Monday, July 28, 2008

Babies first fair

Addison wasn't phased by the fact that she couldn't eat the fair food. She was just fine with her crackers as you can see.

Victoria was drooling at the cucumbers...Her favorite. She couldn't quite understand why we couldn't eat them.

Tonight we headed up to Washington Co. to take in the sights of the Fair. Mom was chomping at the bit to see the babies again. You know she had been away from the for a whole 24 hours! They got a kick out of all of the new stuff to look at especially on the midway. All of the lights and noises. Victoria and I rode the Scrambler. I explained the name to her by saying it makes your belly get scrambled like scrambled eggs. I thought she would be scared but she giggled the whole time. She asked if we could ride the "Egg ride" again. It later turned into the "Hamblur" She had to go to the potty before we left. The bathrooms at the fair are always so lovely with the shower curtain door. She found her stall dropped her pants and sat down on the potty letting out the most incredible fart that I have ever heard her little bottom do. It sounded like it came from a full grown man that just finished a case of beer. I tried to hold back my laughter from the other side of the shower curtain, and did pretty well, until I heard her say "Man I should of brought my wipes!" Gotta love Fair food!

Victoria got her first dose of BINGO. I headed to the Lions BINGO tent, it is tradition! She was so excited to see all of the things that she could win. We sat there and after an explanation of how to mark the numbers we were in full BINGO swing. Victoria had to be told a couple of times to not say BINGO until I told her to. After a couple of games Victoria's disappointment started to show that we hadn't BINGOed yet. The man sitting next to us could tell and he handed her a card for a free biscuit with a purchase of a biscuit at the local diner in town. She thanked him and continued to play with new found excitement. We were really close to a BINGO when the man that just handed us our biscuit card yelled "BINGO". Victoria looked at him with complete disgust! How could he steal her BINGO from her?!?! He just kinda smiled and told her good luck after she told him congratulations. That next game I started to sit on the edge of my seat because we were one number away from a large diamond. Then it happened....we got a BINGO. Victoria yelled it at the top of her lungs. Everyone was so excited for her. We walked up to the table and she chose a picture of Hannah Montana (such a surprise). She carried it with pride for the rest of the night


There are no possible words that I could use to express how much this past weekend meant to me. There is no way that I could even touch on the emotions that were felt, the tears that were cried, the honesty that was given, or the love that was shown. I am in awe of my God. When the retreat had ended we all were in the Chapel and took turns sharing what we learned in this experience. I stood in front of my new family that I had made and said:

"When I left my house to come to this retreat I left, cynical, broken, questioning, dirty, tired, and feeling like I was a bad mother. I am coming home forgiven, filled with Joy, in love with my Savior, alive, whole, and washed clean as snow. I will never forget my second night at Chapel and what it took for me to understand God's love for me. I am different, I am new and I am going to go home and love on my children................(Clap) I will never forget! I am armed with the word and God's love and when I wake up in the morning the Devil is going to say "OH NO she is up!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Are we there yet?

I am so ready!!!!!! Let's get this show on the road. Mom came and picked up the babies and I have to admit that I cried. I haven't been away from them this long before. I think mommy is the one that is going to end up with separation anxiety. Anthony did cry when I handed him over to Grandma, poor thing he was so tired. My mom hadn't even left my neighborhood when he was conked out in his seat. Addison could care less she is up for anything and anyone getting her she is just such a social girl. She was fine as l0ng as she knew that Grandma had her snack crackers. I am waiting for Leslie and Jodi to come and meet me here at the house, Victoria has asked me at least every 5 minutes "Is is 4 o'clock yet?". Note to self...learn lesson if you don't want to hear someone asking what time it is every second don't tell the little one what time someone is going to pick her up. Please send some prayers up for me, and everyone else participating this weekend that this retreat leaves us with a strengthened relationship with God, pray for Grandma and Grandpa that the babies will enjoy every minute of being spoiled, and pray for Jodi that Victoria will behave herself and be the little lady that I know she can. I will miss my family but hope to come home to them a new woman.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"I am here to find you, reveal yourself to me"

I have spent the day getting everyone packed, house ready and heart and mind ready for this amazing weekend ahead. It is finally time for my retreat. Leslie and I are so excited we can hardly stand it. Amazing how God just kind of dropped everything into place for me. It just proves that if things are his will it will happen almost magically. I am ready for the renewal of my spirit and time to just spend with my God. I know there have been days that he has chased me around the house trying to get my attention and life was just to busy that day to hear his voice speaking to me. I am ready for "my world" to become "his world" again. I am your clay, mold me.

