Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's not a big girl bed....

Today while suffering temporary insanity, OK permanent, I decided to move the twins bedrooms around and convert their cribs to toddler beds.  To be honest I would rather keep them in the cribs till they are around age 7 but know that I need to make this step and so do they. 

My house looked as if it had exploded as I took everything out of there that would fall, take up too much room to move furniture around or stuff to take to Goodwill.  The kids played in the living room with their new stuff and Grandma came by to say hello on her way to therapy.  Side note: Mom went to the doctor today and she has full freedom with her left arm.  She is now allowed to lift weight and she couldn't be more excited to get the OK from the doc about that.  It is funny how much you take things for granted like carrying your purse or groceries in the house until you can't use an arm. Way to go Grandma!  Doc said she is doing amazing as far as mobility but will never regain full mobility from that arm due to how sever the break was.  We are glad to have her back though even if she can't "raise the roof"

The beds were a cinch to convert. A few screws and walla toddlers bed stared at me begging me to cry over the inevitable growing up of my little muchkins.  I moved the dresser, changing table and then headed out to Walmart with the kids to grab a few storage bins for under the beds and one for a new mega toy box in the closet.  I have SO MUCh storage now.  I just love it!

School time was coming to a close and I woke up the kids asleep on their new bean bags.  We headed out to the car, snacks in hand, and I turned to them and said "Are you guys excited about your new big boy and big girl beds?"  Addison rolled her eyes at me and said "Mom, it is not a big girl bed it is a couch."  Well excuse me Miss Thang!

They are finally asleep now after sitting with them to get them used to laying in their new couches.  Anthony was a nervous wreck and kept getting me to come back into the room by having to "Tell you something Mommy...".  A good ol Baby Einstein movie with soft music and they were out like lights.  I will post pics tomorrow. Afraid that I will wake them if I try to take a picture and don't want to have to get them back asleep.  Sweet dreams my little ones.

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