Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You have to take the bad with the good.

This weekend was wonderful and horrible all at the same time. On the good note, Makenzie came over and stayed the night for the first time since October. It was like we had never had drama. It was wonderful! Her and I got to bond over dressing up Anthony in Addison's clothes (complete with hair bow and silver glitter shoes, he felt PRETTY and strutted around the house showing off his new look, Daddy didn't approve). We laughed and cut up the whole time she was here. It was great to have her. We took all of the bigger kids to see Monsters vs. Aliens and really enjoyed it. We came home and made jello molds with pineapple (you have to see it to understand)

Brooklyn and Victoria have mixed like oil and vinegar this weekend, we'll just leave it at that!

Anthony's viral infection hasn't been affected at all by the steroids, and Addison started running a fever. We had a rough night a couple of nights ago. I grabbed her from bed and took her to lay in our bed for a bit. She was mesmerized by the TV in our room. She is becoming quite the couch potato. We put a small TV in the nursery so that they can watch Sesame Street and their Einstein DVD and Addison is hooked! I made her a new blanket yesterday and she got mad at me when I showed it to her because I was blocking the view to her Mickey Mouse Club House. When she was relaxing with Mommy and Daddy she would stand up go and give Daddy a hug and kiss and then sit back down only to immediately get back up and give me a hug and kiss. It was as though she had seen the most beautiful TV ever and was so appreciative to us for letting her experience it. Hilarious!

We made an appointment for both of the babies to go back to the doc. In the meantime, James had to pick up his truck at Freightliner and take it to his parents to park it and then get picked up by me while I dropped off the bigger kids at Mamaw and Papaw's house, so that we could take the twins to their appointment. I pulled in the driveway to drop them off and received a phone call from James to let me know that he wasn't going to make it in time. I took a deep breath while trying to figure out how I was going to get two 19 month olds in the doc with no stroller (we took it out of the car so that Brooklyn could ride in the car with us) Kids screaming I grabbed Anthony out first and pulled my purse and diaper bag as high as I could on my shoulder as I made my way to get Addison. Very tricky, to say the least, to hang onto one and get the other one unbuckled out of her car seat. I managed and made my way, back screaming, to the front door. I signed them in with the two fingers I had left and balancing two kids knowing that if I put one down I would have my hands full more so than I already had. The girls at the desk were super helpful and after seeing me struggle for a few minutes took me to the family waiting area in a private room with a TV...BONUS! Addison would be happy!!

My phone rings while the doc is checking out baby #1 and find out that James is in the waiting area he brought his semi to the doc office. It was so funny looking sitting in the tiny parking lot. Although he did mess up the semi trying to rush and get out from under his trailer allowing the king pin on his trailer to catch and pull the back bumper out about 4 inches.

After a diagnosis of double ear infections in Addison again we are asked to give Anthony a breathing treatment in the room. (notice this is when hot flashes happen in Mommy) I open up with window in the room and James holds Anthony while I keep an eye on Addison. She has discovered that the doorstop looks AMAZINGLY like a lotion dispenser. She walks under the nebulizer tube stretching from the bed to Anthony's nose would smack the door stop, put some "lotion" on her hands rub it in walk back under the tube to rub some on my belly and repeated this over and over the whole time Anthony is squirming in Daddy's lap fighting the inevitable. James and I are looking at each other laughing hysterically at the two of them and ourselves.

The doc comes in and listens to Anthony's lungs still hears wheezing and says we need to give him ANOTHER full treatment. Good thing there was still lotion left. LOL. The second treatment went much like the first.

Anthony is now on and 10 day extended run of his original steroid and has been given an additional one that we give him in his nebulizer. Addison is on an antibiotic (a new one that I am keeping my fingers crossed that we have no reaction to this one) and is to take it for 10 days. Oh and I fogot to say that James got called to work while all of this is going on.

So here I sit, venting on the keyboard, waiting for James to get back home from his route, two sick kids in bed and a 5 year old on one end of the house sitting in permanent time out and an 8 year old on the other, in the same predicament. "You can't be around each other without bullying, fighting, and hitting, then you can't be together! Enjoy your time of reflection!" (sound of gavel hitting the desk) Ahh a quiet house.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A week and a half of health is all we get.

Doctor appointment again for Mr. Anthony. It started with runny nose and then went to fever and vomiting. I thought it was an ear infection again with him pulling at his ear, but no, it is a viral infection in his lungs. We are doing steroids, breathing treatments and starting him on Singular to see if that helps the congestion he has had since birth. I had to give him a breathing treatment in the doc office, by the time it was over my back was on fire, I was dripping with sweat,and tears welling up. I opened up the door to the room and told the nurse I was on the verge of a meltdown. She thankfully came in and chatted with the kids to distract them while I cleaned up the shredded paper on the bed from him clawing to get away from me. Oh so much fun. He is doing well since we got home. Taking well to the breathing treatments, and not getting too hyped up with the steroids. Addison on the other hand is starting to get fussy and getting warmer. I have a feeling they are going to drop like dominoes again.

