!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Splish Splash I've been taking baths

This week has been a little hectic. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog. Our shower (not the storage one) is out of order. James and I decided that it was time to turn our front bathroom shower into a shower that we can use. My dad looked it over and thought it would be a job easy to do for him and my uncles. So Thursday early my dad and all of my uncles show up ready for some demo. Dad had already purchased the shower for us and it was in the back of his truck ready to go we just needed to get the old one out. I bought the guys some masks to prevent them from breathing fiberglass and even gave one to Victoria after I wrote on it "I am talking and I can't shut up!" . The guys got a kick out of it. Well like everything else in our lives it wasn't as simple as we thought. When they got the tub up they realized that the pipes ran along the floor under the tub so to put the shower in they had to build a platform to set the shower on. Then on top of that NONE of the fixtures or anything would work on the new shower. I headed for Grandma's house shortly after they started to get the kids away from the dust and get Victoria out from under their feet. We had a good time and just hung out and fed our fish next door.

Day 2 (Friday) of the project didn't go as smoothly as we thought either. Once they got all of the supplies that they needed my dad was standing outside looking at the wall for the shower that all of the shelves are on. He just stared at it while his heart sank. The bottom shelf hits right where they just finished putting the knobs for the shower. They called it a day and are going to get started on it next weekend.

We on the other hand have been taking baths. I love to take baths when I have the time, and I am not counting on washing my hair. Victoria and I have been taking baths together to save some time and water. She loves the bath pills that I got her that change the color of the water so for the past week I have been taking green, blue and yellow baths. James laughed at me when I was taking my blue bath. I told him I felt like I was bathing in a toilet. Hopefully the guys don't have as much trouble on the second week of the project as they did the first and I can wash my hair without having to lay on a heating pad. The body doesn't twist and turn like it used to and getting under that faucet in the tub isn't as easy as it seems. Most people have to take a nap after taking a bath, I have to take a Tylenol.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I love Mondays!

You just HAVE to do a lift on finale night!

Doing our "best Jaggar"

My receptionist complete with curlers this time. Giving Grandma her foot massage.

For the past month or so my friend Leslie and I have had Dancing with the Stars Mondays. We have had a ball just hanging out and catching up. This past Monday James's truck broke down and mom came over to get her hair done so we had a real party. Once the giggling started it didn't stop and it turned into a Dancing in the driveway party for Leslie and I.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Late night LEGO run

Today was wonderful. I got to go to Lift with my mom niece nephew and my friend Leslie. Lift is a service at Northside that they have once every quarter and it is amazing. Very intimate and LOUD all at the same time. It reminds me of The Vine at Southeast. It was great to worship with friends and family. James stayed home to get some last minute stuff done before he needed to leave for work tomorrow.

Once we got home Victoria and I went to grab our box of LEGOS that I found for a bargain at Goodwill this past week. We have had quite a few fun times with them and many safety talks about making sure that they are all picked up and away from the babies. James has joined in on the fun and we have found ourselves after the kids are asleep playing with them in bed by ourselves. We are such kids at heart. So tonight when Victoria and I got them out to play I tried to make her a school bus. I quickly got frustrated with the fact that I didn't have enough yellows to complete my task so at 10:30 at night James sent Victoria and I out to Walmart to buy the biggest LEGO set we could find saying "Let's face it we have had quite a bit of fun playing with them.... WE NEED MORE" So off Victoria and I went to buy LEGOs at Walmart. She thought it was so cool to be out alone without babies and to be up past bedtime in the toy department of Walmart. The sales lady got a kick out of it when I explained our predicament of not having enough yellows and she was still laughing as we were walking away from the checkout. We completed our school bus and Daddy even got his own set to make a glow in the dark car. We are ate up!

