Monday, December 31, 2007

Differences in New years eve before and after kids

  • BEFORE Body of a teenager .........AFTER body of Rosanne Barr.
  • BEFORE No need to find a sitter.......AFTER planning a year in advance to find one for the "big night".
  • BEFORE Trying to decide what to wear from your extensive wardrobe of "trendy" clothes.........AFTER trying to find your "spit up stain" free sweat suit that you can breath in when you sit down.
  • BEFORE Deciding to go to the coolest bar to dance the night away......... AFTER deciding to go to the bar that isn't as crowded so that we can have a bar stool to sit on so that we are not crying at the end of the night with back/leg pain.
  • BEFORE sticking to original plans of a night out on the town hanging with the "cool" people....AFTER deciding that the quiet house feels pretty good and stay home renting movies, falling asleep at 11:30 and saving the money, the headache in the morning that going to a bar brings and sleeping in without a curly headed beam of sunshine wanting cereal at 7:30 in the morning.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

New services offered by AT&T

This is a pg-13 entry!

It is official I need a new phone. It plummeted to its death a couple of days ago when trying to get out of the car in the rain. It seemed to fall in slow motion, I knew it would be the end. James took me and the babies with Victoria to AT&T to pick out a new phone. I needed one with blue tooth to help make my life a lil easier than searching for the phone when someone calls.

When we got there we were the only ones that were not employees. I was really glad they were not busy and set up the "daycare area" over by the bench and proceeded to browse the phones. I decided to just take James old Razor and let him pick something out he liked. I didn't need all the fancy smancy features so I just sat on the bench with the kids because the store was starting to get a lil busy and I didn't want the babies or Victoria to get rowdy.

About the time I got settled into my bench and James had decided on a phone a man entered the store obviously upset. The very kind AT&T lady asked him if she could help him. He proceeded to go into a story of how his phone doesn't work anymore and his wife was under the impression that she had insurance on the two phones that she purchased at the time. He purchased the phone over a year and a half ago and didn't see that there was only one insurance charge on his bill in that amount of time. Basically he didn't have a leg to stand on without his contract and the time that had past. "Why would she put insurance on one phone and not on the other?!?!?" The employee explained different reasons why people choose to do that with one and not the other. The man obviously upset answered every statement that she made with "Why would I want to do that?!?"

The store got rather quiet with everyone "pretending" not to listen in on their conversation when all of a sudden she received a call on her cell phone. Her ringer was not turned off and her ring tone was a rather let's just say "suggestive" ring tone of nothing but moans and groans and grunting. She VERY QUICKLY grabbed her phone to silence it because the volume of the ring (if you want to call it that) filled the store. It immediately rang again. I was giving it everything that I had not to lose it there on my bench with my 15 children. I couldn't anymore. I laughed right out loud. It couldn't have been timed any better. Everyone in the store kinda looked at each other in a " OH MY GOSH!" kind of look not knowing to laugh or to ignore the situation seeing as though the sales lady was turning a shade of crimson. The man finally gave up his battle and left the store. His scene that he was trying to make in the store was stolen by a ring tone. As soon as the door shut behind him the whole store cracked up ( about 12-15 people at this point). She quickly explained that the guys in the store put that ring tone on her phone last night , without her knowledge, to play a trick on her husband. She had forgotten about it and wish she hadn't. It was one of the funniest things that I have experienced in a AT&T store.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'll have a blue Christmas without you.

Well today was a lil blue without James here to enjoy the spirit of Christmas day. I did call him at midnight last night to be the first to wish him a Merry Christmas. Victoria and I finished her room up. I rearranged her room to give her a lil more play room with her new toys. She says "Come see my room. Mom made it backwards!" instead of mom rearranged it. Nothing surprises me anymore with her and how she interprets things. As always mom did all of the work and Victoria "supervised" while taking calls from Santa on her cell phone that Papaw gave her for Christmas. It came complete with carrying case for her hip, you might be able to see it on the family pic of us on Christmas eve. She even told Santa "I can't talk right now mom is making my room backwards"

