Friday, August 31, 2012

We're 5!!

For the twins today couldn't come fast enough, but for me I could wait another 20 years.  My babies are turning 5!  They woke up to balloons all over the floor in their rooms.  They were supposed to wake up to balloons on their walls but apparently duct tape doesn't hold balloons too well and there wasn't many options while oxygen deprived at 11pm from blowing up 50 balloons.  Good thing I quit smoking huh?

 Addison had a hard time getting ready for the day without getting "distracted".  lol  We told Grandma to come meet us and mommy wouldn't tell us where we were going.  She only told us all to put on play clothes.  So mysterious!
 The first thing that we did was go to Chic-fil-a for breakfast.  We love us some Chick-fil-a and don't get to take advantage of their breakfast often.  I had to take a pic of Anthony's oatmeal as Addison called one particular piece of apple a shark.  Such imagination.  After breakfast we met up with Grandma at our house and mom took us to the mysterious location.  We were all confused as we took off down a road that we haven't been down before.  We pulled up in the parking lot of a big building with SIGS on the side of it.  Mom explained that she was about to rock our world and boy did she!  She took us to a program called "Bounce Time"  We had the whole gym to play in.  For $16 we got the hours to.....
 Jump in the "Cheese Pit" about 400 times, giving mom great photo ops!
                                         Pretend that we are Superman
                                     Jump together while yelling "FIVE!"
                                            Swing on the rope swing
                          Give a little "Anything you can do I can do better."
                                                   Hang upside down
                                       Hang upside down while swinging
             Play with mommy and watch mommy find out just hold old SHE is.  :)
                                 And leave with our socks loooking like this
                      But not before we had one more go on the trampoline floor.
We all had a blast! We left soaking wet as a matter of fact Anthony was so wet that everywhere he would put his head left a wet mark on the mats.  That kid was getting a work out.

We loved Bounce time!  It was a great way to get rid of the obnoxiousness extra energy that we have given mommy the past week.  We told mommy over and over that this was the best Birthday ever and that we was so glad that mommy brought us there.  We want a do over!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The start of T-ball

 It didn't take Addison 2 seconds to set up her area. She has been wanting to break out this chair for Tball for quite some time now.  She has to make sure that her water is set up and all is in the correct spot.
" I can't believe I am here and that I FINALLY get to play."  He was so pumped!  This was the point where mommy put on her glasses so that nobody could see the tear welling up in my eyes.
 Anthony and his coach.  He was so excited to hear that he had a female coach.  He said I hope that she is pretty!  My, that boy is going to be a handful. When he caught the ball he would throw it back to his coach look over at me and point his finger to me like "That was for you mommy!" Melted my heart!
 Sock it to em buddy!  He really enjoyed hitting the ball.
Then they ran the bases. The coach had them run the bases and yell out the name of the base as they hit it.  This was hilarious as Anthony kept getting messed up and the more laps he took the more he would mess up. Such as this lap where he said 16th for 3rd base and got mad at himself about half way home.  Such a nut!

What a hunk!

While chatting with my nephew online about college life and feeding him and his 3 buddies he lives with it reminded me of something that I needed to tell him about.  Something I would like to look back on my blog in years to come and remember.  While at Meijer last night getting anything that was not nailed down and chocolate we walked by a huge display of Coors Light.  Anthony gave it the once over and said "There is beer!  That is what Tyler (my nephew) got on his (21st) Birthday!  A big hunk of beer!"  I fell out laughing in the store.  "A what?!" I said.  "Mom I said a hunk of beer."  I had to share with him.  Next time Tyler takes off to a party and needs to bring a case of beer with him I am sure that he will think of his cousin back home and get a chuckle.  I am sure that the term applies to Coke and Pepsi as well.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

13X9 brick about sums it up!

Today is quite the intense day!  I started out doing some AMAZING hair on a friend of mine.  She went super blonde and it turned out great!  That was the good part of my day. 