On a great note, I have to brag on my husband!! He has lost over 20 lbs.!!!! I am so proud of him. He has been eating a lot of Subway with Dad on the road and cutting his Mt. Dew consumption (also called his stay awake potion). It has been working and is needing to put a new hole in his belt because it is loose on him. Such awesome work honey! I am glad it is paying off. Now can you come home and stay with these sick kids so I can get to the gym? I am needing a new hole in my belt but not in a good way. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Taking a walk

Yesterday I got a chance to go and see Ariel. She was in a substantial amount of pain but doing well. She was very nervous about PT and wanted me to stick around. I tried to help get her focused on what the PT was asking her to do. We started with flexing the feet and then onto lifting the knee on the bed. We all kept cheering her on and she started feeling some pain. I decided to start talking about my experience in the Aqua aerobics class and got her tickled. Before we knew it she had her knee all the way up and was giggling at the thought of me in the Grandma and Grandpa pool working out. We then moved onto food and talking about all things containing sugar. Before we knew it she was sitting on the edge of the bed and talking through the pain about chocolate chip cookies. Once we got her on the edge of the bed (she had a quivering lip just thinking about sitting up while waiting for the PT to arrive) We looked her dead in the eye and told her "You have come this far and didn't think you would so let's stand up" She accepted the challenge and by the time we were done with therapy she had lifted herself, with help, off of the bed 3 times, stood for 4 minutes while they changed the bedsheets, and took about 6-8 steps across the room and sat in a chair to eat. I was beaming with pride for her. She did amazing. We just had to keep her talking about food, lol. The PT told us that their goal for day 2 was standing and walking and she just blew through it on day one. They were impressed. It just amazes me that someone can have their spine worked on and in 24 hours be standing up and walking across the room. The human body is incredible.

Monday, March 23, 2009


My niece had surgery today on her spine because of her scoliosis. She was such a brave trooper and did so well. My mom was able to go and be with her ( I didn't think two cranky toddlers would do much to ease every one's nerves) and said that she was in great spirits and ready to have it over with. I just got the call a minute ago that the surgery is over. It didn't take as long as they had thought and wasn't as extensive as they thought it might be. I am sitting her with tears in my eyes just so amazed at God. We have all been needless to say worried about it and praying for her. They didn't have to use as large of rods as they were thinking and she only has a 6 inch incision. The doctor said that he upper spine fixed itself once the lower part was taken care of. Praise God!

While waiting on calls about Ariel, I decided to go ahead and start my week out by going to the gym. I wanted to try out the Aquatics Fitness and chose the Pilates/Yoga class. I poured myself into my old swimsuit and towel wrapped around my waist made my way to the therapy pool. They were finishing the AOA (Active Older Adults) class and I sat and waited by the jets while they finished their class. The instructor must have been in her late 60s early 70s and was adorable. It was quite cute seeing all of these little old ladies bobbing around in the pool. It kind of reminded me of the Titanic scene. I know that is morbid but you would have had the same thought if you were watching. These precious little Grandmas and Grandpas getting their workout hanging onto their noodles. I kept watching the door for the younger instructor to enter to start getting ready for the Pi/Yo class and thought she might be running late. The AOA class ended and the everyone was getting ready for the Pi/Yo to class begin. I was proud of the AOA class because about 75% stuck around for the next class (clue #1). The AOA instructor made her way to the front of the pool again (remember 60-70 yrs old) and says "Welcome to the Pi/Yo class. Is this any one's first time?" I looked around and reluctantly raised my hand. She had me introduce myself and then asked "Has anyone had hip replacement surgery, if so we need to do some modifications?" A few raised their hand. I then began to look around and realized that no other people remotely my age had entered the pool for the class. I the youngest by about 25 years. The lady across from me was pushing 80 and chewing gum while bobbing up and down on her noodle. I had to fight laughing the whole class. We would all kick one way and our bodies would go the other in the water. We were bumping into each other and was told if you bump into someone you need to introduce yourselves. I met Betty whose Grandchildren were in the next room taking swimming lessons, and Pat who had been teaching this class for quite a while. All I can say is I got my butt out of bed and made it to the gym and burned some calories and it helped take my mind off of Ariel's surgery for a while. So what if it was the hip replacement class. That was the first class I have made it through with flying colors in a while.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring into health

We have finally made it to the land of the healthy. I thought we would never get rid of it. We have been feeling good for about a week now. Now for a quick recap on the Craig's life.

