Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Addison Happy 5th Anthony!

Let the shopping spree begin!  What a day we had.  We started with opening presents after dropping off Victoria at the bus stop.  Cupcakes for breakfast and a quick bath we were off.
How cute are these?  The kids loved them.  Only 88 cents and no left overs to be tempted with.  :)
This part went a little something like this... "Happy Bir-(blow)"  candle was out on Anthony's cake.  No need to sing mom I just want the cake!  Please note the fancy "coffee cups" that the kids have had their eyes on at Walmart.  They think that it is really something to drink out of a cup with no spout like mommy does in the morning. 
3 year old presents are the BEST!  Dollar tree here I come.  So easy to shop for and so excited about EVERYTHING!  "I wub it! I wub it! O cank cu Mom!" came from Anthony with everything he unwrapped.  Lots of character Ziploc bags for snacks, flash cards and books for school, dress up clothes (note that tough fireman look and the fairy sister that is humoring him) but the hit of the dollar tree presents was the boo boo ice packs.  They have had more boo boos today than any other day in history, yet I can't find a single bump or scratch on them. :)
We stopped my Mamaw and Papaw's house to pick up their presents.  They got two huge bean bags for the living room.  They were very excited about them.  This is Anthony telling (arguing with) Mamaw that he is 5 today!
The kids had a ball at Chick-fil-A.  Free play areas are always nice.  This was a rare occurrence, Anthony giving Addison a hug in the slide tunnel.  They left there a sweaty mess and worn out.

We headed over to Target to check out the sales. We had birthday money to spend after all.  The kids picked out their toddler bedding.  Mommy was feeling brave and was ready for the cribs to go bye bye.  I am probably insane for doing this but feel that we have mastered the potty training on Addison so might as well take the next big step.  BTW Anthony still says "No way!" when asked if he would like to go potty.  Even after Papaw Gee promised a big T-Rex from Toy Story if he does.  The kids also got their very own Leap pad computer.  They were very excited about these too.  Great for school days.  Loud but they are learning none the less.
Walmart, another Target (just in case they had anything that the other one didn't.  Can you ever have too much Target?!) and then off to Toy's R Us.  

The newest obsession (but not purchased due to obvious reasons) umbrellas...

They pushed these carts around the store forever.  They were very serious shoppers.  Check out that pointing finger.  I am sure that he is pointing out a clearance end cap.  He is mommy's boy after all.
Anthony and his electronics.  Check out that attitude from the sister waiting for her turn. 
Addison toted around this Minnie Mouse through the whole store.  She has tons of stuffed animals and not enough room for more until we get some kind of shelf up.  So we had her put it back.  She was not happy about this and continued to look for it after her potty break.
I hope that I can explain this well.  This is a chair that you can wear.  The back of it (the jet pack) can fold underneath and that is the seat of the chair or you can flip it back so that you can wear your chair.  Buzz Lightyear of course.  Please picture Anthony running full speed up and down the aisle yelling "To finity and beyon!" 
The arm rests have holes in them so that you can slip your arms through to wear it.  I never did find a price on this but I may have to make another run to Toy's R Us for Santa.  :)
We thought that Addison had given up on the Minnie Mouse until we told her it was time to leave and we found her like this.  "We don't have to get that Minnie Mouse Mommy, I'll just take these."

We had a ball we were exhausted and the back of the car was loaded down.  Can't wait to get the beds converted and make my little ones their big boy/girl beds.

After my photo book of the day I would like to share some things about the age 3 to my little people.


  •  You are always coming up to me and saying "Mom, I want to tell you something...Pa Pa Gee is making Big T-Rex money"  You have to tell me this at least 20 times a day (no joke) as if I have forgotten that he told you he would buy you one. 

  • You still have no interest in potty training even after watching sissy get to wear something other than a diaper.  I find it funny that I mentioned this last year too.  Hopefully I won't be posting on your 4th birthday about how you are still not potty trained.  :)

  • You love and have mastered the art of pestering your sister.  You know just how to push her buttons and sometimes it is hard to tell if she is laughing or screaming at you.

