Thursday, June 30, 2011

Swamp thing

Today will go down in history as the day that I faced the beast.  That is the fountain in the front yard.  I really should have done a before and after pic but was afraid that the before would make you gag.  It was pretty bad!  I grabbed the shop vac and went to war on the green scum that made the water almost solid.  Then there was a full tree of leaves down on the bottom under the scum.  I grabbed this massive shop vac and got it hooked up and stuck the hose in the water.  Two inches of the nastiness was gone with one full shop vac full.  I tried my best to maintain control of the weight of the vac on wheels down my driveway as it is downhill.  I am holding on by the hose for dear life as if I am walking a pit bull down my driveway.  It hits a crack where the driveway hits the concrete and SPLASH!  "Try not to puke. Try not to puke." I empty it out with some assistance of my gloved hand clearing the hole and head back up to the pond.  I put the lid back on and turn it on as Addison is walking out of the garage by me.  Water starts spraying out of the top like a fire hydrant.  I forgot to make sure that the seal was tight around the lid and Addison is running for cover from the yucky rain.  I was determined to not give up.  By the 4th full shop vac of water I was a pro and was leaning into the water digging stuff out with my rubber gloves (grosser but MUCH faster) and then jumped into my empty pond to scrub the liner with some Spic and Span.  By this time I feel like I am deep in the jungle somewhere determined to complete my mission.  I get it all wiped down and start to work on the fountain.  I get my trusty little screwdriver out unscrew the thing and start to clean the filters.  By this time my mother in law pulls up and says "D*MN You go girl! That looks good!!"  My mother in law has complimented me maybe 3 times that I can remember.  The pond, my chicken salad and allowing one time for something I forgot in case my hubby reads this and reminds me of another time.  :)  I was walking in the clouds. We filled it up with water and pulled that bad boy in.  I now have a clean pond in my front yard with a working fountain.  Uh huh! Oh yeah! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Starting to shape up

Wow what a day of work.  Spent most of the morning still scrubbing grease off of the stove.  My mil showed up wanting the pick up truck and a load in it to take to the trailer.  I have been wanting access to my kitchen stuff in the garage so I happily agreed to help.  Wow that was some work.  I loaded up the rest of the stuff in the garage of hers along with hauling some boxes up the stairs with the furniture dolly.  My back was killing me but it was worth it to get that stuff out of my house.  :) 

My mom showed up as we were taking a small break on the front porch and we came in the kitchen and started knocking out boxes of mine.  We unloaded my plastic food storage containers that I have been wanting so bad.  They were buried on the bottom along with all of my kitchen appliances and extra pots and pans.  I have been working with a skeleton kitchen for a while now. 

After a while of unpacking I headed outside to mow the lawn for the first time by myself.  I was a bit nervous.  Sounds so silly but I was most nervous about backing the riding mower out of the shed on the ramp.  lol.  I turned the key to NOTHING.  It wouldn't start and the battery light was flashing.  I was so discouraged and ready for tears as I was trying not to pass out from push mowing edges of the yard and trimming down an unruly bush in the back yard by hand and cleaned it up. I called my husband and gave him a gentle "You left the key on and now the battery is dead!" as he was the last one to mow the yard.  I walked all the way around to the garage and grabbed the battery charger and drug it through the house back out into the front yard.  Quite a big thing and heavy to boot!  James asked me if I was in neutral when I tried to start the mower and I told him "No I was in reverse to back out of the shed."  He responded "The mower has to be in neutral to start Honey."  I wanted to launch that battery charger across the yard.  I believe my sweet mother who was helping me get caught up on some laundry and helping organize my utility room put it back in the garage as I don't remember putting it away and it is no longer on the porch.  Thanks mom!  I was off on my mower and didn't fall off of the ramps!  SUCCESS!  The yard looks great in the back and then I moved around to the front yard.  I moved mom's car out of the way and fired up my push mower again to mow the little strip of grass that runs between the sidewalk and the road.  It is about 30 feet long and would take two swipes.  I ran out of gas half way through my first and it is going to stay that way!  lol!

We got so much done and I fixed an awesome dinner.  So easy and SO GOOD! 
All you have to do is grab your crock pot put in some frozen chicken breasts, a can of salsa (I used the corn and black bean), a can of black beans (or any that you prefer) and a packet of taco seasoning.  (I used the McCormick Chicken taco) and let it cook till you can shred the chicken.  I cooked up some brown rice and wrapped it up in whole wheat tortillas and sprinkled a little cheese on top and stuck it in the oven just long enough to melt the cheese.  OH MY GOSH it is sooo good.  You don't have to put it in the oven you can add the rice to the tortilla or just the chicken mixture.  I bet it would freeze up well too but I haven't had a batch yet make it to left overs.  Seriously you have to try this!