-Victoria went to Kindergarten round up. She was very nervous about the fact that I couldn't find her "curity" card and asked Grandma Harb if she wanted to come to her "Military (Elementary) High School" to she where she was going to go to Kindergarten. Thank you Disney for saturating the media with High School Musical. Now Elementary school doesn't exist.

- Grandma Harb's "Ball Pressure" isn't going down like we hoped but she keep checking it with that arm thing every time we go to the grocery store.

-Victoria fits very nicely under the bellies of truck drivers. We attended the Mid America Truck Show and had a ball. Victoria was able to wiggle her way through the crowd under several round bellies to get to the booths and grab all of the free loot and slip away back to us before the booths knew they had been wiped out. We got free Frisbees, yo yos, candy, 3,659 pens, notepads, measuring tape, blow up balls among other fun freebies. We had a ball and Mommy got to meet Rhino from Chrome Shop Mafia. Very exciting, after watching so many episodes of Trick my Truck.

-Mom captured a pic of me in full costume as Farmer Sissy. I will post them so that everyone can get full effect.

-My car has been running great, the rashes are gone. Praise God!!

-My niece is going into surgery on the 24th to get rods put into her spine because of her scoliosis. Please pray for her and the doctor.

-Kids + Bubble blowing machine in the living room = Good times!

-Addison has a new tooth, Victoria has freshly polished toenails, and Anthony is a fruit-a-holic.

-"Patrick's Day" is confusing to a kid, why do we have to wear green to celebrate Spongebob's best friend?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Monkey see, Monkey doo, Anthony is having a reaction too!

Well I guess it was inevitable. Anthony started getting his "spots" this morning. This is how Addison's started out. Thanksfully knowing what it is now, I dosed him up on Benadryl first thing this morning. Hopefully, it won't get as bad as Addison's. He seems comfortable too but just ornery! His tantrums are getting out of control. He is head butting and hard, into the floor, my face. I would love to pass it off as the reaction but I have to be honest and admit that is just how he is getting. Please pray for me!! Mom came over last night and brought Victoria a High School Musical cheer leading outfit. Victoria and Addison started dancing around the house while I dealt with Anthony trying to get him to sit down on the couch instead of stand. It resulted in several trips down the had taking him to bed throwing a complete fit when he wouldn't do what he was told. Is this a case of the early terrible twos? If so please call the nut house and have them pick me up. I am ready. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Therapy, boy do we need it (wink)

This morning Addison's rash has spread a little more. The doc said that it will probably get worse before it gets better. She still seems comfortable and is getting steady doses of Benadryl. Anthony started his speech therapy this morning. LOVE his therapist. She was very informative and it seems as thought the biting, eating, and speech issues are all related. Sounds like his tongue thrusting from infancy is causing the problem. The temper tantrums are caused by his inability to communicate his needs at times. Makes sense to me. I know I can throw a good tantrum when I feel like my needs aren't' getting met (can't I honey..:) ) So we are doing OT (another wonderful therapist) on one day for fine motor skills and then speech on the other. He took immediately to both therapists and of course did everything exactly like they were needing him to, and saying words that I have never hear him say (apparently someone that isn't "mom" trying to get him to do something is COMPLETELY different, and he does exactly what he is told.) Looking forward to the progress. Mom is on her way over and she is giving me a few hours to go to the Y. I think I remember how to get there. I have been unable to go for the past month and a half with sick kids. I am going to take Victoria with me and go in the open gym area and show her my basketball skills. Maybe I should bring her some protective eye wear, seeing as though I have NO basketball skills. She needs to get out of the house just as much as I do.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No she isn't turning into a blueberry!

The good news, Addison's ear infection is gone, the bad news her body didn't care for the medicine that got rid of it.

This morning I noticed that Addison had little red speckles on her tummy and chest.Both of the babies get so warm when they are sleeping that I just assumed it was a little heat rash. Throughout the day it got worse and worse. Addison was completely content just this growing rash that had turned into a bad case of hives by late this afternoon. Victoria was freaking out along with myself saying "She looks like that girl on Willy Wonka! Is that what is happening to her?" I got an appointment for her and found that the likely cause is an allergic reaction to the antibiotics they gave her for the ear infection. 1/2 a tsp of Benadryl and it should be gone in a few days. Thank God is isn't bothering her, she is still hamming it up.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bits and pieces

I believe that we are at the end of sickness with the kiddos. I am not sure if it is starting in me or if my allergies are acting up. I got into some deep cleaning in the living room. Lucy has been interfering James's ability to breath. I pulled the couch out and vacuumed the back of it where she rubs while sitting in the window. I could have made a whole other cat with the fur that I collected. I got under the desk on my hands and knees with the attachments and vacuumed around all of the computer cords and such. LOTS of dust I "thought" I had been getting. I can't breath now. No other symptoms than that so fingers crossed it is allergies.