  • You are still in love with anything superhero.  You refer to yourself as Ironman, or Superman on a regular basis.  Although sometimes you take a break from it to call yourself Pa Pa Gee, your other superhero.

  • You love your "Tar".  It is located in the basement of Pa Pa Gee's house.  You love to give concerts to anyone that will listen and you have to get your foot tapping first before you even start to strum the strings.

  • You love to dance and have a preference to classic rock songs or anything with electric guitar.

  • You can be found with your index finger to your chin then pointing it straight up and saying "I Know!" when you feel you have come up with a brilliant idea.  This usually involves something to eat.  ;)  You also will someone else's conversation (that you are not involved in) with "Me too!"

  • You love to play school and your coloring cracks me up. You are a one line per color kid.  Green (one line) DONE! Blue (one line) DONE!  You also get excited when we go over the letters that we have already done and make sure to let everyone know that B stands for Bubby!

  • Where do I even begin my sweet little drama queen.  You are mommy's little princess.  You are a fashion girl and will hold everyone in the house up if your shoes, socks, shirt, pants, anything on you is "Not working"

  • You also love school and your coloring is in clusters.  Your coloring pages look like polka dots.

  • You love to dance and most of your dancing is in your shoulders and finger tips.  You love club music and anything with a strong bass line.

  • You are very proud of yourself for using the potty and haven't had any accidents out yet.  I probably just jinxed myself didn't I?

  • You have become quite a picky eater.  If it doesn't resemble a chicken nugget you don't want much to do with it.  Anything with sauce is a plus, but you usually just eat (wear) the sauce.

  • You worship your big sister.  You think that Victoria hung the moon and will do anything that she does.  You watch her like a hawk and hope that one day you can be as cool as she is.

  • You LOVE to dress up!  You have a whole drawer of dress up clothes.  Most of is is Victoria's that she has out grown which  you love.

  • You have an almost permanent mark on your forehead from where you lean against your bed rails watching TV at night.  You are your fathers daughter.  You have to have your head propped up against something when in bed.

  • You hate to admit it but you love your brother.  He pesters you to death but you secretly love it.  You crack up and love to receive horsey rides from him.  You yell "Gitty up Cowboy!"

  • When you are having trouble with something like getting unhooked from the wagon you yell "Save me Superman!" to get your brother to help you.  It is quite adorable, and Anthony loves that you run to him for help.
You are still my snuggle bug and can wad up in the tiniest ball on my lap pressing your check to mine.  You love touching faces when you snuggle and think that snuggling with Gramaw is just the best.  She does too. 

I wouldn't trade either of you for the world.  I love you to pieces and you have brought me more joy that I could ever imagine.   

Monday, August 30, 2010

Goodbye 2

Where did  3 years go?  I just can't believe that my little ones are going to wake up 3 years old.  Fighting back tears I kissed them goodnight in their beds and helped Addison hold up three fingers with a grin from ear to ear.  She is so excited.   Anthony insists that he will be 5.  :)  That is growing up a little too fast there little man.  I decorated their room with balloons and streamers thanks to our good ol' Dollar Tree.  They watched with wide eyes as I pinned them on the ceiling.  "Mommy is dis my Berday party?"  Addison asked as she jumped up and down over the pink balloon placed strategically over her bed.  "Yes Honey it is!"  Mommy can't wait for the celebration but can hold off a bit on being happy at the time passing so quickly.  Love you my little munchkins!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8 lbs lost one brick gained

I can't remember if I had ever mentioned on here before my problem with eating in my sleep.  Basically I sleep walk and raid the fridge completely unconscious.  Waking to find my shelf next to my bed covered in remnants of the binge I had during the night. That would lead to horrible stomach ache and not wanting to eat during the day because of all of the food consumed during the night.  The condition is called SRED (Sleep Related Eating Disorder)  Dateline did a show on it not too long ago and it helped me to not feel like such a weirdo and as they say "I am not the only one dealing with this." Not anything that I am proud of or speak about a lot but something I have not been able to control in any way shape or form. 