Since it was Christmas I thought it fitting that we do one last night of Christmas light searching in the metro area. We invited Grandma and Grandpa along. Mom and Dad stopped by earlier to see us and then went to go see National Treasure themselves. Dad agreed to watch the babies (twist his arm) so that mom and I could take Victoria alone. We dressed up in our usual attire glow bracelets pj's and slippers. Seems as though we had already scoped out all of the good housed because we found no "new" displays. We made the best of it and sang Christmas carols on the way home.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Suprise

The kids were pleasantly surprised when they awoke to more presents under the tree. They were under the assumption that Dad and I were getting them Visa Gift cards to go shopping. Instead we decided that we wanted to see them open their gifts that they wanted to buy with their gift cards. So Makenzie was thrilled when she opened her ipod nano, and Brooklyn her camera. Victoria became a complete basket case when she opened up her present from Santa (her Fisher price doll set with Rainforest design) She even remembered that it was wrapped in the paper that Santa picked up earlier in the week.
After taking the kids home I tried to find places for the new stuff in our let's just say petite lil home. It is official we have outgrown our home! In the middle of the madness of trying to rearrange Victoria's room to find more space for things, mom called and told me to get dressed because she was surprising us and watching the kids so that James and I could go see a movie. We were beside ourselves! I hurried up and pretty much threw the rest of the stuff in Victoria's room and grabbed my dress sweatpants. ha ha. We went to see National Treasure. Very good movie and we got tickled at the animated short of Goofy doing a remarkably good impression of my husband at Best Buy. It was great to sit in a theatre just to the two of us with our popcorn. Thanks mom.

James unfortunately had to leave tonight. I tucked lil notes in his bag for the truck and stashed my dough art ornament from our family ones that I made into his bag too with a note saying "This way I can be with you on Christmas" It really sucked that he had to leave. It was hard for both of us to say goodbye. At least he isn't leaving in snow.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ready, Set, Go!!

Let's just say I had to pry Anthony out of Aunt Punkins hands when it was time to go tonight. You can see that Anthony is really nervous about the outcome of this situation.

Today was the big day of celebrating with both families. First we headed to James parents to enjoy traditional Christmas dinner with Ham and every side dish imaginable. Food was great and so was the company. The kids opened a pile of presents and the babies got lots of attention as well. As always it was nice to have family around to celebrate with. James Aunt Dorthy came and gave the babies two wonderful quilts to keep them warm this holiday.

We rushed back home and grabbed the salad to take to my parents house. Mom decided to have Lasagna for dinner to switch things up a bit. Food was delicious and a nice change from the traditional. After many family pictures we headed to the grub. My sister made this incredible dessert from Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Rum. HELLO! You had me at Krispy Kremes. It was AMAZING!! Much props to sis. The kids opened up gifts and dad played a lil thumb style guitar for the kids. You don't have to watch all of Addison's (it can get a lil long watching it if you are not her mother ooohing and aaaahing over your own child) but be sure to watch Anthony you can see his reactions is quite different to my dads playing than Addison's is. I think I am going to have to buy her a mini pink guitar for the future. Seeing as how she never takes her eyes off of Grandpa's left hand.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A thank you note from Santa

This morning Victoria woke up to find a note from Santa taped to an empty roll of wrapping paper. She came into bed with me this morning with curls bouncing carrying this cardboard roll that paper was on with such magic in her eyes. "Santa got the paper!!" I read her the thank you note and she told everyone that stopped by and called today that he took her paper and wrote her a letter. She couldn't believe that she didn't hear the sleigh bells on the roof. We didn't put the paper on the front porch like Santa had told us because of rain but we had no clue that he needed it that bad to sneak into the house and get it. He must really have something special for her.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Car town, the glue stick, and "where are my keys?"

Today the kids and I got the special treat of lunch with Gramma Harb at Ci Ci's pizza. It is Victoria's favorite place to eat, and with the words all you can eat on the sign it tends to be one of my favorite places too. Gramma loves to see the kids and has learned the art of luring us out of the house with food. We followed up dinner with the Dollar tree two doors down so that I could get the wrapping paper that Santa called and asked for. I let Victoria pick it out and let her know that Santa ran out of paper at the North Pole and we needed to put some on the porch for him to pick up tonight. She found it very funny that Santa would run out of paper and ask for our help.