Here is a link to where I will be if anyone has never heard of Country lake and all that they have to offer.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Big girl in the third row

I have been researching car seats for the past month or so to find what I need/can afford. One of my clients bought me a car seat and I have decided to try it out. I found that Victoria wouldn't be able to fit in the middle of the two babies so she got to ride in the 3rd row tonight to try it out. I can barely see her curls over the headrest in the middle. I could however see the beams of light coming from her face as she sat in the seat that her big sisters sit in when we have them. She felt so grown, not to mention having to lift up the hatch for her to get out makes her feel like she is making an entrance wherever we go. I almost feel like I have to announce her "Now introducing Miss Victoria Craig!" , and the crowd goes wild.

This was taken today of Addison and her favorite sissy with their matching outfits.

You have no idea what effort it took to keep bubby's focus on something other than coming after the camera.

We met up with Marlina for the last night of our 2 week pass to LAC. I was unable to work out today and the last few days because the babies have been sick. I thought we were doing well but Anthony, after his nap this afternoon, was so congested and coughing really bad. I met her as she was walking out of LAC and we headed over to the YMCA of Southern Indiana to check it out.

It is older than LAC by many years but offers 3 pools. One family, one group exercise, and one therapeutic pool. Victoria's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the family pool fully equipped with sprinklers and a body slide. The playroom was better suited to my needs (mentally) They had a separate area for the little bitty ones that was gated off and separate from the toddlers and bigger kids. At LAC all of the kids were together except for 7 and older were separated in the play area leaving the babies getting trampled over by kids up to the age of 6. I always worried about them. YMCA has a jungle gym like at McDonalds, there and even computer learning games for Victoria to play. The membership is substantially lower and James could get a corporate discount. I would have the opportunity to take the babies to the playroom for a couple of hours and just Victoria and I could have some mommy and me time ,in the family pool ,that we so desperately need outside of the house. I think she would really get a kick out of that even in the middle of winter. They are building a new location closer to my house that will be bigger and have all updated equipment. Bottom line: No contract, great playroom, separate nursery, new location coming in 3 month closer to home, and mommy and me time... count me in!

Monday, July 21, 2008

No more TV while I am sleeping

Not a whole lot has been going on in the Craig home. I have been anxiously awaiting this week though. Thursday is the Faces of Christ retreat. I am so excited and intrigued by the secrecy of the retreat itself. All I know is that nobody that I know that has been has been disappointed, and none of them tell any details about the retreat...little stinkers! I am trying to get organized about what I need to do to get ready and pack for the kids and myself. Tonight is Leslie night, can't wait to get last minute arrangements made for the day of.
One thing I can tell you about to give you a laugh is the dream that I had the other night. I have had some very disturbing dreams and my poor husband has gotten some upset phone calls from me. Bless his heart, he is just driving down the road trying to make a dollar, innocent as can be, and I call him in the morning mad at him for something that he did in my dreams. I have always left the TV on while I am sleeping and I have been on a kick of MSNBC late at night. I believe that the shows have influenced content of my dreams quite a bit and I believe I am going to have to switch back over to Nick at Nite to keep my husband out of the dreamland doghouse.

On Friday night, I believe, I had a dream that I can't figure out the "hidden meaning" that everyone talks about. I had a dream that I was doing yoga with President Bush. All of his secret service agents were standing along the wall with their arms crossed and dressed like Will Smith in Men in Black. He was on the mat next to me and doing all of the positions in his 3 piece suit and keeping up quite well (oh yes did I mention that this dream took place in my high school cafeteria?) At one point George looked over at me and said "When is John Stamos going to get here? I JUST LOVE HIM!" . He was all giddy about seeing John Stamos. I just looked at him and said "Mr. President he has been standing right there this whole time". John was standing in the window with a pair of jeans on, a leather jacket with white T-shirt underneath, and of course some James Dean type sunglasses. The President jumped up and ran over to hug him like a teenage girl. I don't' know what kind of shows were playing or what was on my mind to make me dream of doing yoga with the President and good ol' John but I did wake up that morning laughing.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jesus money finally paid off :)

I just wanted to let everyone know that Victoria got to stand up and sing and dance while the big kids did their number last night. She was beaming. She came home with a sippy cup that she colored and a ukulele that she made out of cardboard and rubber bands (you can imagine how much fun that is to have at home).

Today we headed outside to play in the sprinkler that Grandma Harb got for a dollar at a yard sale. Water play is always fun on a day as hot as today.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jesus Money

Victoria has started Vacation Bible School this week at a church that my parents pastor preaches at. Victoria has asked daily about it for the past 2 weeks if today is the day she gets to go. I have also had to explain to her that a school bus isn't going to pick her up to go. I am sure that she is now wondering why she got those shots for school a couple of weeks ago if she isn't' going to be riding a bus anytime soon. :) Monday I dropped her off and headed to the gym. Getting her signed in burned about 200 calories hauling the kids in their stroller up the one lane ramp to the back where about 30 kids and their parents were waiting to be signed in. Our caravan of children just from the Craig family took up the whole 4X4 landing where the table was to fill out paperwork. Victoria was so excited to receive her visor, Hawaiian lea and flip flop name tag. She anxiously told me to go ahead and leave her "by her own self". She was beaming.