A month ago I went to the doctor to get some "happy pills" to help me cope with all of the drama that this year has brought and have found a good fit in that department.  Anxiety is way down and my ability to function on a daily basis without being consumed by all of the distractions that keep me away from the joy that I know I have inside.

 I spoke with the doctor about my SRED and he wanted to help me with it.  I had hit my lowest point when I woke in the middle of the night due to falling into my door jam dead asleep hurting my shoulder.  I woke up standing clinging to the door jam scared to death wondering how I even got there in the first place.   He gave me a prescription to help curb the appetite.  My SRED would surface about 3-4 times a week helping me abandon any clothes that used to fit me at the Goodwill donation center.  In the past month it has only surfaced 3 times.  Huge success I would say.  I have been on the medicine for a month and at my checkup today I have lost 8 lbs!  I feel so great and feel like I finally have some help with this and can get back to a healthy weight again gaining energy and being able to play with my kids without feeling like I have been hit by a truck. 

On the whole brick part.  Is anyone else having an all out allergy attack out there?  Anthony woke up with a Croup cough today but even though I heard it I smiled walking down the hall to get him out of bed because he was still able to breathe. Nothing like it used to be before getting his tonsils out.  So glad we made that decision and wish we would have done it earlier.  He is doing a bit better but mom, James and I have a brick shoved into our head via the nostrils.  Mom's is hitting her chest hard and she is unable to laugh without getting sent into a coughing fit.  It wasn't very helpful today when Anthony sat down in a kid lawn chair at Meijers only to miss the chair and land directly on his butt. He got up and looked around like "I meant to do that."  Poor mom had to walk away and hold back the laughter.

On a praise note. Victoria got her name moved the the Caution color at school today for the first time in 1st grade.  Why is this a praise you ask?  Because she corrected her behavior so much so that her teacher placed her name back into the black zone where all kids start the day off.  Way to go Victoria.  She has a very hard time redirecting herself and I couldn't be prouder that she fixed the problem and CHOSE to follow all of the rules of the classroom.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cooking with Anthony

Had to get this written down before I forgot about it.  Although I am sure I won't.  Anthony helped me cook dinner today.  I made "meatlopes" (meatloaf) and mashed potatoes with Anthony.  He helped mommy by putting in the bread crumbs and spices.  He stood on a chair, leaned over the bowl and sprinkle the Italian seasoning and then would lean on me kiss me on the cheek and say "I love you too Mom." MOP ME UP OFF OF THE FLOOR!  I didn't even tel him that I loved him.  He just knew that I was saying I love you by letting him help me.  Melt my heart!  He did that after almost every spice.  By spice #3 I was in tears.  Oh my sweet boy!

We then moved onto the taters.  He looked on my cutting board and thought that they were apples and reached over and licked it.  lol!  I had to explain to him what they were and he was ready to help me with them.  Anything to do with mashed potatoes he was up for.  He would hand me the tater and watch mommy peel it then help me wash it off and place it on the cutting board while handing me a new one.  He would count them with me "5, 6, 7, 9"  That kid always skips 8.  :)

Dinner turned out awesome and Anthony and I was very proud of ourselves.  He ate his dinner all gone!  Of course he did, mommy made apple cobbler for dessert. :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pondside concert

The twins and I headed up to Gramma Hobs and Papaw Gee's today to play.  Anthony was chomping at the bit to get there.  He ran to the house and immediately took Papaw Gee downstairs so he could play his "tar" (guitar).  He just adores his ukulele, best $2 mom ever spent in Goodwill.  I talked him into going to the neighbors pond to feed fish.  He insisted on taking his guitar with him and sat on the bank and sang to them "You got a prend in me, You got a prend in me" from Toy Story.  Don't forget the foot tap, VERY important to keep the tempo of the song. 