After the kids went to bed I grabbed the special box that I have been waiting to open, my Willow tree figurines.  I placed my Mother's Day gift of my sweet girl holding the Welcome Home wreath right on the mantle and she just lit up the room.  I am starting to feel like I am home.  Let me rephrase that I am starting to feel like I am at my home that needs a lot of paint and wallpaper removal.  :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bedroom #1

This morning I awoke to knocking at my door.  Our love seat that was to be delivered at 10 was delivered at 9.  They stuck it right in the middle of the living room as there was no place else to put it.  Our living room is filled!  I called James as I was starting my coffee IV and told him I had good news and bad news.  Good news was we have our love seat now but the bad news is that we can either watch TV or change the channels.  lol!  The love seat was sitting perpendicular to the couch and the TV.  lol

My mom came back by today and helped me attack the master bedroom.  We worked our tails off!  All the boxes are unpacked in their and put away. So much stuff carried down to the basement and we moved the furniture around in the living room to accommodate that love seat.  The room looks so good!  I can't wait to put a fresh coat of paint in there. We have our curtains hung and even carried a wing back chair that Vicki gave us from downstairs up into the room to provide a perfect place for bedtime stories.  We still need to put the bed up on the rails but we are waiting for some headboard options.  I used the canvas that I found at TJ Maxx a while back in our bedroom as it has so many beautiful colors in it and it goes so well with my charcoal quilt. That will save us money on bedding and takes a bit of sting off of for telling me that their was a comforter on the way when their wasn't.  It will be beautiful!

After all of our hard work we treated ourselves to some DQ and then was off to church with the kids and back home after some grocery shopping.  Fun day along with a productive one is a great combo. Can't wait to go to my room and hang out!

Friday, June 24, 2011

A long drive

Get me away from the boxes for a while!  My mom called me a couple of days ago with a crazy idea.  I agreed and at 9:00 this morning we packed up the kiddos and took "a long drive".  I was so excited and worn out from unpacking that I forgot to get the kids breakfast at a drive thru and about the time we hit Georgetown Victoria yelled from the back seat "Um, are we going to eat?"  How funny!  Ok a couple of sausage biscuits from DQ and we were off on 64.  We drove and drove and the kids didn't have a clue to where we were going and the boredom set in about 15 minutes into our drive.  When we hit exit 63 and turned left still no reaction.  But when they saw that brightly colored water tower saying Holiday World the back seat erupted into screams and even genuine tears from Victoria.  "OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THIS FEELS SOOOO GOOD!"

Upon entering the gate we find out that Victoria has now reached the height of 48 inches and is legal to ride a "real" roller coaster!  She rode all three that they offer at Holiday World.  The Voyage left us with cotton mouth from wide open screams with no breaks to catch our breath.  We returned to exit the ride looking like fire marshal Bill from Mad TV. She is hooked.  I didn't think that she would ride the Voyage and would shy away but she was all for it.  When we got off the ride we went in to see our pics.  Mom was standing there with us and the lady searched for our pic and then put it up on the screen.  The pic was 8 dollars but I wanted to offer her 12 to take it off the big TV screen.  I thought I wanted gravity to be nice to me but all of the "overhang" on me lifted up at 60+ miles per hour was NOT attractive!  LOL!  I think I'll let gravity have it's way with me. 

Anthony and Addison got to ride quite a bit this year and Anthony drove the little cars and took mommy for a ride. He looked so serious with his eyebrows down watching the road.  He said he looked just like daddy in his semi truck.  This is kind of hard in a old fashioned car but he pulled it off.  The twins rode the little canoes....and got kicked off for splashing and rocking the boats.  It was sad and hilarious at the same time.  The poor kid that drew the short straw to have to man this ride closed the gate and walked back to lift my kids off of the boats and told them to "Go to your mom."  I just stood there with my head held down and scooped up my kids and walked away.  I hope that they don't have a mug shot of them at the front gate saying NO RIDE!  They said that their favorite was the bumper cars in the water.  Addison didn't even scream when she got off of the carousel saying "Neigh neigh neigh" like last year.

We had a ball!  I wish we could go every day. Addison entertained us with her story of her wedding that took place yesterday to her husband Coco. She informed us that she also had a boyfriend named Coco and that the lived in a purple house with a cat dog and child all named Bella and they drove their purple car with a big horn on top of it with a license plate that say HONK HONK!  Very interesting story.  I just wonder when she is going to bring him over for dinner.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We are so in!