After working out and sweating up a storm I went to go and pick her up. They had the sanctuary all set up in an island theme with a volcano right in the center where kids were standing up and singing on the alter. I could tell that she was upset about something. I asked her what was wrong and ,with complete disgust in herself, she said to me "I 'porgot' my Jesus money!!". Jesus money is what they call the offering in Kidstuff at our church. At VBS the kids get to go up and sing a song on the alter and then they give their offering into the volcano. She was devastated that she didn't remember to bring hers so that she could stand up and sing and throw her money into the volcano.

Victoria has a piggy bank that she puts her Jesus money that she earns through the week doing odd ball jobs around the house. Everything is about Jesus money. She even asks my parents for it when she does something for them. If I do something special for her she will give me some pennies from her bank and present them to me saying "Here you go you are a good helper and my favorite mommy here is some Jesus money". She is too cute!

Tonight she remembered to bring it. She had her pockets full of it when we left. When I picked her up she said they took her Jesus money but she didn't get to sing on the stage, so again tonight ended with a little disappointment. The ladies explained to me that the number of kids has limited the "stage time" for the little ones. So hopefully she will get her 15 minutes of fame on the stage before it is all over. I just hope she doesn't sing "Don't cha wish your 'girlpriend' was hot like me......Jon't Cha?"

I got tagged

Tag, you're it: The Game The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

What was I doing 10 years ago?: I was in Cosmetology school and working at Dillards Salon ranked in the top 20 of our region.

What are 5 things on my to-do list for today?Go to the gym, take a nap, dishes, a load a laundry and enjoy the fact that my house work is caught up for the most part.

Snacks I enjoy:Cheese It Stix ( am addicted!!) Creme Cheese and Salsa dip with chips, Veggie tale fruit snacks

4 Things I would do if I were a billionaire:Pay back my parents all of the money that I have owed them over the years, Buy a home with a dining room, dish washer, dryer that worked correctly and a bigger yard to play in, Go on a Honeymoon, Help out others less fortunate

Places I have lived:Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana

6 Jobs I have had:Route sales for Golden Flake potato chips(yep I drove a chip truck), Singer for Cape Canaveral Cruise lines, Cosmetologist, DJ/Karaoke babysitter, Server at 100 restaurants, Mommy

People I want to know more about:Leslie, Jill, and my cousin Jill

Have fun tagging!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Shootout at the Craig corral

We headed out to my Papaws farm in New Philadelphia today to do some target shooting. We had a blast. I haven't been shooting in such a long time. We stopped by my parents first to pick up my dad's 22 pistol and an open can of formula that mom had at the house. I cracked up when I got into the shed where dad put the gun for us to pick up to find it with the can of formula. Not your usual combination, Guns and Baby Formula (I don't Axel Rose naming his band that) We set up a designated area for Brooklyn and Victoria to play in the huge field and put the babies in the back of the car with the hatch open wearing Winchester earmuffs. Just your good ol redneck day of fun. Poor little Addison's cheeks were squished together so much from the muffs that you could barely see her mouth. They didn't flinch at all. The muffs really worked to block out the sound. I am going to have to see if I can get the pictures off of my phone to post on here, too cute. James got to test out his Anniversary present and I did too. I didn't hit a thing but the dirt around the targets but still had a good time.

No stick needed

OK for all of you guys out there with kids or just love to be a kid themselves. These things are great! They are called Corn dog muffins. They were super easy to make and Victoria loved them. Heck she loves anything that involves ketchup!


  • 2 packages of corn bread/muffin mix (8.5 oz each)
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of mild
  • 1 can of corn drained (11 oz)
  • 5 hot dogs chopped

  • In a large bowl combine corn bread mix and brown sugar. Combine eggs and milk: stir into dry ingredients until moistened. Stir in corn and hot dogs (batter will be thin)
  • Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups three-fourths full. Bake at 400 for 14-18 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

I used the mega muffin tin and just cut them open and spread some ketchup on them. I have to admit they were really good.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's getting hot in here! So take off all your......