After the visit I rushed home to get naps in and finish up my Christmas ornaments to deliver. I am running out of time to get them out. I got them placed into bags and put them and the kids in the car while singing "Prosty the Snowman" (we are still working on Victoria's 'F's') Victoria is running down the list of "Do you have your wallet, diaper bag, purse,................." I turn to her as I am locking and shutting the door and let her know that I am a grown up and I don't need her to go through a play by play of what I need to have with me. I am a big girl and I can remember this stuff. Just then I reach into my pocket to grab my keys and find my pocket empty.

I open the door to the car to check my diaper bag and get serenaded by Victoria still singing at the top of her lungs Frosty the Snowman. "Down to the village with a 'glue stick' in his hand" ( I daily learn new lyrics to Christmas songs) I pull Addison out of the car and sit her on the driveway and let Victoria out of the car. I pry open the window to our living room and hoist Victoria, who is smiling ear to ear, into the window. After she is in I am telling her to get a chair and grab the keys off of the back of the door that she can't reach. Then all of a sudden it hits me. DUH just tell her to unlock the door!!!!!!!!! I grab the key and apologize to her about telling her I didn't' need her to remind me of stuff when obviously I do.

Off we head to play Santa's elves. Victoria informs me that we are going to have to hurry because we are going to have to get home before it snows. I tell her that it isn't suppose to snow and she begins to argue with me that they are making snow to put on the ground. I ask her where "they" are and how they plan to make it snow. She informs me that they make snow on "Cartown" road (known to MOST people that live in New Albany as Charlestown Rd) and they are going to put it in a "pepper cup" (known to others as a pepper shaker ) and shake it down on the ground. I cracked up. What an imagination this girl has!

We head off to our friends Travis and Marlina's house to deliver their ornaments and they gave Victoria a very cute bunny rabbit hooded towel so that she can match the babies when she takes a shower. She was beside herself. We left there to try to find where my friends David and Jill Pennington live. I googled their address and actually found my way around to their house. Nobody was home so I left their gift on the door. Victoria was very excited that not only did we drive on "Car town road" we got to visit the city of "Cartown" I bet Jill and Dave didn't know that they have been mispronouncing the city they live in all this time. I guess next time we will have to bring glue sticks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Santa need insurance too!

I have to share my evening with Santa at my friend's insurance company. She promised her daughter that they would go and see Santa this year there because they sent out a flyer to promote it. I told her I ABSOLUTELY HAD to see this. We grabbed a burger at McDonalds and ate in the back of the parking lot in our cars laughing at the fact that what seems like a few short years ago we were hanging out in parking lots to talk about boys after work. Now we are hanging out with our kids in the back of the car eating a happy meal before we take them to see Santa. The "Santa experience" was as comical as I thought it would be. Fake beard, hair and a red velvet "backdrop" otherwise known as the material on the dollar a yard shelf in Wal-mart. We finished up the night with hot chocolate at our house. Victoria had a ball with Hannah, Sarah's daughter. She is still convinced that she is named after Hannah Montana.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Say hello to friends you know"

Today I got the treat of seeing an old friend of mine. Ashleigh my friend from doing nails came to visit today. It was great to see her. I did her nails for about 10 years and we have been through and gossiped about alot of things through those years. We have seen many boyfriends, births, deaths, and life changes. I have missed catching up with her every other week and really enjoyed the visit.

This started to turn my wheels about my New Years resolution for 08. Join a gym!!! She works at LAC and we talked about employment opportunities. I am starting to think that I am needing to get a job and get out of the house. I am going to have to bite the bullet and have the kids in daycare. I am not looking forward to leaving them with anyone and all of the germs that daycare can bring home. Victoria has only been sick once since we have taken her out of daycare. That says alot! Anyway I am exploring possibilities for employment if anyone reading has any suggestions let me know. I am going to have to get out of the house to maintain my sanity or it is "They are coming to take me away ha ha hee hee ho ho!"

This past week or so has been a nice time with visiting with old friends. I stopped by my friend Mary Beth's moms' house to help her with a haircut. She has been down with knee replacement surgery and I was happy to help out. God has been so good to me providing through friends that I jump at the chance to "pay it forward". They have always been so good to me I am very thankful for their friendship. I got a kick out of MB's son Davis who is up and walking around playing with Victoria showing her all of the toys at his Grandma's house. He was very proud of all of the things to play with and we got tickled at them moving his truck into the living room with the nativity scene. Little did we know they were that modern in Bethlehem.