He cracks me up with the foot tap.  He holds his guitar tightly to his chest (keep in mind it keeps sliding down his belly) and leans over his guitar to look at his foot.  It is always the left foot that starts tapping.  After he gets the rhythm going with his foot he will look up and make eye contact with you and start to strum the strings.  Once he starts to sing the eyebrows go up and the nose crinkles to hit the high notes.  I have to get it on video.  I would probably win some money with it on AVF.  Don't you dare laugh at him either.  He will knock you over.

Well needless to say the fish were far from impressed but Anthony wasn't aware.  He kept playing on until he saw the foot and a half long orange Koi come to the surface to grab a bite of bread.  Anthony lost it!  He was so excited to see that fish and now has decided that it is his fish. 

Had a great time visiting while James and Victoria was at his folks house working on the truck for the new company he is starting this week.  Rush (his former employer) gave all of the guys on the lane that he was on (including my dad) a pay cut of over $500 a week among a bunch of other really nasty things to do to their employees.  James packed up the truck and headed on down the road to a new company.  He will be driving over the road again not on a dedicated lane.  It is going to suck not knowing where he is going to be heading and no set schedule but we hope and pray (so does dad because he is wanting to leave Rush as well) that this company will do what they say and treat James right.  Bless his heart he is such a hard worker on the road.  He just can't find a company that will keep the truck moving and pay him a good rate so that he can go to work and come home to relax.  Here is hoping that this time will be easier for him.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"I wanna go to school"

Anthony and Addison get really upset when we drop off Victoria at school and she is the only one that gets out of the car.  They yelled at me today that they wanted to go to school.  I had a light bulb appear over my head.  I will let them go.  We got home and placed the bench that sits in the living room in the middle of the room.  I put their backpacks on them that they take to church for their diaper bag and had them sit on the "bus".  I put a toy bus in front of the bench just like they were in line to get off at the front door of school.  I hopped online and found a cute video of "The Wheels on the Bus" that was a rap and pressed play and watched and the twins started bouncing away to the music.  I

As they were on the "bus" I ran into their room and set up their play table and grabbed my craft box.  I Mrs. Mommy Teacher (as they decided to call me) came to get them off of the bus and we walked in a line to the "classroom".  I sat them at their seats and they were just amazed.  They acted as if they had never seen their room before. 

We relearned capitol A.  They colored their pic of the capitol and then we moved onto "Art class".  I had them glue (with LOTS of mommy's help) cotton balls on a sheep I cut out for them and then moved onto the bravest thing I have done in a while.  I allowed them to paint with the watercolors (NON washable oooooooooo)  They did amazing.  I covered the table with a trash bag and Mrs Mommy Teacher was in charge of dipping the paint brush into the water.  They just couldn't contain themselves with the new activities.  We then had "recess" and ran around outside to get some sun and then right back into the house for "music".  I put on kids music on Pandora's Box (My absolute favorite thing in the world) and they danced while I made lunch.

After lunch I found an awesome  website that has some really neat stuff on it.  There is a place where you can search supplies.  Like say you have pipe cleaners, or cotton balls that you want to use you can click on that supply and there is a huge list of projects you can do using that item.  They have stuff listed like pantyhose, plastic forks, Crete paper, buttons, LOVE IT!!  We decided to make cows out of paper plates.  A & A had a ball putting their spots on the plate and the googly eyes were almost too much.  Poor Anthony my powerhouse kid, I would ask him to press down and he almost pressed right through the table.  That kid is so darn strong.  I am not sure if I am going to be able to handle him as he gets older.

We played school all day until nap time.  We rode the "bus" home and they met "Mommy" at the bus stop and they told me about their day.  Proudly saying that they learned "BIG A". 

I have pics but my computer is messed up and not letting me load pics for some reason.  I have some really good ones too!  They will hopefully soon follow.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Potty Training and everything that goes with it.

