Sunday, October 16, 2011

SHOOT what a great weekend!

I had my first experience at Knob Creek's annual machine gun shoot.  I know what you are thinking.  "You did WHAT?"  It sounds a bit crazy but I had a blast.  My man is super testosterone and goes twice a year to the event with his buddy Travis and I have been asking to go.  I knew that it was "man's weekend" but wanted to see what all of the fuss was about.  I had a ball! Walking around looking at a bunch of stuff that I have no clue what it was but to see my husband's eyes light up and get excited when I took an interest in what he enjoys was priceless. 

I found this video you don't have to watch of course but you have to at least get to 1:40 to see all of the grown men with their cell phones in the air recording the shoot.  Plus this shows the helicopter rides going overhead.  People watching was PRICELESS!

The night shoot was unbelieveable.  You stand for 45 minutes or more in one spot trying to get a view of the shoot.  Everyone has their ear plugs in and is yelling to the person next to them.  The best part is taking yours out and listening to everyone around you talking so stinking loud.  lol!  When the shoot begins you feel like you are on a movie set. They set out propane tanks for targets. 

Never thought I would get into this thing as much as I did.  I want to go back.

The rest of the weekend was just unbelieveable!  James was home for several days (that is around 4 in our book) and we has some great quality family time!  We got the garage cleaned out too!  Always a bonus getting stuff done around the house!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

That's what I'm talking about

Love me some FALL!  Today we took it really easy and enjoyed a day of rest after our two full days of activities.  Outside was a pile of leaves just begging to be raked up and jumped in. 
 Jump #1
                                                            Jump #2

                                                          Jump #3
                                                   All together now!
Our allergies are on overload after this romp in the leaves but it was oh so worth it!  Love having a yard with a tree that gives us leaves to do this.  Loving life!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Best in show!

We love the Harvest Homecoming Costume contest!  There were so many great costumes!  Lots of competition and such creativity floating around.  I wish I could have taken more photos of the other kids but I was busy with my own.  ;)  My buddy Felecia and her mom came out to Harvest Homecoming as a tradition they have had for years.  They came to the contest to cheer us on and help me out a bit.  I didn't have enough hands and attention to go around and their presence was appreciated and helpful!  Here is my crew ready to go.  Let's just say that the mommy had a bit more fun with people asking if they could take a picture of my kids.  Such a proud momma I was.  Now picture fitting these costumes into an elevator several times for trips to the parking garage.  I wish I had someone take a pic of us trying to do that.  :)
This was one of my favorites.  Her momma was dressed up like a Dalmatian.  Such a cute idea!

 This was one of many homemade "floats" that had been assembled to enhance their costumed little one.  These entries made me nervous for our chances of winning. I started giving the pep talk of "Not everyone can win" when I saw this one roll up.  There was a group entry that came as the Flintstones with a wagon decked out like the Flintstones mobile. They even spray painted their dog to make him look like Dino.
 Here is a pic of my little kitty.  She was a nervous wreck waiting to go up on stage and did great once she got up there.  I was proud!  Check out the Harvest lion in front of her too.
 Anthony won 1st place in his age group.  Addison erupted into tears as she didn't get a "star" she only got a ribbon for her 2nd place prize.  Victoria unfortunately didn't place in her age group and I had an emotional roller coaster on my hands with two upset little ones and one that was jumping up and down because he had a trophy. Again thanks Felecia for coming and help fan out the flames. 
We headed back to the parking garage after Anthony got his trophy.  On the way back I saw a bigger trophy on the table with the words Best In Show on it.  I thought, well we DID win in his age group so we have a shot and I walked three emotional kids back down to the costume contest to wait out the results.  WE WON!!!!!!!!  Again Anthony is beside himself and I have two upset little ones on my hands.  That was rough to celebrate and console at the same time. A trip to Dairy Queen for a round of milk shakes calmed everyone right down and we were all smiling by the time we got home.

I have a whole new reason to love Harvest Homecoming!

Here are my little grapes with her second place ribbon.  Anthony spent most of his time with Miss Harvest Homecoming flirting with her.  ;)  Daddy would have been proud.  lol

After a trip home for a nap for all of us my parents showed up and we headed to the Louisville Zoo for trick or treating.
Jam packed day and by far the best day of Halloween celebrating yet.  I am exhausted my body hurts and I have a huge smile on my face.  I have to post this video of Addison as it makes me tear up every time I watch it!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I need to take smaller bites!