After Ashleigh left tonight I headed back to the kitchen to finish my Christmas ornaments. They are turning out really cute. I am very proud of them. They are almost as cute as the ornament that Ashleigh brought me today for the babies first Christmas attached with a gift card to Longhorn Steakhouse and free baby sitting. Man she knows what a tired stressed out mom needs from Santa. Thank you!!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

"Hookers" Sometimes the best part is making up.

OK now before you make assumptions just please read on! James made it home and we discussed the "Victoria situation". We both agreed it was time to give her a seventy fifth chance and put her things back in her room if she was good today.

James fixed and broke and re fixed the sink (don't even ask) and we ate out at Ci Ci's one of our favorite family restaurants. James got in at about 1 this morning and he just left it is now 6:30pm and he is gone, such a short stay. When he left he said "Why don't you go ahead and put Victoria's stuff back in her room but make her do it!" I said "OK" and I let her begin to drag all of her stuff back into her room.

Quite the show let me tell ya. Her dragging her big toy bin back into her room with a bright pink feather boa thrown over her shoulder. I was already trying not to laugh at the situation and her silly way of bringing things back in her room when I started putting her Christmas tree back on the dresser. This time I secured it to her dresser with some packing tape (again don't even ask). She was sitting on her bed replacing the ornament hooks that had fallen off and handing them to me to put on her tree. I amazed how much easier it was to put the ornaments on the tree once it was taped down. I didn't have to stand the tree back up after each ornament. I was busy enjoying the moment that Victoria and I were sharing when the words were spoken "UH OH we are out of hookers!". Shocked and wondering what exactly she was trying to say I turned see Victoria sitting on her bed with an ornament in her hand without a hook. I started to crack up because she had no clue what just came out of her mouth. Made perfect sense to her! I tried to correct her but she insisted on calling them hookers. We finished up with the ornaments and just placed the ones with out hooks on the window seal until we could get some more. We just had one finishing touch left to her room, she forgot the remote to her TV in our bedroom. When she walked back into her bedroom with remote, in hand I saw that she also had a couple hooks too. She then exclaimed "MOOOOOOOOM I found some hookers under yours and daddy's bed!!!" Just how do you respond to that?!?!?!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Eating Christmas lights and Looking at Cheeseburgers.

Today I did something that I haven't done in while... spend time with my mom without children around. It seems like forever since her and I have been out of the house without kids and all of the gear that involves. She came down with dad to help me get groceries before the possible storm hit with ice and snow.

We left dad with a Star Wars movie and three children with full bellies. We hit the door so fast after the bottles were dry I don't think that are feet touched the ground. I was completely giddy with excitement!

I was finally at the end of another rough week with Victoria. Peeing our pants is the "new" thing, and it began the night before. I just try to keep rolling with the punches. I took the sheets off of the bed and replaced them with my favorite throw blanket from my bed and she decided to start pulling strings out and unraveling it (something we have told her over and over not to do). I had reached my limit and exhausted all possible forms of discipline and resolved that if she couldn't take care of her stuff then she wouldn't have any stuff. I very calmly, without saying a word and with her watching from her bed, walked into her room and took the toys bins, pillowcase, fake food and dishes, table, chairs, TV, and that poor pitiful Charlie Brown Christmas tree out of her room and put them in mine. Her room looked like a stripped down cell. She was devastated and looked at me like I had lost my mind. ( I am still not sure if I had ) She sat on her bed and just looked at her room crushed. Fingers crossed I hope that this works.

Mom and I ate at Moe's and had wonderful uninterrupted conversation and good food. We hit Sam's, the Christian bookstore, and then to the grocery store. Mom and I had a ball in Sam's and bought the babies the cutest coordinating pj's (pitured above) and found the perfect "gift from Santa" a Fisherprice Rainforest doll set with a stroller with lights and music just like Anthony and Addison's. It also has a swing, play mat, play pen, diaper bag that unfolds into a diaper changing station, the swing comes apart and becomes an infant carrier for her dolls. It is EXACTLY what the babies have and hopefully it will help her feel included in what is going on with the babies. Plus motherly guilt had set in and dad had said that she was being really good for him at home.

