Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Goodbye 3

Well after further prodding Addison has confirmed that she wants to pick treats out of trees (that means she wants to go to Hubers and pick apples and maybe peaches)  Anthony says he wants to paint something (can you tell he is my son?).  Mom is heading over and we are taking off early and heading to IHOP for some birthday pancakes.  After that the day is ours.  We will see how much we can fit in before having to head home for the bus.  Don't worry many pics will soon follow.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The King

Tonight was a rough night for homework. It didn't erupt into a full on fight but we were both getting pretty frustrated. It was math and I tried a different approach and tried to give her a visual of what we were trying to figure out. So I grabbed a bag of Pretzels and lay them down on the table getting out the right amount. We work through the problem some more and I ask her "Ok now, I want you to understand what makes a number even and a number odd. I want you to take 4 pretzels. If 4 odd or even?" She says "Even" I tell her "Ok Victoria, why?" She says "Well cuz there are four 'princles'." I look at her kind of crooked and say "Four what?" She again says "Princles!" I try for about 5 minutes to get her to say Pretzels. We finally have success after she gets upset that it keeps coming out princles. She thanks me and says "Thanks for helping me with that mom. I always thought it was princles you know like 'Elvis Princle'. I never knew it was Pretzels"

So Anthony where would you like to go for your birthday on Wednesday?


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spicy water soup

I invited mom and dad over for dinner tonight as I had made a HUGE pot of vegetable soup that the kids are just not into.  Addison tried everything in her power to not eat it.  She looked over at dad and said with a spoonful of broth pouring it back into the bowl.  "I just don't like the spicy water in it!"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Going over the plan

Early this morning I am up and planning my day. Vicki came this morning to take Victoria on a road trip to Vincennes to see her family.  She came out of the bathroom to find me packing a bag.  She looked at me cross eyed and said "Umm am I going somewhere?", kind of in a "Are you kicking me out?" sort of a way.  She was excited when she heard about the trip. I have the kids help me whip up a batch of cornbread to go with my awesome crock pot full of vegetable soup.  The kids are getting a kid out of using the corn meal they watched being made at Spring Mill.  We stick it in the oven and I go on with my morning.  I hop on FB to see what is going on in the world and am reminded that the Sellersburg Celebrates parade is this morning.  I look at the clock it is 9:30 and I can totally make it.  I yell for the kids to get dressed and I start to throw something on myself.  We run out to the car and the kids are chanting "parade! parade!"  As we are driving I am letting the kids know the plan for today.  "Alright you two this is what we are going to do today.  First we are going to go to the parade.  We are going to have to hurry so we must make sure that we have on our listening ears and do what mommy says so that we are not late to the parade.  We are going to watch the parade then we are going to come back home and have lunch and a quick nap.  After that we are going to head to church and go to Large Group and come back home to eat some of that awesome soup mommy made and the cornbread.....CRAP the cornbread!"  It's still in the oven! 

I whip my car around on Grant Line Rd and head back to the house, fast!  I swing my car into the driveway dodging the cars in the road for the yard sale across the street and tell the kids "Do NOT take your seat belts off.  Mommy is just going to get the cornbread out and I am back in the car."  It takes for ever waiting for them to buckle themselves in.  :) I walk in and check my microwave timer and see no smoke.  This is a good sign!  I have 15 minutes left on my cornbread and the parade starts in 4.  Hmm think think think.  I turn the oven off and leave the cornbread in the oven run out the door as all of the yard sellers are kind of looking at me wondering what the frantic woman across the street is in such a hurry for.  I get back on the road and find a parking spot and we speed walk a block to where the crowd is. 

I hear the sirens and Anthony is in superhero mode with his eyebrows down knees bent running low and fast to the noise and Addison my sweet prissy Addison has her hands out palms up with her Patton leather pink flip flops that she outgrew a few months ago working overtime.  Her face is serious with a touch of I should have worn different shoes but at least I look good mixed in.  Somehow we make it only missing one fire truck.  Not sure how but after my Redbox movie I rented last night I think it had something to do with the Adjustment Bureau. lol!  The parade was really cute and the kids enjoyed running to grab candy off the street but when they saw a float throwing out rubber duckies they lost their mind.  They both were able to grab one. So great and an American flag to go along with it.

We head home I check the cornbread and it is PERFECT!  I don't know how I pulled that one off a parade, cornbread and I didn't burn my house down.  We get our naps and then off to church.  After church we come home to eat then back to Northside to get Grandma and Grandpa with the bonus of Uncle Rick and Aunt Betty!  We drive off to Sellersburg Celebrates.