Friday, May 16, 2008

May he bring you peace

An old school friend of mine experienced a tragic loss this week. Heidi's husband decided to take his life on Tuesday. I haven't kept in contact with her since school ended but her and I have some great memories together and used to be really close. I feel horrible that we have lost contact through the years. Heidi and her husband met in high school and had been together for 16 years. No kids to my knowledge. I don't understand how someone could feel like life is hopeless so much that they would make this choice. This isn't the first experience with suicide yet I still can't understand. My heart goes out to her and his family. I pray that she finds peace and rests in the Lord's arms through this time in her life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The word is spreading

Today Mom came by and we headed off to do our errans in the pouring rain. Once we got home and downed a free chicken sandwich from McDonald's Anthony surprised us with a little something that he learned from sissy. Check out the double eyebrow raise when he starts back up again. Makes my heart melt. Watch sissy in the background making sure she is on camera (so my daughter!) and she even puts her arm around him in approval. I guess she does love him.

"It blowed" and Houdini

Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Things haven't been too exciting around here. James made it in late last night and it was great to see him in bed when I woke up. Apparently I didn't give him much attention when he got home. I just rolled over and gave him a kiss on the check while eating a Little Debbie Smores cake (if you haven't tried them go to the store NOW!) When we got up I made everyone breakfast and put the babies in their bouncy seats for their morning bottle while I finished up cooking in the kitchen. I peeked outside to check how cool it was outside when I noticed that one of my irises finally bloomed. Victoria and I have been keeping a close eye on them and have been anxiously awaiting their blooms to brighten up the side of our house. Well today was the big day for one of them. Just as delicate and bright yellow as a sun. I yelled at Victoria to come outside and see. She walked outside with her pj pants pulled up and walked down the house to check it out. She turned to me with the biggest look of excitement and said "It blew!" How cute is that?

In the midst of our excitement James yells at me in the house to come in and see "My son". Funny how when someone is in trouble they are only related to you. Anthony was climbing up sissy in her bouncy seat grinning from ear to ear. His seat was still buckled with no baby in it. He has figured out a way to escape. He loves to play with sissy and just can't stand if when he is done eating to have to just sit there and not play with her. By the way she could care less. We have to get onto him all of the time because he climbs her and loves it when she gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth with him on her back. She gets pissed off and he just giggles and thinks that sissy is a ride that you don't have to put a quarter in.

Sissy had a first last night too. She has learned how to get up into sitting position from laying down. Unbelievable! They are growing up too fast for mommy. I am afraid that I am going to miss something.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My first "official" Mother's Day

Today I get to "officially" celebrate Mother's Day. For many years people have kind of side stepped this day and not really known how to handle it around me. Almost 12 years ago after giving birth to Johnathan and giving him to a couple that could give him a better life than I could, Mother's day has been bitter sweet. Waiting for the day that I could hold a baby of mine in my arms and feel like a real mom. God not only blessed me with one child he blessed me with two babies and my Victoria. I have more babies than arms this year on Mother's Day. How did I get so lucky? Thank you Lord and James for making me a mom. I have been waiting patiently for a long long time.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy early Mother's Day

Today we went to my sister's for a Mother's day cookout. We dressed Victoria in that lovely swimsuit that Punkin got her complete with her life jacket and bright orange fuzzy hat that went so well with her pineapple sunglasses. Punkin cracked up when she saw her get out of the car.

We had a really good time and the babies tried their first hand at sippy cups. They caught on quite well. They looked like little kids instead of babies holding them. Very cute! After dinner we walked over to Rick and Betty's house (my aunt and uncle) so that they could see the babies and we could visit with my Papaw. Betty was covered in slobber from Addison and we laughed continuously at Addison because she didn't stop talking the whole time that we were there. She just babbled the entire time. It must have been something very serious that she needed to tell us because her face was very stern.

Bubby decided while Rick was holding him up to show us that he understands the concept of walking and just started putting one leg in front of the other. Mom and I looked at each other in amazement. We couldn't believe it. Are we really getting close to that? At least it is one of them getting close to instead of both. I think I am going to have to ease into that level of mobility with them. At least I will lose weight quick.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

You give and take away and still I choose to say blessed be your name

Those are the lyrics that come to mind today from a Newsboys song. Yesterday was spend with a packed suitcase in our bedroom waiting for a very important phone call that never came. "Shaggy" was called over 14 times with no answer or no response. James was suppose to get the call about when he would be leaving Louisville to catch a flight. We are somewhere between disappointed and irate. A lot of money and time was spent in preparation for this job, along with the fact that James cleaned out his truck and it is now given to someone else at Summit to drive. James took a leave of absence instead of giving his two weeks notice so that we would have assurance that there would be a job waiting for him if this didn't work. We don't know what happened. We have no answers except that this also has to be in God's plan. He is protecting us from something. He just wasn't suppose to go.

