Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hooked on the powder!

This just cracks me up! I got a pack of Valentine Fun Dip at Aldi's this past week 75% off. I couldn't resist. I have been strung out on it for a few days now. I let Anthony try it last night and he gave me this same reaction. I am so glad he repeated it again for me so that I could share. Priceless!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To: Mary

We had a visitor in the mailbox again today. Someone has decided to bless us again anonymously. I am not sure if you are the same angel who was so kind to us at Christmas time, but I need to you to know that from the bottom of our hearts our family thanks you. Victoria was there when I opened up the envelope and she was so excited! I looked at her stunned as I saw what was inside. Victoria said "Our Christmas Angel!!! She loves us so much, she gave this to us because she loves you and your children. I think her name is Mary! She must love Jesus too!" Not only are you helping us and have remarkable timing, you are also showing the love of Christ to my children, thank you so much for that. I respect your need to be our "secret angel" I just wanted you to know that your name is now "Mary". I wish I could personally thank you, but you are leaving me no other option but to hope and pray that you read our thank you in my blog. You are an incredible person and we love our angel Mary!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I need a holster for my paper towels.

Sunday night I couldn't sleep for coughing. I tried cough drops, cough medicine, and tea and honey. NOTHING worked. I ended up making myself sick and barely making it to the bathroom in time. Last night while feeding the kids Anthony threw up. I called the doc to check and see if I should continue the breathing treatments. The nurse assured me that the throwing up was a good thing and was getting rid of all of that congestion. I need to continue with the treatments until symptoms subside. I called Leslie and let her know that I wouldn't be able to make it to Bible study. We decided that we would hang out at the house and order the series on itunes. Just before we started eating dinner Shepard started coughing and hacking. Leslie walked him over to the doorway where I had mopped yesterday to allow Shepard to vomit. She wiped it up and we continued on with our evening. The babies just wouldn't eat and were very fussy. Addison finally calmed down and ate only a few bites and Anthony vomited again while trying to eat dinner. Luckily I made it over to the sink with him in time. We salvaged what was left of the evening and listened to our lesson on Esther. Leslie left around 11:00 and not 10 minutes after she left I was on the computer checking emails and I heard something going on over by the door. I look over my shoulder and I kid you not Lucy is puking right where Shepard did a couple of hours earlier. Needless to say I am Lysoling down the house today.

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Normal" life

I have been told by one of my old clients that "Normal" is only a cycle on a washing machine, but things seem to be getting back to normal round here. The kids are doing much better. Victoria hasn't said that her ear or anything else is hurting. Anthony is getting better about his breathing treatments, and Addison was even seen eating a green vegtable. I was able to go to the Louisville Mother of Twins sale this past weekend and had a ball with the leftover Christmas money that the kids had. They are going to be "styling and profiling next season. I got to take my friend Jill, who is due in 10 weeks, with me. It was so nice to be able to hang out with her and chat over a Krispy Kreme after our whirlwind shopping adventure. The drama went well at church and although the early morning commitment for two weeks in a row on our family was a bit much, the hair turned out really well. James went today to file taxes and came back with good, debt erasing news, but his dad is back in the hospital with pneumonia. Tonight is Leslie night and that is always a good thing. Still loving the Esther Bible study!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Circus auditions

Last night was quite interesting giving Anthony his treatment while he was sleeping. I tip toed into their room and very very quietly and filled the Mr. microphone up with his medicine. I successfully did this without waking either of them up, it was very exciting. I can move a garbage truck through their room and they don't budge but if they hear the tiny squeek in the floor by their bedroom door, they are up like a lightening bolt, ready to play. I slowly make my way over to Boogie's bed and turn the machine on. It is VERY LOUD, much louder than I remember at the doc. office! He shuffles a little bit, as I am holding my breath, and then settles back down with his thumb in his mouth. I lean my body over the edge of the bed and try to get this mist directly under his nose. I then discover that the mist won't work if the nozzle is sideways, I need it vertically under his horizontal little nose. I am now half in his bed and half out with my legs darn near sticking up in the air as I hold the attachment with one hand and try to plant my fist in the mattress right next to his nose trying to make a little more room so that I can hold this thing vertically under his nose. I now no longer have feeling in my toes, and I can hardly breath myself. I wanted to stick the thing under my own nose. He is thankfully still asleep and the mist is coming out a little better. I feel like a completel idiot hanging on for dear life balancing myself onto the side of my son's bed while the entire house is asleep. Everyone is snoring and I look like I am auditioning for the circus. I wanted to look for the hidden camera. I got it done though.

Victoria seems to be doing better today. She still has a little drainage and is complaining about a tooth hurting now. She isn't eating a whole lot and still pretty emotional. She has slept most of the day and I have let her rest as much as she can so that her body can heal itself.