We decide to park in the fire department parking lot and follow the crowd.  The crowd is heading in a direction that doesn't seem to make sense but we follow anyway.  It does lead to the festivities but it also leads through what I like to call the tunnel of death.  A narrow path that cuts through some woods in the back part of the carnival area and across two sets of railroad tracks.  Standing on the tracks are some teenagers that look like they are up to no good and about 10 down the tracks is a group of teenagers that look like they are up to even less good.  A bit creepy as I am reaching in my purse for my pepper spray.  Glad I asked the parental figures to join me.  I was freaking out a bit. 

There we are in the crowd.  Looking for anything that looks like a hot hair balloon or even a stage.  No luck as we are surrounded by slides, swings, and mini roller coasters.  The kids are jumping all over Grandpa beginning their begging and we give them a firm no. Carni rides are not mom's favorite.  We stop by Crissy's booth to see how they are doing and then on to the hillside where we see lots of vans with trailers behind them.  Balloons!  We also find the stage where the Louisville Crashers are to perform.  Great everyone will be entertained.  I have been waiting to see them perform for quite some time as the lead singer used to be worship leader at church and is incredibly talented!  They did not disappoint, but my sweet Addison did!  As I am up by the stage with Anthony dancing away my dad taps me on the shoulder 4 songs in and informs me that Addison is falling asleep.  I turn to find my mom shrugging her shoulders holding my fading flower.  Arms are limp, legs flopping and eyelids slamming shut.  Mommy's night out with the kids is cut short as Addison is reaching her curfew.

We walk back through the tunnel of death safely and warn two girls to take a different direction that are heading in.  Was a great night but was so sad it ended at 9:14.  I was in for the long haul and the kids usually are too.  I grabbed a Redbox movie and headed home to get a snack and hang out with the kids.  Anthony fell asleep after inhaling a cup of chips and my little "We need to head home because Addison is falling asleep" stayed up until 11:30.  Little stinker!

Friday, August 26, 2011

God is in the raindrops

Doing dishes in the bathtub is no easy task but I am lucky to have a tub to go to and not taking our dishes to the creek somewhere.  I am trying to keep this in perspective.  I bought a large bucket usually used for toys or storage today so that I can wash dishes in it.  I placed it in the bathtub and filled it up with water and soap and got to washing.  I rinsed  in the tub and then laid out a towel on the vanity to dry.  I did one tub full at a time bringing them in from the kitchen into the bathroom, placing them in the tub, washing them and then laying them out to dry.  I continued this process until I finished the 5 days worth of dishes in the kitchen waiting on a plumber.  btw spaghetti was a horrible choice last night as far as dishes sitting and draining in the bathtub.  You can only wipe so much off with a towel ya know?  I finished and dumped the dish water in the bathtub and then wiped it down.  I filled it back up with some Cascade ( a old salon trick that we used to clean the jets in the pedi tubs) so that I could clean out any food that splashed up in the jets.  The phone rang, and about a half hour later I go in to turn off the jets only to find that I never turned the water off.  The tub has something on it where it will catch the water to keep it from over flowing in the bathroom but only catches so much before it starts to leak in the basement.  I fly downstairs hitting about two steps on the way down as I am in warp speed only to find that my utility room has water all in the middle of the floor going straight on my pile of dirty clothes (see this is why I let it pile up).  I do have water that I need to wipe up with my squeegee but all in all manageable.  The water is raining down from the rafters.  I mean RAINING!  I grab a bucket to catch what is still coming and start a load of laundry what else can I do.  I think back now to moving the pile of clothes when the plumber was here to the exact place that the water was coming down so that he could clean out the pipe.  I stand there holding the trash can over my head waiting for the flood.  Little did I know that was all in preparation for the flood that was coming a day later from my own hand.  Funny how God works that stuff out isn't it? 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Everything but the kitchen sink