James took off to Travis and Marlina's house to help them clean out their garage. It was good for him to just get out of the house and not stare at the phone. It is great to have good friends. I met him there later in the night to hang out and eat and sit in the hot tub for a bit. Travis is still looking for a job after the fire in our little hang out. We are going to miss Steinert's. We have a lot of memories there. After a night of good food, good conversation and a game of Uno and left right center we headed home to try to forget the loss of our "winning lottery ticket".

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The waiting game

Well we have spend the day packing and playing with the kids. The Grandparents kept them last night so that Daddy and I could get some quality time and things done without kids wanting snacks and babies needing diaper changes. We have waited all day for the guy with the flight arrangements to call and let James know when he will be leaving town. James was told today that after Disturbed goes to Europe that he will be driving for Stone Temple Pilots until Ozzfest kicks off. So looks like in the next month I will be seeing Disturbed live (I am beside myself) along with Stone Temple Pilots and Sheryl Crow at Ceaser's. Anyone wanting to babysit feel free to give me a call. lol. I am not going to even mention the fact that STP will be in Vegas for a week in June. Let's just hope that Ozzfest starts up in July. I can see a trip to meet my Aunt and Cousin's coming. Fingers are crossed.

Monday, May 5, 2008

You can lead Addison to a horse but you can't make her touch it

Well Monday was another doc. appointment for my "happy pills" refill. Which I needed after seeing what the scale said. I dropped the kids off at Grandma Harb's then decided to take Victoria with me to the appointment. I was in and out in about 15 minutes suprisingly so we took off the the community park for some swinging and hide and seek. It is rare that her and I get to spend some time together just her and I and I like to take advantage of it when I can. I taught her how to roll down the hill and get chigger bites all over herself. She enjoyed it while it lasted until she started itching. We headed back to Grandma's house to feed the catfish that we caught earlier along with several others.

My sister, God love her, is a yard saleaholic. She is always on the lookout for bargins. She found this very loud wet suit with built in floaties that she thought Victoria HAD to have for a dollar. Victoria tried it on and was in love! She wore it all over the yard and we laughed so much that we sent her out closer to the road to wave at traffic while they drove by. She got some of the craziest looks. I thought mom and I were going to pee our pants laughing.

It didn't take Victoria long to notice the horses across the field from Grandma's house. She yelled at Mitsy, the neighboor, and asked about her horse. Misty yelled back at her to come on over and see them. Within 10 minutes we had the babies packed up and Victoria had been lifted up onto Queeny Bee's back. I thought she was going to explode. Was a look. She was so proud of herself and I was proud of her too. After the reaction to the fishing experience I thought the horse would end in tears too. She sat up there like it was her pet. I took the babies one by one out of the stroller. Anthony just stared and studied it and then the horse just licked his foot. Anthony responded by looking at the horse like it owed him money. Addison on the other hand just starred at it with a look of "It's......It's.... so filthy... EW!" What a riot.

James cleaned out his truck today and took a leave of absence just in case something happened he would have his spot back at Summitt. Bless his heart he is just gnawing his fingers to the bone until he gets on the plane and realizes that this is real.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A great night for the drive-in

One of my favorite things to do when the weather starts to warm up is to go to the Georgetown drive-in. Where else can you spend the evening outside meeting new people and watching the kids play on the swing set while someone fries you up a Twinkies? We saw Ironman along with apparently the rest of the world after seeing what it brought in this weekend. We all piled into to the back of Daddy's truck with the topper open. The babies were pushed all the way back in the back. After we got them comfy James, Makenzie, Brooklyn, Victoria, and I piled in. We were quite a site having all 7 of us in the bed. Let's just say we all went to the bathroom before we got situated. If anyone wanted to move a toe we all had to adjust. Can you say sardines?! The movie was really good. I loved the fire extinguisher. We also learned that you need to remove your fingers quick when letting Boogie Bear try cotton candy. Ouch! He is going to be a sugar junkie like his mommy.