We head back to the house and get the groceries put away and I am still noticing this horrible smell that I have been trying to find for days now. While mom and I are putting away a load of laundry mom goes underneath the sink to put away some dish cloths and finds that my tub of overflow cleaning products is full of water that has leaked from the sink and begun to......let's just say.......become not so fresh. I was so happy that we had finally found the smell but about to lose my lunch because airing out the cabinet was really filling the house. Tears began to flow and mom suggested we get back out of the house. I told her we were grabbing a burger and she is going to join us in looking at Christmas lights.

I went into the closet to get slippers for all of us to wear, including mom, and stepped backwards onto a plastic bag that holds the secret stash of glow bracelets from the Halloween party. I opened the bag up and saw that I had busted the inside of six of them and activated the glowing. "So I guess that decides that, we are wearing these too." We help each other put our bracelets on while cracking up. As we were leaving Victoria asked if we were going to eat. Gramma Harb proudly announced that we were "Going to eat Christmas lights and look at cheeseburgers" Victoria thought that was hilarious and the rest of the night was filled with laughter, singing, some beautiful and some really really tacky Christmas lights and McDonalds chocolate chip cookies. We had a ball!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A babys hug

Someone posted this on the Mother of Twins group that I belong to. It really touched me I hope you enjoy.

~ A Baby's Hug ~

We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Erik in a high chair and noticed everyone was quietly sitting and talking. Suddenly, Erik squealed with glee and said, 'Hi.' He pounded his fat baby hands on the high chair tray. His eyes were crinkled in laughter and his mouth was bared in a toothless grin, as he wriggled and giggled with merriment.

I looked around and saw the source of his merriment. It was a man whose pants were baggy with a zipper at half-mast and his toes poked out of would-be shoes. His shirt was dirty and his hair was uncombed and unwashed. His whiskers were too short to be called a beard and his nose was so varicose it looked like a road map.

We were too far from him to smell, but I was sure he smelled. His hands waved and flapped on loose wrists. 'Hi there, baby; hi there, big boy. I see ya, buster,' the man said to Erik.

My husband and I exchanged looks, 'What do we do?'
Erik continued to laugh and answer, 'Hi.'

Everyone in the restaurant noticed and looked at us and then at the man. The old geezer was creating a nuisance with my beautiful baby. Our meal came and the man began shouting from across the room, 'Do ya patty cake? Do you know peek-a-boo? Hey, look, he knows peek- a-boo.'

Nobody thought the old man was cute. He was obviously drunk.

My husband and I were embarrassed. We ate in silence; all except for Erik, who was running through his repertoire for the admiring skid-row bum, who in turn, reciprocated with his cute comments.

We finally got through the meal and headed for the door. My husband went to pay the check and told me to meet him in the parking lot. The old man sat poised between me and the door. 'Lord, just let me out of here before he speaks to me or Erik,' I prayed. As I drew closer to the man, I turned my back trying to sidestep him and avoid any air he might be breathing. As I did, Erik leaned over my arm, reaching with both arms in a baby's 'pick-me-up' position. Before I could stop him, Erik had propelled himself from my arms to the man.
Suddenly a very old smelly man and a very young baby consummated their love and kinship. Erik in an act of total trust, love, and submission laid his tiny head upon the man's ragged shoulder. The man's eyes closed, and I saw tears hover beneath his lashes.
His aged hands full of grime, pain, and hard labor, cradled my baby's bottom and stroked his back. No two beings have ever loved so deeply for so short a time.

I stood awestruck. The old man rocked and cradled Erik in his arms and his eyes opened and set squarely on mine. He said in a firm commanding voice, 'You take care of this baby.'

Somehow I managed, 'I will,' from a throat that contained a stone.

He pried Erik from his chest, lovingly and longingly, as though he were in pain. I received my baby, and the man said, 'God bless you, ma'am, you've given me my Christmas gift.'

I said nothing more than a muttered thanks. With Erik in my arms, I ran for the car. My husband was wondering why I was crying and holding Erik so tightly, and why I was saying, 'My God, my God, forgive me.'

I had just witnessed Christ's love shown through the innocence of a tiny child who saw no sin, who made no judgment; a child who saw a soul, and a mother who saw a suit of clothes. I was a Christian who was blind, holding a child who was not. I felt it was God asking, 'Are you willing to share your son for a moment?' when He shared His for all eternity.