  • My couch has a trash bag used in pillow case fashion over one of the cushion.  This is "Addison's seat" on the couch.  Some people say that plastic covered couches is ghetto well I am sure that a trash bag covered couch in a trailer park is one step below that.  :)
  • Addison had a successful potty trip in her potty chair.  I carried the bowl over to the bathroom sink to add water so I could pour the contents into the toilet.  The phone rang distracting me and I accidentally poured the contents into the sink instead, toilet paper and all.  P.S. Toilet paper clogs a bathroom sink VERY quickly.  Lysol covered sink soon followed.
  • Addison is NOT and I repeat NOT a fan of waking up from her nap in a hurry to get Victoria off of the bus.  First of all she sweats bad when she is napping.  She likes to wrap herself up like a burrito like her mommy when she is sleeping.  She wasn't awake at all and her hair was stuck to her head like glue all over her head except for the parts that were sticking off of her head like spikes on the right side of the top of her head.  Again not a fan of being woken up from her nap before the proper time.  This results in her falling into the fetal position on the floor screaming "I NOT GO POTTY!"  This continued while I walked in the room to Anthony dead asleep leaned over his bed and said in a whisper "Bubby you want a snack?" He was up and pulling on my shirt to get out of his bed before I could blink.  Food talks with that kid!  I finished getting Anthony buckled into the car while Addison threw her fit.
  • Addison now tall enough to reach the light switch in the bathroom (insert tear and sniffle here)  Addison has named the exhaust fan, the switch right next to the light, the "noisy fan".
  • Anthony still treats potty training like something that he will get around to when he is 7.  :/  Not trying to hard here on my end.  Not going to force him, and thought that getting one trained would be work enough.  I ask Anthony when he sees Addison put her sticker on her paper if he wants to try and he tells me "No way!"
  • Addison has shifted from me taking her to the bathroom to try to go potty (day 1 and day 2 of potty training) to her telling me that she needs to go.  Couldn't be prouder.
  • Addison had a day with NO ACCIDENTS today!!!  She is proud as a peacock strutting her stuff in her big girl panties.  She throws that hip out and says "Oh yeah! Uh huh! Girlfriend!"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st grade!!

What an adventure!  The alarm went off and I restrained myself from throwing it across the room.  Victoria wasn't hard to wake up.  I was fully expecting her to be in her outfit she picked out for the first day when I pulled the covers off of her.  Quick bath to assure a good hair day for those curls and we were ready to hit the door.  Addison took a quick pee break and we were in the car.  Note Anthony and Addison have their back packs on as well.  We have to do everything like Sissy.

Off to the bus stop we head ready to go. A&A have their breakfast to go.  Cup of blueberries, grapes and a banana.  Victoria stands by the stop sign waiting on her new bus.  They changed the busing this year along with the start time for school.  We made it to the bus stop about 7 minutes early and was proud of ourselves, that is until.....the bus whizzed past us/empty/heading away from school.

Victoria and I looked at each other like "uuhhh?"  This photo must have captured the ONLY break in traffic on Grant Line Rd. at a quarter till 8 in the morning. By the time Victoria got back in the car so that we could drive the 200 feet to school Grant Line looked like.................this!THIS is the reason that Victoria rides the bus when we live so closely to the school.  This pic actually doesn't do it justice.  You can see the buses to the left turning in.  Would you want to turn left onto this road?  Didn't think so.
We hit the gym door and she was out of the car in a flash.  This was partly due to her excitement and partly due to me shoving her out the door because I had 100 cars behind me with frustrated parents and jumping kids.  She turned and waved to us looking so grown up and ready to take on the world.  Look out first grade here I come.

As we drove off Anthony looked over at the playgroud equipment raised he eyebrow and pointed over his shoulder with his wet calloused thumb sucking thumb "I wan pay in DAT paygoun!".  Me continuing to drive off sent him into a tantrum that turned his face purple. (p.s. Jill that self control 1,2,3,4 isn't working when I try it.  I need some pointers  ;)!