Addison is holding her own. She has been helping take care of everyone. She has shared her snacks with Boogie and checked on Sissy a couple of times. I let her play alone in her room today for a bit after checking to make sure that there were no Kleenexs in the room that she could attack. She had a ball and cleaned out the hamper in her room and every stuffed animal on the shelf. All of her babies were laying on the dirty clothes and her toy baby bottles were sitting lined up on the roof of her Little People doll house. Too cute!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Miss Bloody ear, Mr. Nebulizer boy, Grandma Harb, Miss I hate peas, and I on a typical adventure

Last night Victoria went to bed after a long day of complaining about things hurting her. She pretty much covered head to toe. She stayed doped up on Motrin along with Anthony and tried to get lots of rest. About 10 the tears wouldn't stop and I started calling and asking advice for an ear infection.

I tried the hair dryer that worked for a bit and called the doc at about midnight to see if there was something else that I could do. The nurse called in a prescription for some numbing drops to help relieve the pain. At 1:00am I loaded up the kids in the car and headed for Walgreens drive thru.

While idling my car loading up the kids my car was jumping from 1000 rpms to 2000 repetitively every second. I said a quick little prayer and headed out of the drive way. My engine light came on about half way to Walgreens, with 3 crying kids in the back seat. I started and turned off my car a couple of time while waiting for my prescription and it continued to do the same thing. Then puttered a little bit on the way home on the interstate. I have never prayed so hard in my life.

We got home and get Victoria's ear drops in her ears and sent her back to bed. She cried from 1:30 to about 3. Nothing would console her. She finally fell asleep around 3:30.

This morning she woke up and had blood on her pillow, hair, and running out of her ear. She was freaked out and I have to say that I was too. I called the doc immediately ( I had already planned on taking her and Anthony to the doc ) and got an appointment for the two of them.

One quick call to Grandma for help and about a half an hour later we were in the car heading to the doc. We made a pit stop to pick up James truck at his parents house so that Mom could follow me to the mechanic after the doc visit. The office visit was "interesting" to say the least. Victoria was getting her ear cleaned out I was learning how to give Anthony a breathing treatment and Addison is trying to play slide down Grandma's legs and try to get out of the room when the nurse comes in all at the same time. We found out Victoria perforated her eardrum and now has an antibiotic and some ear drops along with another appointment in a couple of weeks to follow up. No specialist is needed unless symptoms become worse. Anthony got his oxygen tested and his first breathing treatment. Let me just tell you how much fun that is chasing a 1 1/2 year old around with something that looks like a microphone stuck under his nose. HE WAS NOT HAPPY!! He was sent home with a nebulizer and we have to do that every 4-6 hours now.

After the doc we were off to Walgreens again. Miss blood coming out of the ear, had two little bottles of medicine, and Mr. I am having a hard time breathing, had a package of stuff that wouldn't even fit in the carrier in the drive thru. I had to get out of the car and get it at the window while by butt was rubbing against the car beside me in line at the pharmacy drive thru. Mom and I were cracking up. We then headed home to feed the kids. Victoria will not eat anything and Addison, although the healthiest one, was ticked off at the sight of peas on her tray. Victoria is VERY emotional and everything is making her cry. She seems really uncomfortable and I would have to say I would be to with how much blood is coming out of her ears. Anthony just wanted to know when we were going to get around to his morning nap.

After feeding the kids and transferring both car seats into James truck so we could leave the car at the shop, we were off to Salem to get the car fixed. We waited around while they ran a diagnostic on it. Seems my idle air control valve (or as i call it the bank account emptying valve) is out and it is something that needs to be fixed or we could do more damage. Doesn't it figure!

I left my car at the shop and headed back to New Albany to get everyone doped up on their meds again. Grandma helped as I tried to give Anthony another breathing treatment. I am sure there is a trick to it I just haven't figured it out yet. Victoria was out within an hour of being home and woke up just long enough to eat a hot dog and some applesauce and go back to bed. Grandma hung around long enough to watch Survivor and make sure that I wasn't going to crack up after the day we had today. I am beat! I hope and pray that Victoria gets a good night sleep tonight and we see a significant difference tomorrow. I am not sure her and I can make it through another day like today. Thank God for my mom's help. There is no way that I would be sane without her today. I am exhausted, we need prayers for the little ones and Mommy's brain. Hope tomorrow is better.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Key points to a great weekend!

-Friday I got to see my honey for a bit for his birthday. Granted it was off of Cane Run road at a truck shop but it was really nice to get to give him a hug and birthday kiss.

-Makenzie came over to our house. It was the first time since the whole drama from October. She was here for just a few hours but she made an effort to come and be at our house. Dad took the oldest two girls to the movies to see Yes Man and as they were leaving she said goodbye to me. That may sound really silly for that to be a big deal, but you have to understand that her and I haven't spoken in about 5 months directly. It meant alot and I know wasn't the easiest thing for her to do, I am really proud of her and feel like prayers are being answered.

-Hair for church went really well. It kinda stunk having to be at church at 7:30 to start doing hair for the drama on Sunday morning but every one's hair turned out really well and I got many complements on it. Childcare didn't open until 8:00 so it was me, the twins and all of the drama and worship people in the green room backstage. The babies did great for the hour and a half that I needed to get everyone done! I couldn't have been more proud of them.