I am sitting in my new kitchen listening to my dish washer behind me wash my dishes smiling from ear to ear.  Life is good I'm tellin ya!  The move went well considering two households of stuff had to pass each other to make it work.  Thank you to all of my family that helped make it happen. 

I just don't know what to do with myself with all of this space!  I believe James told me it was about 3,000 square feet we have now.  With the front and back yard along with the huge back deck we have so much room to breathe!  The stress has been just melting away from our family this week.  Granted we still have stress like realizing that the roof leaks by the fireplace and helping Vicki transition into her new house and into life as a widow, but it is so nice to have some privacy. To not be stuck in each other's faces 24 hours a day. 

The kids playroom down stairs is set up (not painted yet) but set up and the kids feel like they are in the toy department in Target.  There is something about putting toys on display that makes them new and irresistible.  Not to mention the fact that they haven't seen them in a month and have been living on slim pickin of toys in their rooms as things were packed away. 

The wallpaper is up for the time being as most of my time has been spent cleaning the house and giving it some TLC.  The kitchen needed a lot of elbow grease and I am coming to terms with not having my new cook top stove.  Gas stoves cook quickly which is handy but I have already burned a batch of scrambled eggs and broccoli.  I'll get the hang of it though.  We have the dish washer figured out now after running it 4 times before we found that the water wasn't hooked up to it.  We are figuring things out and learning the ropes of our new space.

The first morning in our house we were greeted by some adorable rainbow cupcakes on our front door (Thanks Jill!)  and a bright sun showing in our windows.  The kids got to go outside and play on the swing set and we grilled out some amazing pork chops on the grill outside.  There is nothing like the smell of food on the grill and my kids cackling laughter in the background.  Aw this is GREAT!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Just a quick blog break...

The day is finally here and I am stoked!  I just have some finishing touches packing to take care of and my parents are on their way over to entertain the kids so that I can get it done.  The kids are climbing the walls with excitement.  The house looks like a storage unit and the walls seems so strange bare.  I have to admit that it is a little bitter sweet to leave.  The extra room is so needed and we are ready to embrace that but leaving behind the memories of this house is hard.  Even the bad memories. Those are the ones that bend and stretched our family and made us even stronger.  We learned a lot of lessons in this house that we will carry onto the next one.  I am excited about the memories to come in the new house.  Watching my kids grow up, the kids first day of Kindergarten, even graduation parties.  Will I be rocking my grandchildren on the front porch?  That is a long long way away but it is fun to think about.  Good times are ahead and good time are left behind.  Remembering them with a smile.  :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ya ready?

I would say I am getting there.  I have the house pretty much packed up but still have more to go.  It is hard to maintain a house and figure out what we are going to need access to and what can be packed away.  The most challenging thing is where to put the packed boxes until James makes it home to take them over to the house. 

James is on his way home right now from Texas. He said that he will be hitting the house around 5am and then we are going to get started around 12ish tomorrow.  There is supposed to be rain and I am not sure what that means for our move.  James had me look up Uhaul service to see if we could find one available for tomorrow so that we could pack up stuff and it not get drenched.  I am a nervous wreck but maintaining.  Change is good right?  I just don't do well if there is no plan and I am having a hard time with the weather and schedules getting a plan laid out.  I will just wake up tomorrow and go with the flow I guess.  Fingers crossed that this is quick and painless.  I am not sure if I am losing my computer tomorrow or not (if it will get moved) so give me a week or so to update and post some more pics. This is a big change in our life and we hope that it is the beginning of a more relaxed time in our family. With more room to give each other space and room to grow a bit along with the back yard to let the kids get some energy out I am hoping that our family can finally relax and not be so high strung.  I pray that the repairs that my mother in law is wanting to get done on the trailer is done quickly and that our time living together is quick and that everyone gets along in the process.  That is my biggest prayer!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day #2 of the garage.

I am not sure we would be standing if there hadn't been some headway on the garage before we started yesterday.  Wow there is a LOT of stuff.  I can't complain much I know we have tons of stuff as well.  I have never seen so many set of sockets, screwdrivers, and any kind of tool you could want in my life.  WOW!  Quite a mess to get through. We tore out a cabinet to make room for boxes as the cabinet was busted on the bottom and couldn't be used anymore.  I got to use a crow bar on it and I have to admit I felt pretty powerful, now I feel just feel old.  Oh my back.