About 20 minutes after she left the people at Lowes arrived at my house with the man that installed our new dishwasher.  You see the yard sale was for a new one as the old one appeared to be leaking so much so that had a spot of black mold in the basement corner.  Quite fun! Victoria sleeping in the living room black plastic hanging floor to ceiling to block off the area to get rid of it. Better safe than sorry right?  So we had the successful yard sale and bought a new one for about the total profit of the yard sale. 

Guess what?  The leak is still there!  I love the dishwasher. Does a great job and even has a sanitizing feature that I love.  But..... I would have rather used the money on a plumber bill instead.  I bite my tongue as my husband is just as frustrated and I don't want to be a nagging wife. 

Anywho, James called Lowes to make sure that they installed correctly. They were very sweet to return to my home and was able to find the problem.  The water is coming down the wall in the basement under the kitchen from the drain. It is escaping the pipe somewhere upstairs as the water is leaking under the cabinets and entering the hole where my dish washer is inserted into my kitchen.  That is why we thought it was the dishwasher, we was wrong.  So we now have black mold under our kitchen sink and was advised to knock down the wall under my sink and the bottom of the cabinet under the sink. 

I am trying not to complain too much but I am REALLY sick of dealing with water issues in this house.  I love my home don't get me wrong and have even made peace with the burgundy carpet. I know if I hang onto it long enough I will be back in style  :)  I appreciate the fact that we are no longer on top of one another in the house and we have more space etc.  I also understand that many, far too many actually have clean water accessible to them and that I have as much as I want available to me.  I just want it to stay in the pipes. 

On another note my husband is on his way home from California and isn't here to personally handle the problem.  So I wait and while I wait he has asked me to not run the dishwasher and not to let water down the sink.  He wants it as dry as he can get it so that Eric our plumber can come and fix the problem for us.  I decided to not freak out and cry and to just make a batch of brownies.  Chocolate could fix this right?

Tonight my mom came over and I had fixed meatloaf (already in the oven before I got the "don't use the sink" news) and she was gracious enough to assist me in washing the dishes in the bathroom in my tiny sink with spacious counter and freshly painted base. :)  I washed in the sink and then transferred into the bathtub to rinse.  My bathroom floor got cleaned in the process as well.  My back is KILLING me from the painting of the cabinet the highlight that I did today and not getting to the chiropractor in two weeks for my decompression.  I am about in tears at this point from frustration and laughter as my mom is sitting on the toilet drying the dishes while I wash.  Victoria is making trips to the bathroom picking up dry dishes and taking them back into the kitchen to put them away. 

Are you aware of how loud washing your dishes in the bathroom is?  I didn't realize myself until I started smelling something burning.  Something chocolate burning.  Crap! My brownies.  I didn't hear the buzzer got off and my brownies are burnt to a crisp!
Yep folks that about sums it up a 13X9 brick of brownie.  We headed out shortly after setting my smoking pan out on the front porch to get a chocolate bunt cake from Meijer.  While there I found a T-shirt fitting of the day it says.  Plan for the day: 1. Wake up 2. Survive 3.Go back to bed.  Believe I will wear that tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Today I had a thousand things I wanted to do and the energy for none of them.  Isn't that the way it usually goes?  I did manage to get a batch of white chili in the crock pot and in no time my house was smelling delish!  I needed a red pepper and had been craving watermelon since I went to my parents yesterday so I looked at ads online to see if anyone had watermelon on sale.  What I did find was that Kroger had their tubs of Kool Aid on their 10 for 10 again.  I just recently ran out of Lemonade about a month ago from the 30 that I bought last time they had that sale.  I had the kids throw on come clothes and I took off to Kroger to get my red pepper, watermelon and about 40 tubs of Kool Aid with a quick stop at Home Depot in case I did start my project.

Kroger did not disappoint!  ANY flavor of Kool Aid was included in the deal along with Country Time lemonade and pink lemonade.  I started digging and within a few seconds my cart was full of Kool Aid burying my watermelon and red pepper (what I needed in the first place).  When I made my way to the check out the sweet lady said "Someone liked Kool Aid!"  I told her "Yes and we like this price!"  She started ringing up and the original price was 2.79 a tub.  By the time she got finished ringing up my 40 tubs she was blown away that I had saved $112.00!  I was a bit excited too and the people behind me in line as well.  I got drunk off of the savings and went back in to get another 40 tubs.  I know a bit obsessive but when you drink as much as we do around here it adds up very fast.  I wished I had purchased more last time that I went and have been keeping my eye out on the ads to see when the sale would happen again. 