The ragged old man, unwittingly, had reminded me, 'To enter the Kingdom of God , we must become as little children.'

Sometimes, it takes a child to remind us of what is really important. We must always remember who we are, where we came from and, most importantly, how we feel about others. The clothes on your back or the car that you drive or the house that you live in does not define you at all; it is how you treat your fellow man that identifies who you are.

This one is a keeper.
'It is better to be liked for the true you, than to be loved for who people think you are......'

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Doing the wave

Today was a very happy day! Mamaw and Papaw asked if they could keep Victoria for me tonight and I jumped all over it. My friend Leslie, that I used to work with, called and we decided to go do some Christmas shopping. I checked the mail early this morning and found a Christmas check for the babies and I from my aunt and my Granny so off to the stores I go! I didn't stop from 2-12 with one quick stop to the house for a feeding because I ran out of premade bottles.

The babies got toys, their first pair of mittens with matching toboggan, and these really cool sooth and sounds thing from Fisherprice that attaches to the side of their crib that has all kinds of flashing lights and has a built in projector that puts teddy bears and such on the ceiling. VERY COOL! When I got home daddy was there he was able to stay for the night, always a nice surprise, he was feeding Anthony while I was figuring out how to put the show on the ceiling. I finally got it working and turned out the lights where it would be more visible. Anthony just looked up amazed with a "What the heck ?!?!?" look on his face. He gets very serious look to him when he tries to figure something out. James calls him Winston Churchill.

I took Leslie back to her car later this evening and had to do a quick diaper change in the Santa Depot parking lot where we left her car for our first stop. When the diaper change was complete I handed her to Leslie so she could get some last minute snuggling in before I strapped her back in her car seat with her brand new, just purchased, fancy Rainforest mirrors placed on the headrest of the backseat. Leslie reluctantly handed her back to me and started waving to her saying goodbye. I couldn't' believe it Addison waved back. Granted it wasn't a "Hey see ya later!" kind of a thing but she definitely opened and closed her hand over and over like we were to her. We tried it quite a few times just to make sure we weren't imagining it. But we were correct. MY BABY GIRL GAVE HER FIRST WAVE! Of course it was followed by tears from me AND Leslie. She can quit growing now! Mommy can't handle this. It is moving way too fast, but this phase that we are entering into is oh so much fun. I have to go and record it in her baby book now.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Last night around 8:00 Victoria and I decided it would be a great night to go looking at Christmas lights. I bundled up the kids in their winter hooded jumpers and Victoria and I put an extra layer of clothes on over our pj's. Poor Miss Addison was so bundled that when I tried to put her in her car seat she didn't bend! I kept pushing her down and she kept popping back up. I think that Victoria's favorite part of "light looking" is that we both wear our fuzzy slippers and not real shoes. (God help me if I have to flag down a car in my bright yellow and green frog slippers to get help for any reason) As we were riding around checking out the decorations we were listening to our new Christmas CD and Victoria was singing her favorite song (as they all are) Jingle Bell Rock. She yelled at me from the back seat "When I get older I am going to be a jingle bell rock!!" I asked her how she was going to manage being a jingle bell rock when she got older and her response was "I will dance and prance in the frosty air" I thought "DUH!"

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Babes in Toyland!

Today was a day of early Christmas presents for my lil ones. We always celebrated Saint Nick's day in our family on Dec 6th. My mom stopped by to deliver candy to Victoria and a play mat to Anthony and Addison. They are in love and I have a new reason to give "tummy time" . Anthony is starting to reach out and grab for things and loved the toys dangling above his head. Addison spent a good 15 minutes staring at herself in the mirror (sooooooo my daughter) on the belly of the stuffed puppy dog adorned with flashing lights. They feel like they are at a disco! Thank you Grandma Harb.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How great is our God!

I stand in awe tonight of God. I sat at home today after my sister visited for a bit and thought of a hundred reason why I should just stay at home and not go to the classes offered at church. It was too cold, I asked my friend Sarah to come and she couldn't make it, last class they offered I tried to go and only stayed for a short time and left because I was furious at Victoria's behavior ( I know shouldn't be furious at church let's just call it a weak moment) I was tired and didn't get my nap today, anyway I went not knowing the topic for tonight. The class I am taking is called ReAlign (ReAligning yourself to head towards God) and tonight's topic was families! How ironic right? I immediately felt myself start to tear up knowing that God had met me there tonight little did I know what he had in store for me.