Potty update:  Addison only had two accidents today and 15 successful potty trips (including a #2!  I know tmi but I am one proud momma!).  She also stayed dry during her nap! Her potty paper is full of stickers with one big glitter sticker right in the middle for well you know..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6 out of 10

Addison had a somewhat successful day. She has 6 stickers on her paper on the bathroom wall. We have been through 4 pair of underwear today and she seems to be getting the hint.  I took off for a bit today to run to the grocery store.  I had Grandma come and sit with them while they were sleeping.  Grandma called and told me that she peed in her bed.  My poor mom with her healing shoulder trying to rip off the sheet in her bed and move blankets around.  I got home and Addison had crashed.  I woke her up for dinner and took her to the bathroom.  I heard her in there trying to pull down her panties saying "Ouch! Ouch!"  I turned the corner after getting Anthony out of bed to see what the problem was.  She had her panties on sideways.  She had the leg hole around her waist. We had to pull and tug to get those suckers off.   Tomorrow is the first day of school.  1st grade!!  Victoria has been climbing the walls for the past 3 days and making me climb the walls for the past 3 days.  I think we are both ready for school to start.  Here is hoping for a great 1st grade year.  Got to charge up the camera.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Put on your big girl panties and do your business on the potty.

Today is day 1 of my serious attempt to potty train Addison.  She has gone on the potty several times but has not yet mastered the whole "I need to go potty" routine.  Routine is always busy and I am not one much for change.  She tells me when she has a dirty diaper but never before she does her business.  I figure with school starting and getting back into the swing of a schedule I would lump all of the change together and get serious this first week of school and get this girl potty trained.  Anthony still has NO interest in the potty.  He thinks it is cool to stand on when he is washing his hands in the bathroom and to sit on it but as far as putting something in it other than a truck or the rest of the sandwich mommy is trying to get him to eat, not interested!  I think one at a time is the best route for me at this stage in life.  So far Addison has had only 2 accidents today and 3 successful potty sessions rewarded with a Dum Dum sucker from the bank.  By the way her eyelids, are not glued open and she finished it by the time we were back home.  This was an Addison personal record.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It just clicked!

What a beautiful day it was outside today.  I went with James to his parents house to help him with some stuff on the truck.  It hadn't been cleaned really well inside the cab for a while.  I grabbed my cleaning bucket and a duffel bag of towels and headed off.  About 3 1/2 hours later that thing was smelling good and sparkling.  I climbed all over that thing.  I scrubbed the walls and even used Q-tips on all of the switches on the dash.  Music was blaring and I was singing my heart out. I had a ball. James was outside painting the bumper.

While we were working away on the truck the kids played in the yard. We got many "shows" of Anthony and Addison on America's got talent where Victoria played the roll of Hostess.  Anthony and Addison would walk to the middle of the front yard Anthony with a juice bottle he used for a guitar and Addison with a Hannah Montana microphone.  Addison was singing (more like rhythmic screaming) and Anthony had his foot tapping and head nodding.  Quite the scene.  I remember giving my mom and dad shows when I was little.  It was nice to be sitting in the crowd.  They each took turns getting voted off and took the news very graciously.

After the newness of the shows wore off Mamaw brought out the bikes she got them for Christmas.  They have sat on them many times but couldn't figure out how to get their little feet going to make the thing move.  Make no mistake they both still felt very cool just sitting on them.  This time Anthony hopped on and something just "clicked"  he started peddling.  His eyebrows went up and he grinned from ear to ear.  The tassels on the handlebars were blowing in the breeze and he took of down the sidewalk screaming "Yeee-HAW!"  Addison watched and took some notes and was right behind him on her bike just peddling away.  I choked back the tears watching my little ones grow right before my eyes.  Are they really getting ready to turn 3 in a few weeks?  I enjoy watching them grow so much but sometimes I just wish I could hit the pause button ya know?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Movie rights are for sale if you know anyone interested

If you need a minute to pop you some popcorn for this post I will wait........