Once we got home we had to unload all of them.  I needed a wheel barrel!  I backed the car in and unloaded right into my mudroom/pantry where I have my new shelves.  I asked Addison and Anthony to come and help me and Addison comes down the hallway in this....
 I hear ya fancy girl!  She was a huge help with her brother as they unloaded the bags and handed me each one so that I could stack them on the shelf.  My pantry now looks like Kroger itself.
 Once I got done with my stocking I started in on the house.  Someone came in and messed it up while we were gone. ;)  I got a burst of energy and decided to quit procrastinating and just get started on my vanity.  I have wanted to paint it for some time now and never gotten around to it.  I have regretted painting the walls that dark brown ever since we packed up the paint that day but it is just paint and paint can be covered right?!  So a quick review this is what we started with.  I had already taken the drawers out and started painting before I ran down the hallway afraid I wouldn't get my before shot. 
 Now about an hour later and a couple of coats I have this!  I LOVE IT!  I am going to put some brushed silver drawer pulls on it as well.  I found the poster hanging over the toilet while at Walmart the other day.  I love the colors and words so I grabbed it for the hallway and it is going to end up in my bathroom as my inspiration.  I am thinking maybe a mustard yellow for the walls now.  Can't be as bold as the sh*t brown right?  Of course this means that I will be replacing the shower curtain yet again.  I have only had it for maybe a month and a half.  For about $50 I have a "new" vanity.  Well worth the money I say!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Going to see the Crashers!!

Sellersburg Celebrates time!  Ironically last year when we went I was unaware until last minute.  I remember the mad dash to get to the parade route. This year I found out via FB  where I get all of my news.  I packed up the kids we got some breakfast and headed out with our chairs.  Breakfast went great until mommy spilled her coke on the sidewalk.  The parade was great but this wasn't the main event.

Look at that face!  Anthony has talked all day about going to see the Louisville Crashers.  First thing this morning he said "Today is the day!"  We got home from the parade, took a shower, went to church and then I took them to Olive Garden.  Anthony has been begging me to take him to the place with the grapes on the sign.  I believe he thought it was a produce stand. That boy does love fruit and salads. Strange I know for a kid but he could eat his weight in salad.  We flew home to put or leftovers in the fridge and hosed down in bug spray. 

We followed the crowd (and boy was there a crowd) to the parking field.  We walked every bit of 1/2 mile carrying our chairs on our shoulders to get a place very far away from the stage as there was what seemed to be billions of people there.  Anthony was a bit disappointed in the seats as we were right up to the stage last time we saw them there and made it into their Small Town video.  He was pumped still though as you can tell by the look on his face.  The Crashers hit the stage and they were both up on their feet clapping and dancing.  The second song Anthony was seated and the third song he leaned over to me and said "Can I play with your phone this is kinda boring."  My jaw hit the ground.  Um buddy Mommy worked her whole day around this event and your bored three songs in???  I really think that his hopes of making it into another video was crushed.  We walked back to our car exhausted and scared to death as there was NO LIGHTS to light the way and I finally had the realization that I had a flashlight app on my phone.  We made it to the car safely parked along a heavily wooded tree line where wild animals and serial killers waited in the shadows I am sure of it.  Anthony was asleep before we got out of the field.  What us mommys do for our little ones.  I love the Crashers and would have loved to have stayed but believe that fighting the traffic out of there would be a nightmare. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pre Birthday Celebration

 Today Grandma and Mommy took us to Frasier Museum.  Mom and Grandma seemed to like it quite a bit but around level 2 we started getting bored.  Then Grandma decided to take us to Build-a-Bear workshop.  Anthony picked out a cute little monkey that he named "Monka".  Anthony stood on the pedal to stuff the bear and we found that the stomach had a hole in it and stuffing shot all over the place.  Quite funny.
 Addison helped pick up the stuffing on the floor.  We were all covered.
 Addison is on a Hello Kitty kick and she picked this pink one.  We found a matching outfit that is cheetah print with Hello Kitties in it too.