I have notes scribbled all over both sides of a sheet of paper. There was a married couple teaching and everything that they said was so honest and open and such practical advice. I sat there listening and heard the wife say that she did family counseling, didn't think much of it and continued to jot down the golden words that were coming out of their mouths.

Let me give you a lil back story, I have spent the past 2-3 weeks searching for help with our situation at home. Marriage GREAT, relationship with God GREAT, handling my work load and handling raising a toddler with two infants NOT SO GREAT! With twins, the situation with Victoria's mom, (she is incarcerated possibly getting out in Dec.) an attention starved cat, and a wonderful loving and supportive husband , gone through the week, busting his butt on the road so that we can have a roof over our heads life can tend to get a lil shall we say hectic! I have made countless phone calls asking for help because I just do not know how to handle the situation with Victoria. Poor thing is just lost her mom is gone, she is moved out of her house to live with me and Daddy (but Daddy is gone through the week), when we first got custody of her I was pregnant and she was the center of my world it was just me and her (not at all the situation with her mom where her older sister was practically raising her or her raising herself) and now she has only seen Mommy a few times a few on a computer monitor in the jail lobby and one contact visit, and she now has to compete for attention with not one but two babies. It is such a strain on her and me. Some days are just a series of battles between her and I. I am just exhausted with the whole thing and I am stretched to my absolute limit. Balancing client's wants and needs in a salon, as surprisingly stressful as that can get, had nothing on parenthood.

So anyway back to my story. I am sitting there listening and it dawns on me who this woman is. This is the very first person that I spoke with about counseling. I was unable to use her because of the insurance co-pay was out of our budget. So I went on trying to find free certified counseling. Of all the reasons why I wouldn't want to go tonight to class, of all the classes to take that were offered, of all the possible people that could be teaching tonight, here I sit listening intently to advice from a woman that I had previously spoke with about my situation. I was very moved by how God orchestrates things in my life. Kind of like the comedian whose catch phrase is "here's your sign" I stayed after class to talk with her while fighting back tears. I introduced myself and explained that we had spoken in the past few weeks. She remembered me and the situation looked at me with my makeup free tear streaked face, bouncing a crying baby in my arms with one in a bouncy seat on the floor beside me and Victoria pulling on my coat and said well obviously God means for you and I to work together on this and told me about a program at church that helps with the cost of counseling and she will work with me to make it fit into the budget. I wanted to fall to the floor and sob.

I have been praying hard and I know that other have also about getting help. I kept running up against a brick financial wall or a resource wall and allowed myself to think that God wasn't hearing me only to find out like so many times before God was saying "Not yet" instead of "No". Trust him, pray and just wait, his timing not mine. Sounds very simple but at times very hard to do, but if you hang there the payoff is so magnificent! He reveals himself to you in ways that there is no mistaking his presence. My favorite bible verse has always been Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you. I just need to pay more attention to the "I's" in that first sentence. He is in control. He is God and I am not. I am going to head to bed now and hopefully for the first time in a while my brain is going to rest.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Entertainment and Inspiration You HAVE to check this out! Happy Holidays from the Craig's. Thank you Office Max I owe you one.

I was wondering around the Northside Christian Church website and found a group at church called realmoms. They have devotionals posted and I ran across this one. I have just wiped the tears from my eyes and had to share this with other moms and moms to be. It is kind of long but I hope that you enjoy.

By the way I got a call today from an unknown number. Excited, I grabbed the phone and headed to Victoria ready to have her entertain the telemarketer but it was an automated call. Such a disappointment!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Decorations, Telemarketers and the jam packed shed.