-James came home Sunday afternoon after running some errands and wanted a big hug. I gave him one and he said he needed me to squeeze him harder. I did and found a rectangle shaped hard spot under his shirt on the lower part of his back. I knew immediately what it was. He went and bought the movie Fireproof. He knew I have been wanting to see it and tried earlier this weekend to find it but finally had success. It was such a sweet surprise. He is just the best!!! We sat and watched it and both got a little weepy during some parts. I love his sensitive side.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey!

This morning the kids and I met James at a shop while we was getting his truck worked on. We brought him breakfast, the cookies we made him and our gifts. We only got to hang out for a bit but it was nice to be able to give him a birthday hug and kiss. The day has been filled with laundry, cleaning, getting another birthday present ready for Leslie and bathing little ones.

This weekend I am doing hair for the drama at church. We are doing a series on the eras and how God has worked through all of them. This coming weekend is the 40's. I am doing my best to recreate "Victory rolls". I had a dry run earlier this week and it went pretty well. I am going to have to take pictures and post them. Next week is the 50's so I am going to have to start doing research on hairdo's. I am still trying to figure out what to do with the kiddos schedule. I have to be there to start doing hair at 2 on Saturday and will probably be there until 8ish. Should be interesting, I was honored to be asked.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Back to square one

Got a call tonight from Victoria's sister Megan. Seems as though Tina got picked up by the Louisville police for a charge back in 2006. She said it happened during the snow storm we had. They are hold her and awaiting a court date. Don't know how long it will be or what the charges are. All I know is again she is gone and as far as Victoria knows right now her "mommy Tina" couldn't talk to her on the phone because she was at work. Will this ever end??

Trash can swap

Anyone in the area knows what I am talking about. We had some wicked winds yesterday. Victoria the babies and I drove over to the church and hung out during the storm warning. We have a storm shelter here in The Pines but it is basically a basement under storage units with one TV that you can't hear and a room full of senior citizens. Fine for me but not for the little ones. Plus everyone in the neighboorhood heads there and you have to park so far away that it isn't worth leaving the driveway, just walk there from home. The rain started and the winds picked up, the babies were asleep and I needed a game plan. I quickly ran into the kitchen and made pb&j sandwiches and some snacks and threw the kids in the car and headed over to church where they have an awning to get the kids out of the car without drowning them and a play area. Victoria explained to the office staff we were there to be safe but know that God is going to take care of us. We wondered around the church for about an hour or so till the winds subsided a bit and headed home.

This is where the trash can swap comes into play. After every wind storm we all have new trash cans. Yesterday was trash day and everyone set out there cans and headed to work. Empty trash cans and 50 mph winds don't mix well. I finally recovered ours and returned a few that I recognized and dodged several in the road making my way home. Minimal damage to the house just underpinning popped out and our swing toppled over. We are safe and have electricity. From what I understand about 14,000 in the area are without. We must have super electricity here in our home.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


In the fall this year my lilies started to take off again. They are about 3 inches tall and green as can be. I find it odd that after our ice storm that they are still just as green as they were when they first started to grow. We have had snow storms, ice storms, not to mention that it is Feb. and those little boogers are still standing strong. I was checking them out the other day and thoughts started pouring into my mind. They reminded me of God. Through all of the power outages, even lost lives during this past storm, those lilies (like God) are still there. Just like in life we can have storms of all kinds, family drama, financial drama, sickness, or something as simple as a child that won't quit biting his twin sister (not mentioning any names) that God is ALWAYS there. He is there protecting you and sheltering you. Even when you can't see him because you are blinded by the storm. May God give you all, myself included, the determination of lilies during a storm to survive it and be standing strong even if you are a baby Lilly 3 inches tall.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My how time flies

Seems as though I have been busy since James has been home. I haven't posted in a while. Things have been good. Still a whole lot of stuff truck related going on. I got to go with James in the truck for a night while the grandparents watched the kids. I just love going with him. I love the view. You can see so much while up in the air that high. I was proud of myself I usually fall asleep while he is driving. I always sleep so well in the bunk as he is driving down the road. The humming of the engine and the vibration of the road just sends me into la la land and within a hour I am snoozing. This time I made it awake the whole way. It was nice to catch up with him and get some uninterrupted time talking without responsibilities getting in the way.

He is starting with his new company Rush next week. He has found a dedicated run going back and forth from Cincinnati 2ce a day, 5 days a week. He will not be farther than an hour and a half from home. I am not sure if that means that he will be home every night or not but it will be great to have him so close to home while still bringing in a decent paycheck. We will be able to stick with a budget and know what is coming in the bank account on a weekly basis and eliminate the guess work. We both are really excited about that.

Tonight I have a little bit of hair to do then I am off with Mom for a much needed girl's night. Mom and all of her buddies go dancing at Starbase Q, one of the local gay bars in Louisville. It is always a fun night watching men in tiaras line dancing. Last time I went with Mom they were having a drag night I could go on and on about the sights of that night. You gotta love gay bar night with your mother. LOL!