Monka and Hello Kitties little sister have already made a trip to the boat for the buffet and to Target.  They are well broken in already.  Of course the boxes are as well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How did this...

Turn to this?

  Where did the time go.  Again mommy choked up pulling into the parking lot with my kids as this is the last year that we can head off to the fair during a school day.  Lord help me the first day of school.  I already cry over it at the drop of the hat.  We had so much fun.  We hit up our favorite parts, the horse show, the border collies, the tricycle safety town, the funnel cakes and the corn dogs!!  Mommy is going to miss being able to sneak away with you when the crowds are light during the day.  Enjoyed making memories with you today.

Monday, August 20, 2012

My romantic boy

My sweet boy is going to be such a good boyfriend.  He found this gem that I was trying to sell in the yard sale.  A pink Barbie keyboard that was purchased for Victoria and was removed from her room a short week after.  I am sure my sister was getting me back from stealing Merlin all of those years.  He scooped it up and in a moment that I needed to be reminded he sang this song to me.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Yard sale prizes!

After a successful yard sale this weekend James decided to be superdad and purchase the twins b-day present early this year.  While heading to Walmart to deposit our loot from the sale the kids wanted to show him the bikes that they had been eyeballing.  We decided to go ahead and get them with a bit of denial that my babies are old enough for a 16 inch bike.  Addison got home with her princess bike and found that the brakes were rubbing because the tire was bent.  We decided to take it back and found no other biked that she liked.  After 3 other stops in search of bikes we found this Huffy that she was very proud of for half the price of her original princess bike.  Anthony was just fine with his Hot Wheels bike that "revs" when you crank that right handle as you can see.  I believe Addison is about to pee her pants.  "Ahhh my bike has decorations!"  She kept asking as we were putting it together "Can we decorate it yet?"  I spent my night choking back sobs as I watched my little ones grow up right before my eyes.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Getting my craft on

Today was the first day of 3rd grade for my Victoria. She did great!  Glad to see that she is excited about 3rd grade.  As an extra treat for her and for me I decided to take an old metal folding chair and make it match her room for her homework study area.  A quick coat of white spray paint and come fabric remnants from the curtains I altered at the trailer and look what I came up with.  It felt so good break out my glue gun and create something.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Aching Soul on the night before the first day of school

I haven't written in forever.  My soul needs to write again.  My blog has been so therapeutic in times of stress and struggle. I need to get back to writing and getting some stuff off my chest and get some laughs documented that I don't to forget. 

Seems that the last time that I wrote was the time I took you over the hill to the park.  Sorry that the summer was so hot that we couldn't do that as much as we wanted to.  I wanted to write to say that tonight was a bit hard because this was the last time that mommy tucked you into bed on the "night before the first day of school" and wasn't telling you that you will be just fine and that you will love school and to behave.  I am so proud of the way that you are growing up. 

Anthony you are very protective of your sister.  Sometimes even though you have a bit of trouble bullying her I catch you when you don't think anyone is watching and you look at her with so much love in your eyes it makes me tear up.  You are becoming quite the gentleman.  I saw you today as you were walking out of Dollar Tree with that heavy bag that you insisted carrying by telling the cashier that you could handle it because you were a "Beefcake" open the door for that lady.  That makes my heart smile and want to burst out of my chest.

Addison you are still my little sparkle girl. I still swear you are part tree frog with your silly toes and fingertips.  You are so animated and I sometimes when I watch you I feel like I am watching myself grow up.  You remind me a lot of myself.  You are dramatic and I catch you singing in mirrors just like I loved to do when I was a kid.  You are very sharing with your brother and sister and I have seen you give them a toy when one has been taken away as a punishment.  I love to listen to you pray.  Your faith is an inspiration to me. I hope that the world never takes it away from you.

Victoria you are going to do fine in 3rd grade.  Do your best 100% of the time and keep a positive attitude.  I love you and still believe in you.  Pics to follow soon...