This weekend was GORGEOUS! Mid 70's and sunny. I opened up the windows and let all of that fresh air in the house to sweep away the germs that had been keeping us sick. My house is coated in Oust and Lysol. It was so good to feel that breeze on me while I was working away. Victoria and I went outside with the babies and went for a walk. Victoria took her doll stroller with her and walked by my side all around our neighborhood. Everyone driving by got a kick out of the 5 year old stressed out mother pushing her babies on a warm pre-spring afternoon.

Thank you Mr. Taxman, we got our refund Friday. We have been holding our breath until then. Thank goodness it got here when we were told. I got to go and get me some clothes. My ever expanding waistline has limited my wardrobe to sweatpants and T-shirts I clean the house in. My "good outfit" for church and what-not was built on a sweater, now that the weather is warming up I don't think that is going to work too well. I got some cute clothes at Walmart and I can't wait to have somewhere to go to look nice. Date night honey....hint....hint...HINT. It is funny how Walmart clothes look so much cuter when your priorities change and you grow up and understand the value of a dollar. Maybe their buyers are just doing a better job. I "tried" not to get a wardrobe of black again. But I had to laugh this past weekend when I heard a comedian saying he just started a new diet, he wears a black shirt. SO me!
After that beautiful weekend it was off to another Monday. I chose to spend it cleaning out our closet again. Our bedroom was destroyed for the better part of the day but MAN it looks good now! So worth it. Then off to bible study, can I just say how incredible it is to not have to put coats on the babies and fly out to the car to get them out of the cold?? It just changes my mood instantly. Sometimes it is just so much easier to just stay "stuck in the house" than to go out and have to pack up all of the things needed to leave.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm still standing...surprisingly!

After an amazing weekend with my husband, that started early with truck trouble on the road, the week begins with a great but hectic "Leslie Monday". We waited for our first check from Rush to come in the mail so that I could fly to our banks to make sure payments were made on time. I did make it to both of the banks before they closed so I was excited. Leslie and I enjoyed the session 4 of our Bible study (still so good!) and then off to the house to hang out and watch our shows. Victoria spent Monday with me helping me get the house cleaned up from the weekend and getting everything Lysol ed down and all of the germs gone. She was so cute her and I both had our bandannas wrapped around our heads in true house cleaning fashion and worked our buns off. I got tickled at her talking to Boogie.."Now Boogie, I can't play right now Mom and I are working really hard to get this house clean so that Leslie can come over and play" It was adorable. She didn't leave my side all day long. She was a soldier for cleanliness.

Monday night after Leslie left I headed to bed and woke up around 1:30 to my stomach hurting really bad. Within 15 minutes I found myself running to the bathroom and threw up. This was the second night in a row for that to happen. No other symptoms at all just late night sickness (NO I AM NOT ABLE TO GET PREGNANT SO DON'T EVEN GO THERE!lol!) Around 2:30 I heard crying on the monitor. Victoria was up and very upset. I went into her room and tried to get her calmed down. She laid in bed with her hand on her head staring at the ceiling saying "I just don't know Mom I just can't get any good sleep" I caved and let her sleep in my bed. She had her peacock blanket in my bed so fast and was snuggled up, she was a streak of peacock blanket flying to my room.

This morning I woke up early knowing that the babies 18 month check up was today. I got the babies fed and poured Victoria a bowl of "Raisin Branch" cereal. She took two bites and took off running to the bathroom and got sick. This happened twice while I was getting everyone ready. Good thing I was heading to the doctor. We left with a diagnosis of Strep throat for Victoria (her ear is doing great and seems to have healed very well) and double ear infections in both Anthony and Addison. CRAP! Is this ever going to end???? Everyone in the house is on Antibiotics now. We headed off to Walgreens so that the insurance information could get messed up and think that Addison is Anthony and not fill her prescription because Anthony's prescription was already filled. Such a mess! It took 3 trips to the Walgreens drive thru with crying kids in the backseat (A&A both had one immunization on top of the ear infections). We headed off to McDonalds to get some entertainment for our sick crew and then off to James's old work to drop off payment for his insurance. On the way my car's engine light came on again along with the 4 wheel drive light. CRAP! I met mom so that she could hang out by my car while I went into the store for some more juice and supplies at Aldi's and finally 4 1/2 hours later from our simple "check up appointment". It never fails to be a not so simple day for us. But we keep our head up and keep trucking on.

Tonight the kids have actually done really well. Anthony threw up once and then headed back to bed to get some rest. He is up now trying to get my attention and Addison hasn't stopped talking to the whole night. Victoria seems comfortable and hasn't gotten sick anymore she just doesn't want to eat. We are holding it down and with the help of Beverly Hills Chihuahua and High School Musical 3 I believe we are going to make it.