Alright you ready?  After a great lunch with my friend Jill and her sweetheart of a son "Baby Kade" I headed home for the kids naps. My mom was in the area and headed over for a visit when my phone rang.  James told me that our lives just changed and asked if he was on speaker.  I told him no and then he quickly just started in on the "rest of the story".

Thomas (Tina's husband) called James and asked him a question.  "I know that you will tell me the truth." He said. "Is there any doubt that Victoria is not your daughter?"  James explained to him that there was a paternity test done about a year after Victoria was born and that Tina was dancing around after she found out that James was the father.  He broke down on the phone....
........you may need to get yourself something to drink....just saying........Tina told Thomas that Victoria was his biological daughter. THAT is why he married her in the first place.  He wanted to call James and let him know that he was arrested July 1st for Tina forging his name on a check to the Clerks office.  (Keep in mind this is BEFORE our last court hearing.  He was arrested and then had to listen to all of the testimony from her kids)  He was on his way to the bank to find out what the problem with the check was when his phone rang.  It was Tina telling him that her father just died.  He quickly turned around to console her leaving the bank stuff unfinished.  Checks were bouncing left and right and Thomas' ex Angie (Tina's current best friend) got suspicious and decided to go to Tina's fathers house to get some answers.  She knocked on the door and guess who answered...................HER DAD!  Yep she lied about her father's death to keep Thomas from making it to the bank.  Thomas had already quit his job because Tina had produced a document "from the insurance company"  stating that they were going to get a half million dollars.  Thomas is devastated and goes to her father's house to speak with him.  Larry (Tina's father) Carol (Tina's step mom), Thomas, and Angie go to confront Tina at the house.  I could only imagine the look on her face when they all walked in the door.  Thomas told Tina that it was over and he wanted nothing to do with her. He told her that she could go ahead and leave with her father. Her father turned to her and said that she would not leave with him and that he wanted nothing to do with her.  Thomas is now staying with his ex wife and her current husband and Tina is at the house alone with no vehicle.  Thomas has found 60,000 dollars missing from the account and is going to lose his house.  He apologized over and over for what we were going through and how naive he feels.  He said he felt we had the right to know.  He wants to  and tell the judge that the woman that he said could "change" hasn't and he has pressed charges.  She should be in custody before too long and this battle will soon be over.  Our lawyer said that he would fall over dead if the judge didn't involuntarily terminate Tina's parental rights.  If this happens I would be allowed to adopt Victoria.  And they all lived happily ever after....THE END!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A full cup

What do you do when you spiritual cup is overfilled?  What do you do with the spillage?  Well after getting home and still being on such a high from Summerfest I turned back around and headed back to church.  Crissy was working upstairs on the sets for large group and I just had so much energy and joy that I wasn't ready to stop just yet.  I gave her a call and asked her if she could use me if I came back up.  I arrived around 11pm and we started working away.  After about an hour her other help was tired and ready to call it a night.  I was in the middle of painting when we started talking about the nursery and what all still needed to be done.  I looked at her and asked her how she was feeling and if she wanted to tackle a room tonight.  She looked and me and we decided to give it a whirl.  We headed across the street to Meijer and grabbed provisions (i.e. snacks and some brackets) and back across Charlestown Rd we headed.  We worked until the sun came up literally!  We left at 6:45 the next morning.  We were exhausted and so pleased with how it all turned out.  The room looks great! We had a blast and joked about being so tired that we pass out on the mat in the room.  Everyone would be arriving for Saturday evening service and would find us spooning in the middle of the floor surrounded by tortilla chips and paint brushes. Each holding a glue gun.  I am going to go and get some pics. The rooms really turned out nicely. 

I came home and crashed into bed.  I believe I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.  Got back up a few hours later and started getting ready for church.  I was a zombie.  I perked up a bit when I saw all of the babies reaching up for the flowers that we made and staring in amazement.  It made it all worth it.