Oh how I wish that this post was about Ben and Jerry's everything but the kitchen sink ice cream.  Unfortunately it is not!  Plumbing!  I am not a fan of plumbing!  Been having trouble with the kitchen sink since we have moved in here and paid close to 200 to get the pipe snaked for a clog.  He told me that there was no guarantee as the pipe had no steady pitch and was level in most of the exposed pipe with the added bonus of going uphill in some areas.  He said if that is what is exposed in the pipe that he hated to think of what was in the drywall.  My sink worked for about 2-3 weeks and now won't drain again.  James mechanic's son's best friend (you following that?) is a plumber for the city of Sellersburg and was willing to help us out for a fraction of the cost.  Super sweet guy and was going to charge us less than half of what the other plumber charged to snake the pipe.  He came by yesterday and checked out the situation to make sure he had the equipment to do the job.  He cut one piece of pipe and created more of a pitch in the exposed plumbing.  He said he would come back today and finish the job.  No problem one more day without a sink and dishwasher.  I can do that right?  He came today and snaked the pipe after cutting and fitting a new pipe under the sink.  He ran the water in the sink and things were looking good for a while until water began to rise yet again.  He turned off the water and we headed downstairs to run the snake backwards from the basement.  I held a trashcan over my  head where the clean out was and prayed that the pipe would open and not on my head.  He warned that this could get REALLY nasty REALLY quick and to just hold the trash can up right by the snake.  Fingers crossed eyes closed and praying for my life I held the trashcan over my head until my knuckles were white.  He snaked it and got no where.  We called James as he had just taken off to get his load to California to get permission to cut into the drywall.  Two cuts into the finished basement and he was scratching his head.  He found another clean out that was hidden in the ceiling of the basement.  It is pointing sideways and he is unable to get it without cutting a much larger section of drywall out and even then if that is where the clog is and it breaks free we have a huge mess on our hands and it would dump water into our ceiling in the basement.  He was reluctant to move on and talked to James saying that he wasn't comfortable moving on in the job until James was home to give the ok to move further.  He would be able to fix it but didn't want to tear any walls down without James supervision and "in person" permission.  I couldn't blame him really.  Problem is that James had left about 2 hours before the plumber had gotten here and he was on his way with a two stop load to California with a back haul to Michigan not due to be back until next Friday.  So I am without kitchen sink and dishwasher for a total of 13 days (including the time I have been waiting on the plumber to be called) when James will be home.  If anyone needs me I will be washing my dishes in the fountain in our front yard.  I am sure it will give my nosey neighbor a good story to spread.  Heck I could put a dish drainer right beside me and grab a scrub brush and finish off my dishes from dinner with a bath for myself.  Maybe shave my legs?  I'm so tempted.  :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Observing the change

This morning Victoria takes off out of the door to the bus and immediately comes back in to say that Bonnie my "favorite" neighbor across the street told her that the bus had already come.  This was at 7:15 when the bus comes at 7:30.  Interesting, that is pretty early.  I told her that I would take her to school no problem and started to wake my crew up to get them ready.  Then she jumps up from the kitchen table and says "There are kids from my bus waiting outside".  I tell her to hurry up before she really does miss the bus and send her on her way to the driveway.  They wait, and wait and wait and I go outside to sit on the porch.  Victoria stands there with 3 other kids and waits with me.  I then hear Bonnie my "Springer" neighbor yell across the road "The bus already came!"  I walk over to the road to hear the story.  "Didn't you get a call and note from school about the bus route changing?"  I respond "Nope, not a word."  Her eyebrows raise "Well the kids brought home a note last Friday saying that the bus route changed and that they were on the blue route instead of the gold now.  I saw Victoria come out and the other kids that were on the bus waiting and thought I would just sit and watch what happened with them."  Really?  It is now about a quarter till and the woman that is more than willing to let anyone know what is going on in the neighborhood from two doors down the divorce that is going on due to financial trouble to us leaving a hutch in the back of our truck when it was raining can't spread the word that the bus changed.  Seriously, Vicki was over one day when we got a computer armoire from my buddy Crissy.  It began to sprinkle and Vicki's phone rang "Viiicki? ( I so wish I could get the whine in her voice) You need to tell Jamie to get that furniture inside it's starting to rain."  On the outside that sounds very sweet and neighborly and like someone you would want to have for a neighbor but these are the same people that I sat on my front porch and watched as her grown sons in their 30's chase each other across the yard with a 2X4 in a fight.  Classy!  So Victoria was late to school I made sure that the other kids at the bus stop had a ride and all of us parents that were not notified marched to the office to find out what was going on.  The ladies in the office are SO sweet!  They must have been having a rough morning too as I thanked them and the secretary looked up to see someone else walking in and looked me dead in the eye and said "Oh please stay please stay! You said you had a question???"  I caught her desperation of not wanting to deal with whatever problem she saw walk in the door and I chuckled and offered a couple more questions to by her some time.  Rough way to start a week off.  I'm already ready for Friday. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mommy's date