Holy Cow what a day!  Today was the kids (all 3) well check at the doctor.  I picked up Victoria from school and headed to Nassim.  I made the major mistake of letting the twins know what was coming.  I wouldn't feel like I was a bad guy keeping the fact that they were going to get shots from them.  They did great with it that night and this morning.  Anthony came into my room and said "I'm gonna get a shot today but I will be brave and just close my eyes and scream. "

 Everyone was happy go lucky on the way in and even made a friend in the waiting room. We head into the room and the tears begin with the finger prick.

 Why do they do that first thing.  I know it is so that they can get test results but why tick the kids off first thing.  About a half and hour in the room with two screaming 4 year olds and an 8 year old in the corner staring at me like I am an executioner I am in a dead sweat.  Both A and A want to hang on me and that makes Victoria , who hasn't shed any blood yet, want to hang on me too.  I cracked open the window to no relief.  It is just as hot outside too.  Where is the snow?  I needed an ice storm at that moment.  I know I will eat those words later.

 The nurse comes in and says that Dr. Shiner is running late and will be in the office soon.  "Soon?!?"  The nursing staff was super sweet and allowed the kids to go and pick out a book to keep them occupied.  They were very sympathetic to our wait and to the noise level in the room.  I could only imagine the waiting room listening to the riot in the first room on the right.  I bed kids were clinging to their parents for dear life I'm sure hoping and praying that they aren't here for what "those kids" are.

 Two hours in and I am sitting in a sauna and my hospital gown clad children and still crying at there band aid thumbs.  The doc comes in and immediately apologizes for the wait and takes her time with me answering questions and being so patient with the kids.  She really took her time with us and handled each child individually and gave them all lots of attention and care. 

Victoria gets her hearing checked and is being referred to an ear doctor for a thorough test as she didn't do too well in one ear.  Thanks Tracy for the tip on getting it checked.  Believe we have found a problem. 

The kids put on their shirts and I tell them to wait for the pants knowing what is coming.  I hear JAWS music in the background.  Anthony is sitting in a chair crying because he says his pants don't fit anymore.  I look down to see him trying to put on Victoria's jeans.  He is devastated because he knows that the shots go in the legs and his pants aren't working.  That's my boy! 

They come in and break all 4 of our hearts.  There are few things harder to do for a parent than to hold down their child kicking and screaming as they get needles stuck in them.  Trying to look into their teary eyes and say "It's ok."  I cried as Anthony was the first one up.  I tried to console him best I could and the nurse leaned over and gave me a hug as I hugged him.  "God bless ya.  You have been here longer than I have today." she says to me.  I get dried up and turn to find Victoria clinging to Addison for dear life.  I have to pry her out of Victoria's hands as they are both crying in the corner.  Anthony is still hysterical and I lay Addison down on the table. When she is finished I turn to find Anthony being held by a nurse as two other nurses are handing him goodie bags and stickers galore to help him get calmed down.  I am beat, emotionally drained and want to go home.  We had been at the doctor's office for 2 1/2 hours total.

We leave to find the waiting room empty except for one mom and son checking out.  I hope we didn't cause an evacuation of the building.  We made it through it as we always do and to McDonald's we head.

The kids and I drop off Victoria and Addison is telling me her legs are broken.  Her and bubby got 4 shots each along with the traumatizing finger prick. Victoria is scarfing down a chicken sandwich across the parking lot and we check her in.  I get the kids strapped in the car and Addison blows a gasket wanting to be in Tori's school with her.  I explain that we can't go to her classroom but ask if she would like to eat in the cafe area of her school.  She agrees that will make her happy so we do.  I take the kids to park afterwards and then home for a 15 minute nap before Victoria comes home. 

I need some finishing touches to the costume for Anthony as his juice box still needs a straw.  Meijer has purple balloons so I start there first.  Balloons, a cool insulated cup to make tea in, baby shampoo, and safety pins later we are heading out the door.  Anthony throws a fit as I am checking out about wanting to play the claw game.  This continues to the car and we head to Home Depot to the plumbing department to look at some pipe for a straw.  Anthony is still upset and says he doesn't want to go to  Home Depot.  I want to enter the kids in a costume contest for Harvest Homecoming so today has to be the day buddy.  Victoria gets involved in his fit and it sends her to the front seat to get control of her emotions as I wait outside the car with Addison who is happy as can be except for her "broken legs".  I am not a big drinker but I NEED A DRINK!!!