We are going to install a new garage door and air conditioner in the garage tomorrow I believe if James makes it back through and hopefully Vicki will have more stuff packed that we can load out of there.  We of course still have a long way to go.  I am going to be packing my brains out so if you want to come see me I will be in a sea of boxes.  Stop by and bring a roll of packing tape.  :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Keep on moving don't stop

I believe I lost some weight yesterday in perspiration.  Wow it was hot in that garage!  After church the kids and I headed over to our future house to start clearing out the garage with Daddy (who just hit the driveway on his way from Florida).  Church was great as I am really enjoying the "There's an app for that" series that we are doing. Vicki did come with us and was waiting right inside the door for us.  I was so glad she came.  I gave her the tour and she was getting a kick out of all of the stuff that the church had for the kids.  Besides her blurting out "Oh sh*t!" when her phone rang loudly the second time during service I believe it went pretty well.  :/ .

We made some headway in the garage as we have the closet in the garage cleared out and the whole left wall going in cleared.  We sweated our brains out and the kids looked like they had been dipped in tar from playing on the driveway but I loved every second of it.  They are going to have so much fun in that yard!  I loved watching them have the space to not be in each other's face the entire time.  We are going in the garage today again and going to get it finished hopefully.  Time to sweat out another 5 lbs!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beside myself

I have been asking for years!  Today God moved and my mother in law is coming to church with us today.  I am so excited.  James isn't even going to make it home to go with us and she is going anyway.  This is huge folks!  I have a feeling today is going to be another really good day!

Fabulous finds!

Had a great day today. My buddy Crissy came over today to get a haircut and stayed for lunch.  I have been trying to eat healthier and take better care of myself and fixed an AWESOME salad today and only had one soda.  Trying to get my energy and drive back. 

After lunch I took Crissy to where her booth is at a craft store in Shively. Got to love "Lively Shively". It is like a world in itself. I helped her put some finishing touches on her booth (looks super cute) and then we headed over to the peddlers mall that used to be Dillards on Dixie. I found a cute shade for 2 dollars that is a long cylinder that will look great hanging with a light set up.  Really excited about it but not sure where I am going to put it yet. For 2 dollars I can afford to make a mistake or even use some fabric adhesive and attach something to it that will match where I put it. 

My quest for what to do with the living room was resolved today during my wandering through TJ Maxx!  That store should be illegal!  I found this awesome print that has the purplish burgundy along with the red brick on the fireplace in the living room. Still not sure what color to paint that horrible wood paneling but check this out!

How great is that?!?!  Such rich colors that didn't really show up on this pic but check out that turquoise that I LOVE!  Some yellow too?  Sure I'll take that.  Want to know that best part?  For this lovely piece that is about 2X2....

Can't beat that can ya?  For 10 dollars I have a color scheme for the living room.  I can make some awesome pillow covers for the couch using all of those fun colors.  Maybe paint the living room a nice light clean gray?

My next steal came from there as well.  I swear these were made for me.  I am really into circles right now can ya tell?  I found these gems that say Family, Faith, and Friends.  In the other circles there are descriptions that are really cool that form another circle too. 

 Again want to know the best part?  These 3 prints are about 10X10....
Incredible!  I couldn't have painted these myself for that prices.  The canvas that they are on is worth more than that!

I asked Victoria which of the two upstairs rooms that she wanted not sure how she would feel about having Papaw's room.  My sweet tender hearted girl is a bit unpredictable on how she will react to things dealing with loss but she expressed that she would like to have Papaw room.  The problem it has dark blue carpet and there is nothing blue in her room. I found this at Target marked down 10 dollars.

So cute it is reversible and the other side is white with the same flowers so she can pick which way she wants her bed and can change it whenever she wants.  This was marked down to $50 but comes with sheets too.  So I reasoned that is it basically TWO comforters, sheet set, and pillow sham and there is no way that I could purchase those separately for $50 and with the money I saved on the prints I made out like a bandit! 

Did I mention that the kids were AMAZING today.  Victoria was hanging out with Mamaw as she got out of the hospital yesterday and is feeling much better.  (Her diet put her in the hospital as all test showed nothing wrong.)  Anthony was walking in stores and telling people excuse us then turning to me and saying "Mom I use good manners!"  Way to go kid.  I was just reading my buddy Jill's blog and she was talking about her son and his manners.  I am just glad that my kids show them every once in a while.  :)  I am sleeping with a smile on my face. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trying to stay positive

Got a call from James last night that his mom was sent to the hospital after fainting at work.  Her blood pressure was super low and they are possibly doing a heart cath on her sometime soon.  They did a stress test and are waiting on the results.  They of course are telling her that stress is taking a toll on her even though she is denying it.  We went to see her today at the hospital and she seems to look well and just complaining about not having any energy.  Prayers are appreciated.