I got the thrill of time alone tonight.   This has been James second weekend not home and it is wearing on me a lot.  I can't tell you the last time I had a night to myself.  I remember one time James arranging a night by myself and I didn't know what to do with it.  I was going to paint back when we lived in the trailer but ended up staying in and not doing much.  I vowed that tonight I was going to take full advantage of it.  I got fixed up, put makeup on and even put on my wedges.  I wanted to look good for myself ya know.  :)  I headed over to La Bocca on Market St.  I sat outside on the sidewalk patio and had an appetizer, salad and even dessert.  I washed it down with a glass of wine too.  Was fun sitting by myself watching traffic go by.  After dinner I took a stroll down the sidewalk and headed into a place that is a new all time favorite called Dandy Lion.  It is located on bank street right off of Market.  I felt like I was in the Highlands (Which I LOVE!).  It is a little store that is all vintage/handmade goods.  Some really quirky stuff and it totally inspired me.  I wanted to go straight home and paint!  I roamed around and took it all in and then headed to the movies.  I saw The Help and laughed and cried through the whole thing.  Such and AWESOME movie!!  After the movie I headed straight to Meijer and bought the book to read along with some shoes and a new purse.  I found the cutest purse there and even though it was a bit more than I was wanting to spend on a purse it made me smile and will daily remind mommy of her night that she had to recharge her batteries.

Rio at the zoo

So much fun!  We headed off to the zoo tonight to watch a movie outside.  They were playing Rio.  We grabbed some hot dogs at Thortons on the way and filled up on junk food when we got there (yes I know hot dogs can classify as junk food as well, but with the sugar we were downing the hot dog looked like a salad).  The staff had it set up so nice.  They entertained the kids with games.  In one game the kids played they passed out plastic sea horses and lobsters.  All the kids got in a circle and played hot potato passing the animals to the left and when the music stopped they would have the kids hold up the animal they were holding and then they picked lobsters or sea horses to be out.  They sent all the kids over to the prize tent and the kids walked away with tattoos, candy and Victoria even got a really cute little pencil case kit.  They had music pumping and had dance contests and Victoria got picked to go up on stage for the dance contest.  She was so excited and she did a great job!  I highly recommend taking your little ones or even if you want to go to watch all of the people that was pretty fun too.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stucky Fur

Another reason I love school time is that the Kentucky State Fair is just around the corner.  It sucks that Victoria couldn't join us on our adventure with Grandma and Aunt Punkie.  We really missed her.  This year was a huge one for the twins as they were able to walk the whole fair, ride on the bikes in safety town and Anthony, to make room for Aunt Punkie rode in the "trunk" of my car.  This is also known as 3rd row seating to the common public.  My seats are ususally laid down to accomidate the stroller but Anthony's booster seat was placed in the back and I thought I would have to change his pants when the hatch opened and he saw where he would be seating for the ride.  I really thought he was going to pee his pants.  Addison exclaimed "I WANNA RIDE IN THE TRUNK!"  in her best whiny voice she could muster but Anthony explained to her VERY seriously "No you too tiny!"  Addison didn't like this answer at all as it is Anthony's favorite way to make her cry is to tell her how tiny she is and that she isn't a big girl.  One day she is going to pound you for this son or have her boyfriend do it.  :)  The whole way to meet up with G'ma and Punkie I heard from the back seat "I wide in da twunk to da stucky fur!"  He sang it the whole way there.  So stinking proud.  I put on 107.7 classic rock and she's got legs is playing.  He has his eyebrows going a 100 mph and his shoulders are in warp speed as he is so serious and grown jamming to the music in the trunk.  lol.

 When we got there the first thing we had to do was say hello to the giant.  I had to explain that this was Golith.  Addison was brave and walked right up and said hello as Antony clung to my leg like a spider monkey.  Addison was so overjoyed to have someone to talk to and just sit and stare at her.  It was heaven to her.  After we walked around the fair and was ready to go home Anthony decided that he wanted to say hello to Freddy.  After all he had been through the whole fair and didn't see him up and walking around so he must be alright to talk to for a minute. 
 Ugh this pic shows nothing but is of A and A riding on the tricycles at Safety town.  I have video of them on there too but wanted to save my time for a later moment that was so sweet of them.  Anthony ran into the McDonalds, bank, and needed a state trooper to guide him through the whole thing.  After he got off coming in last place and all the other kids had picked out their suckers and had left with their parents he is bringing up the rear yelling "I winned! I winned!"  The riding in the trunk was still going to his head.  :)
 They stopped to play with Aunt Punkie for a bit in the pop up school bus.  I tried to get Punkie to get inside but she wasn't going for it...
 After all that walking we needed some sugar STAT!  Addison decided on ice cream and Anthony and I snuck off to get some good ol cotton candy.  What is a fair without cotton candy?  He wanted to eat it on the stick and I explained to him that we were sharing.  He insisted he wanted it on the stick so I yanked the stick out of the cotton candy and put a basebal sized wad on the end of it and he ate away until he saw what sissy had and it turned into this.