I find the perfect piece of pipe for the straw and head home with it after hitting up LJS on the way home.  I'm in NO mood to cook!  The drive thru line took forever. So long in fact that I was in front of the speaker so long they welcomed me to Long John Silver and asked for my order a second time.  Anthony from the back seat yells "HELLO!"  and I explain to the lady that she has already taken my order.  Anthony leans back and says "She won't even talk to me." I get food down the kids throat.  Addison eats for a change and I start on the costumes. 

This is when I discover I can't find my glue gun.  Me without my glue gun is like Bob the Builder without a hammer.  I am tearing up my already trashed basement and come up with nothing but a bottle of super glue.  I did however find a green headband that I need for Addison's grape costume.  I head upstairs and get to work. I finish Anthony's straw which looks amazing I must say and grab my Meijer bag to start pinning purple balloons to Addison's outfit.  This is the part where I discover I left the purple balloons in the cart at Meijer.  I will be going to bed now.  I wave my white flag of surrender.  I have bit off more than I can chew.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm mad!

This morning just before my alarm went off Anthony crawled in bed with me and was coughing and hacking. When my alarm went off I headed downstairs to wake up Victoria and then crashed on the couch with Anthony.  Me resting my back and him resting period.  Addison was still knocked out on her floor of her bedroom.  About an hour later I hear "AAAAHHHHH" as if someone is trying to pull a 747 down my hallway.  "Addison?"  She is walking down the hallway with James black t-shirt draped across her shoulders.  She loves cuddling up in her hero's shirts.  They barely skim the floor when she walks and she has the sleeves bunched up on her shoulders so that it "doesn't show my boobies".  She thinks it looks good but it is more like a black ghost floating across my floor.  "I'M MAD!" she says as she looks up at me.  "Who are you mad at?"  She reaches up and squeezed her little button nose and says "My nose ISN'T BREATHING!"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Toot Toot!!!

I know it isn't lady like to brag but check this out!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Must be Fall

There are some strange things going on in our house lately.  Mommy fixed us some hot chocolate with our breakfast to warm us up.  This was a super special treat because of the chill in the air.  It was pretty cold in the house and this hot chocolate did the trick.  That is until...
I got to the bottom of my glass.

This cup has been in the family for many years.  My Mamaw had one and I remember playing with it growing up.  Was fun to play the frog in the bottom of the glass trick on the kids.  Anthony was just drinking and drinking and when I walked back through the kitchen I saw Anthony just staring down into the cup.  I believe he was waiting on the thing to jump out.  lol

One thing that has signaled Fall for our family the past couple of years is going to the family reunion at Wonder Valley.  There was about 70 people there and I knew my mom, dad, children, grandpa and uncle.  lol. Isn't that the way it is at family reunions?  I had a ball.  Not only was there a HUGE playground for the kids to play on but they had an auction.  This isn't your ordinary auction.  Family members bring things from home to auction off.  It might be Great Aunt Beatrice twice removed's homemade apple butter OR her 20 year old plastic country blue wall clock with a goose on it.  The auctioneer , also a family member isn't a real auctioneer (surprising I know after I describe the quality of the merchandise) but is just as entertaining.  Another cousin of mine that I have never met appears to be half asleep as he grabs the merchandise off of the tables.  "Alright we have a birdhouse gourd, a collection of derby glasses, and two glitter candle holders.  Oh wait one candle holder has a candle in it! (BONUS!) Who will give me 10 dollars?  (crickets) 5? (crickets) Alright how about a dollar?"  The hands go flying up and goes up to about 15 dollars!  It was such a riot to watch.  I leaned over to my dad and uncle and while trying to catch my breath from laughing at the entertainment I said "Alright I have a 2 foot section of 2X4, an ironing board, a right handed glove and a piece of dental floss.  Who will give me $10?"  Those of you cousins that read that haven't been REALLY need to attend.  I promise you will leave with a stomach ache.
The kids met new cousins they didnt' know that they had.  Or at least I am assuming that they are cousins.  lol!
Grandpa helped Anthony show off his monkey bars skills. LOVE this pic btw!

Afterwards I couldn't pass up the amazing sunlight and snapped some pictures at my parents house of the kids. 

Such a stinker. 

Check out my Victoria growing like a weed!

Love me some Fall.  My favorite time of year.  Now to get started on the Halloween costumes.  We still haven't decided on what to be yet but I was informed today that the trick or treating at the zoo is this weekend and next.  I need to get started on something.