Today was decorating day! I was a very brave sole and tackled putting up the tree and decorating the house all by myself while juggling a toddler and feeding fussy twins. The scariest part was going into the shed to get the stuff out. Let's just say things fell on me when I opened the door to the point that I felt like I was being decorated and when I was done I had to really lean into it to get the door to latch again. Can you say pack rat?!
Funny story. while I was decorating the phone rang. I looked on the caller ID and didn't recognize the number . I foolishly answered anyway. Victoria was sitting at the table eating her sandwich and talk talk talking away. "Hello is this Mrs. Craig I am calling from AT&T with a wonderful promotion blah blah blah." I told her to hold on just a second very cheerfully. I politely handed the phone to Victoria. (With a huge grin on my face might I add) Victoria excited as can be said "Hello" and proceeded to tell her she was eating a ham sandwich for lunch and even told her about her favorite her pink applesauce. She asked her if she was coming over and told her about her babies "AntonyAsson" (it all blends together when she says their names) I could hear the lady laughing and asking her to give phone back to mommy. She then proceeded to tell her that she couldn't because I was putting up the Christmas tree, lights, Santa, ornaments, and that she had her own tree in her Dora room and it was pink and that her Dora lamp that her Gramma Harb got her is beside it. After about a minute or two Victoria looked up at me from her ham sandwich and said with a blank look on her face "She hung up". That is my new plan of attack on the telemarketer.
Anyway the house looks great for my babies first Christmas. As with every year I opened storage tubs and thought " Oh I forgot about these". My favorite find this year of forgotten decorations from the year before were my Mickey and Minnie mouse stuffed animals. They are dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus. I put them in the middle of two wreaths and put them above the cribs in the nursery. Mickey above Anthony and Minnie above Addison of course. They are in their cribs as I type staring at the lights. (Almost as much as Anthony started at his own hand today, cracked me up!) I also found a stocking from years ago that my Aunt Kathy bought me in Garden Ridge with Mickey and Minnie on it I put that on the door of the nursery. I still can't believe that they are here sometimes. I just stood in the nursery looking at them in the glow of the Christmas lights. I am amazed at how when I take a second to not be stressed about stupid things that they make me feel like I am experiencing things, like Christmas lights, for the first time all over again. I could not be more thankful.

Salt dough and the smile that will melt your heart

Didn't I tell ya? She is my smiling machine! Man she has been smiling all day. I think it has something to do with the fact that Christmas is just around the corner. I am so glad that I finally got the shot after many attempts. Check out those cheeks. Lil Miss Addison Marie is going to be my chatterbox too. She is always cooing and yelling at the TV. She and bubby are now behind me watching Santa Clause the movie.
Today turned out to be craft day. I broke out the old salt dough and made ornaments. I remember mom and I doing that one year when I was a kid. Victoria couldn't' believe that I let her play with something that resembled Play-Dough without putting a tarp down first. I have found myself to be taking a more relaxed approach to parenting.
I really wanted to go to church today but James left early this morning for work and it was pouring rain so that meant that we stay home. I haven't quite figured out how to get into church while raining heavy. I guess I could just pull up to the door and drop them off with the first person in church I see and say "Hey watch them for a sec while I park the car." I guess I could do something like that and then just go to the mall for about an hour and a half without a 10 foot long stroller.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The countdown begins

As you can tell most of my free time in spent on the computer researching, exploring and playing and catching up with friends. I am a huge fan of Family My sister purchased a subscription for me for Christmas last year and I have been hooked since. They have the best ideas and projects for lil ones. Today I stumbled across a printable for an advent calender. I had a ball! As you can see above it is a Christmas tree. Each square is a door that has an activity for the day. Today we are suppose to make an ornament and give it to a neighboor. For those of you with kids, grandkids, or a kid yourself at heart I highly recommend you check out the site. If only for the recipies.

Let's go see Saint Nick

I couldn't wait to get home to post this pic on my blog. How gorgeous are my kids? We hit the mall tonight when daddy got home to see the big guy dressed in red. I pulled and tugged to get Addison into her dress from Nikki's wedding she is just growing too fast. I told James we are going to have to go TONIGHT as much I am looking forward to being at the mall on a Saturday. I told him that the dress isn't going to fit tomorrow and if we have a late night tonight she might completely grow out of it while we are out. I laid out scissors in case we had to cut it off of her when we got home. I can't believe how much Victoria has grown since last year either. This of course is Anthony and Addison's first pic with Santa. Did you know that Santa is feeling a financial crunch? He is charging a fortune for a picture with him! He is a beautiful Santa though. I love ones with a real beard.