James is a bit stressed but hopeful because his work offered him a load paying exceptionally well going to Canada.  Basically with this load we will be a week ahead and will allow him to take the week off to move two house holds.  The drawback we were set to move on the 18th of this month and this load (if it happens) guarantees that he will not be home that weekend and may not be home until after that weekend making him gone from home for about 3 weeks now if not more.  He wasn't home last weekend and will probably not make it home this weekend either.  I am happy that there is work for him don't get me wrong but it is hard to not get discouraged a bit.  Trying to keep things in perspective and know that we WILL be moving just not in the time that we would like to.  BTW got a flyer in my mailbox tonight that the neighborhood yard sale (while awesome) is going to be taking place on the weekend of the 18th making it even more difficult to make this happen. 

Please don't misunderstand I want Mamaw to be healthy and for her to be out of the hospital for her health not just for the move to happen but it just seems that signs are pointing that the move date is again going to be pushed back.  I guess this allows for more time to pack stuff that still needs to be packed up.  The problem is just getting the space to store the stuff in our home until this actually happens. My house is cluttered enough without feeling like I am living in a storage unit.  Ugh. Sorry, thanks for listening to me vent just a bit discouraged and worried about my mother in law.

On a side note while out shopping today Addison got in the car and was getting in her seat.  I had not started the car to get the air conditioner running and she put her hand in front of the vent and looked at me so disappointed and said "Oh man, we ran out of air!"  While leaving the hospital Anthony looked at me and asked if we could walk out the window (i.e. the revolving door). Such cute things to say to brighten my day.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Victoria hitting bottom.

Yesterday we had an awesome time at Aunt Punkin's house celebrating Kirstie's graduation.  Addison had a freak accident while sitting on the couch and peed all oer my sisters couch.  She was just sitting there playing my nieces DS and started yelling "Im peeing!"  We got her cleaned up and I had to think of a second on what to put her in to wear as her clothes were wet.  Her swimsuit!  I told the kids that I wasn't sure if we were going to go swimming or not and not to bug me about it that I will let them know if we are.  Addison walked out of the bedroom in her suit and was strutting even though the bottoms were too big and falling off of her.  A little boyfriend she made came and sat by her and Addison said "Look I have  a swimsuit on" while admiring herself.  He said "Are you going swimming?" and without missing a beat Addison started running her fingers along her bikini top and in her matter of fact I am awesome tone she said "Nooooo I just peed on my Aunt Punkin's couch." I really wish I could have had a sound bite so you could have heard her delivery.  It was priceless!  So casual, so distracted by her own beauty to realize that she was saying something completely hilarious. The little boy took off laughing.  Later on in the evening he left with his daddy and Addison picked him a flower (I am watching across the yard) unprompted and he took it and said "I love it!" and gave her a hug.  So stinking cute go to love a guy that doesn't care if your not house broken. :)

  This year's first swim made me cry.  First of all Victoria can now touch the bottom of the pool.  She was so excited.  She was "swimming" with her floaties for dear life and I asked her "Can you touch now?".  She got her arms and legs calmed down and I could tell by the look of surprise and disbelief that she could indeed touch the bottom.  I remember that feeling as a kids.  It is that "I have arrived!" moment in childhood that you see the evidence of growing and getting bigger.  I was starting to get misty eyed about that when Addison did me in.  She let go of mommy with her floaties on and took off in the water all by herself.  (tear)  Where are the pills that you can give them to get them to stop growing?  My babies are growing way to fast!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Family fun day

We hate it when James isn't home on the weekend.  It just really stinks so I try to get us out of the house as much as possible.  We met up with Grandma and Grandpa today at the movie theatre.  Kung Fu Panda 2 was super cute. The kids really enjoyed it and us grown ups did too. 

Church was great!  We started a new series called there is an app for that and the series started with the topic "suffering well".  Good stuff!  Afterwards we wanted to get something to eat and was looking for something to do different than eating at church so we headed down the road to Cracker Barrel and chowed down!! We learned that Addison when she is full her "belly is crowded".

Such a great time today.  The kids went to bed shortly after getting home and man they slept like rocks.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hips don't lie

Yep the hips on me don't lie.  I'm getting old and can't bounce back like I used to. The flea market set up and tear down along with the concrete floor for four days on top of trying to pack up a house has done me in.  Something as simple as a cough has me out of commission.  I fell asleep on the couch last night and Addison woke me by sitting on my stomach and leaning over to give me a kiss.  I went into a coughing fit and the first one moved something in my right hip sending me to tears.  I have spent my day on the couch with nurse Victoria who has taken very good care of me.  We have watched movie after movie and went low key making breakfast food for dinner tonight.  Starting to feel a bit better and fingers crossed tomorrow I will be able to be a bit more productive.