This was one of my favorite things of the day to see.  This silly rabbit.  Addison laughed hysterically and said it didn't have any eyes.  The kids also enjoyed the boarder collies hearding the ducks.  That really tickled them.

My favorite part of the day is a mom moment had at the WLKY booth. My mom walks up to the booth and asks "When are the people coming?" The lady looks puzzled and says "What people?" Mom replies "You know the news people?" I snuck my head in and told mom "Um mom that is Natasha Collins and that back there is Eric King. THEY are on the news." Then handed her their picture for autographs that she was leaning over to ask "When the people are coming". Mom turned 4 shades of red and laughed at herself as we walked off. That was the ongoing joke of the day. Later that night while watching BB a storm alert came on from WLKY and I called mom as I knew she was watching as well and I told her "THAT guy wasn't there"

This was the sweet moment I was talking about earlier.  Anthony saw that sissy had ice cream and wanted some and Addison saw that bubby had cotton candy and wanted some. First they did the whole wedding toast thing and took a bite at the same time of each others stuff but then Anthony had an idea....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In the swing of things.

Wow are we reaching the end of the first week of school already?  The mornings are glorious around here.  I get a bit of time alone and can watch Victoria get on the bus from the window.  Such a nice treat!  Something I won't soon take for granted.  Victoria's first day of school didn't go exactly as planned as she came home defeated.  She got her name moved on the behavior chart the first day due to being a bit chatty.  Who MY Victoria being too talkative?  Naaaa! LOL!  I tried to cheer her up a bit but nothing I was saying was working.  Her anxiety is really bad at this new school.  She really likes it there but is so worried about making friends that it has taken top priority for her and I have been trying to rearrange things a bit in her mind.  She is making friends but not fast enough for her.  It will take some time and trying to be patient with her nerves in the process. 

Today I did get an awesome phone call from her teacher.  I answered and was told that she (Mrs. Smith) wanted to call and let me know that Victoria is having an awesome day and that she has even caught herself when she was getting ready to do something against the rules and stopped herself before she did it.  I am so proud.  I like to hear that she is catching herself before she does something.  So good to hear.

I have also been enjoying some special time with the twins as well.  We miss sissy on our outtings but have been out enjoying the day taking in the some fun days.  Today for example we headed to the Carnagie Center in New Albany and checked out the current art exhibits.  The kids really got a kick out of it and I was glad to see that.  While leaving the center I recieved the call from Victoria's teacher and I made a B line for Sweet Stuff to get her a treat (we got a lil something for ourselves too.  :)  After that we drove over to the library and wandered around for a bit picking out some books for the twins and Victoria.  Found some great book for her about being the new kid in school.  Hopefully that will help a bit.  After taking in the library we headed to Walmart to pick up a few things and then off to Community park to have a picnic and do some swinging.  They kids had a great day and so did I.  Victoria came home to a bed full of new books to read topped off with a double chocolate chip cookie sandwich.  The only thing that could polish this day off was to grill out and we did that too. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year

Start the day off with some strawberry frosted mini wheats

The first day of school pic with the rose bushes.

The Justin Bieber backpack.  I didn't pick this one out the kid has enough money he doesn't need any of ours.  :)

The neighborhood kids on the corner waiting on the bus.  Notice that Anthony and Addison are not there as they are still in bed HOORAY!

Victoria's wish came true.  She wanted a girl bus driver as she has had a boy the past few years.  She wishes she could have her Aunt Punkin but she is at a different school.

Nothing cooler than getting to sit on the back seat of the bus on the first day of school!  Love you honey go knock em dead!  You will do great!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Open house at Mt. Tabor

Wow that is some school!  Over 700 kids K-4th.  I was quite impressed with the principle and staff and her teacher is young and seems to be on top of things.  Her room was super organized and she was very friendly and put Victoria at ease immediately.  Walking around we saw many familiar faces in the hallway as parents and as staff too.  I have a good feeling about this year for Victoria.  I feel that she is really going to come into her own and blossom and a young girl.  I am very excited for her.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sticking to your guns

Tonight at dinner Anthony was not cooperating.  He just wouldn't stay at the table and eat.  OK so mommy added her rice to her chicken salsa dish in the crock pot instead of making it separately to save some time, making a big ol rice mass kind of like a treasure hunt for chicken and bits of salsa and beans.  I told him that he would not be getting any snacks tonight because of it.  I had a late night snack myself of a turkey sandwich with tomato and potato chips in the sandwich (my fav!) and Anthony watched. 
"Mom I wanna thip!" (still working on that speech problem)

"Anthony I told you that you were not going to get any snacks because you didn't eat your dinner"

"Mooom you can't put thips on you thamwich nooooo.  Tha nasty!"

"Oh bubby that is good.  Wait till you get a chance to try it."

He reaches in to try again to grab a chip.

"Anthony I told you no and I mean no."

"Mommy when I get to my big boy burthday I wan thamwich with thips inside" (mental note this birthday is going to work well with the budget. lol)

I take my sandwich in the living room and Addison and Anthony follow.  Addison is allowed to have chips as she ate her dinner.  Anthony positions Addison between him and me on the living room floor.  He leans toward the bag.  "Anthony don't even think about it buddy!"  He backs away and begins to tell me that he again wants a sandwich with chips inside for his birthday along with a green and black Transformer and a quarter to play the Batman game at Kart Country.  Addison informs me that she wants a present with paper and a ribbon she can "snap" and then take the paper off.  Anthony looks down to find that Addison has made a mess of chip crumbs on the floor.  "OH MAN,THISSY YOU MADE A MESS!  Don't wowwy Mom I will keen it up fo woo"  I see him squat down and begin picking up the chips off of the floor.  "Thank you Anthony." (crunch crunch)  "Annnnthony?"  He doesn't even raise up off the floor.  Squated down he throws his hands up in the air and says "WHAT?  It not even a chip it crumb!"  Then starts crying on the way to his room "It's just a crumb!"

It is tough sticking to your guns as a momma especially when it makes your tummy hurt from holding in laughter.  What can I say his persistence will do him well in life as an adult.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I could but I won't

I finally have my Internet back.  I had some great posts to put on here during my week of no Internet.  I have had it back now for about 2 days and the twitching from withdraw has subsided a bit.  I could go back and post about my hilarious day of having to pay our first gas bill at the Laundromat (where you can also have something notarized, buy stamps among other really random things).  I could write a whole post about me setting up the blow up pool for the kids and blowing a fuse with the air compressor.  How we all walked down the stairs to the dreaded creepy basement only by the light of my cell phone and that my kids and I were all attached as we walked down the stairs because the kids were convinced that a monster was going to get us.  I could write about how the next day I attached the garden hose to the above mentioned pool to activate the high tech blow up waterfall only to have the whole thing rip off and collapse from the sudden burst of water pressure and clinging onto the side of the house as I wasn't ready to get wet just yet (that didn't work;).  I could write about my insane day of a very disappointing doc appointment followed by wanting to choke a lady at the State Street branch of Your Community Bank and followed that by talking to someone from India apparently about my Internet problem and dropping the call after an hour of squinting trying to understand one word that the man was saying to me.  I called back to find that there was no record of the last hour of my life spent on my computer typing in prompts and had to start all over with a man that wasn't near as friendly as the first.  I ended up hanging up on him after an additional 40 minutes on my phone.  Thanks mom for entertaining my kids in the process.  I followed all of that insanity by registering Victoria at her new school.  That took 2 hours and 7 lines.  Basically picture this... Ok you have a elementary school gym right?  Throw in about 12 teachers but first blind fold them spin them around for about 10 minutes. Add 12 tables each with a different purpose and booklet of papers to fill out. Now add about 200-300 parents straight from work hungry and confused accompanied by a few kids frantically trying to yell at their friends that they haven't seen since the school year and jumping constantly jumping (this is very important)  Top that off with 10 ink pens in the whole building and you have a good image of the registration process at Mt. Tabor. 

This day led to my second song written out of a frantic day.  You may remember my version of I will survive here.  In one day I had the doc appointment, two banks and a drive across town to make a simple deposit, 1 hour and 40 minutes of talking to someone I couldn't understand about my Internet problems with no results, and registration for two hours.  My kids and I are huge fans of the Lazy song by Bruno Mars.  Here is my version...

Today I didn't accomplish anything.
I just should have stayed in my bed.
Spent two d*mn hours on the phone
My Internet is still not on...

Stupid but laughing at it helped me not strangle anyone.  I had nothing else to do but laugh.