Guess what I found when I checked on the babies today in the nursery? My son with all of his "business" hanging out with one hand grabbing his diaper to chew on it and the other on his new "toy". Such a boy. Thank God that he didn't have a dirty diaper. We have had a hard time finding pants that will stay on him. He is so little in the waist that everything that we put on him falls off or slides right off of him when he is in bed. Now we have to worry about diapers coming off. I knew that this was going to happen I just wasn't prepared for the look of accomplishment on his face. He was so proud of himself. I made a Mohawk out of his hair to celebrate his rebellious phase today of "I don't need to wear no diaper". The little Grandma's at church loved it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Today I FINALLY had my Dentist appointment that I have been waiting for two months to have. I had a large chunk of tooth fall out of a molar and wanted to get it fixed. I woke this morning to a stomach that was already churning from nerves. Mom came to watch the kids and I headed off to seal my fate.

After full x-rays I found out that they were not going to be doing any work today (again waited 2 months for this appointment with a hole in my tooth) that they were only going to find out what was going on in my mouth and make "a plan" for correcting the problem. After 2 hours from hitting the door of the place (only to do X-rays) I was presented with "the plan".

Four crowns are needed, 2 possible root canals, 2 medicated fillings, and need to fill cavities that I could count if I had more fingers on my hands. The kicker is I could fix all of these problems for the ULTRA LOW cost of $5,741.00 for 2 days of work on my mouth that would require me to be there the whole day under sedation. They even provided me with this handy dandy little map of my mouth with a red pattern showing where my mouth is needing work. Let's just say that I am sure that they ran out of red ink in their printer a few times before they could finish printing out my chart. I was sick! Not exactly how I wanted what I wanted to hear. I have a place for them to stick their "plan". Thank God it was Monday and girls night!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Time to come clean

Today is our 2nd Anniversary. Some of you might be scratching your head thinking....I remember going to their wedding in September (if you remember). Well James and I actually got married two years ago today in a very Redneck Wedding.

We had been engaged for about a year when my neck had again stopped working. I found out that I had herniated disks and that surgery was something that might be in my near future. I freaked out and after a doctor had suggested an MRI insurance became an issue. James and I looked at each other and called his HR at work. If we were to get married I would be immediately covered on his policy..........LIGHT BULB! We called the court house and made an appointment for the following morning to get married. I was unable to get out of bed by myself that morning and James had to dress me. Sweat pants, flip flops and a worn out T-shirt was going to have to do. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail (you know you need to wear your hair up if you are going to get married) and off we went to the court house just the two of us.

I thought that it would be really impersonal and non emotional. We used the secretaries there to be our witnesses. The judge was a sweetheart. She even asked for pictures of our church wedding that we had in the works. I hobbled out of the courthouse and we drove to Moby Dick on State Street for lunch. James had already promised to help his Uncle Frank to move so after a Chiropractor visit he dropped me off at home and put a bag of frozen peas on my neck to rest. Not quite exactly the romantic Cinderella story that little girls dream of for their wedding day, but It did end in a "Happily Ever After".

This was my "official" wedding dress for the day. Brides always wonder if their Groom will like their dress, I know that mine did he picked it out. :)

Our picture that we took in our driveway. Our wedding photographer was the rail on our stairs and the timer on the camera. I tease James and tell him I get all misty eyed when he wears his "Fear Me for I have the power to destroy you" T-shirt. "Oh honey that is your wedding outfit!!"

James had a beautiful Orchid delivered to me today. It was so sweet of him to remember that is one of my favorite flowers. It greeted me at the door when I got home from the gym today. I bought him the rifle that he has had his eyes on. I put it in the back of my car and told him to grab the diaper bag out of the car when I got home. He was surprised. I was excited to get him something that he wouldn't expect. I know not exactly the "normal" wedding anniversary gifts but we are not the "normal" couple and I like it that way.
I love you James and I would do it all over again. You are the love of my life and I thank God everyday that he brought a man into my life that is so loving, compasionate, understanding, honest, tender, and a wonderful father to my children. You are amazing and you still have the ability to steal my heart on a daily basis. Happy Anniversary honey!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Victoria the builder!

Today I tried out the LAC gym here in Clarksville with Marlina. We have a 2 week pass and we are so excited to take advantage of it. We took a Zumba class. It is based on Latin dancing and was right up my alley. Granted a lot more stuff giggled than I would like but I shook my stuff with the best of them in the class. I could really get into exercise if it was like that.

We met Daddy at Home Depot to help him pick out material for the finishing of the "ever in progress shower" Victoria and I discovered that Home Depot has a project for kids to do the firs Saturday of every month. This month was a bird house. Once we found out it was free it didn't take long for us to pull up a 5-gallon bucket to sit on and dig in to the project. It was really neat. They had sheets of plywood sitting on buckets to make tables for everyone to work on. Victoria got to hammer and when we got home I had her use her watercolors to paint it.

Friday, July 4, 2008

"Are you ready!!!?"

That was the phrase of the day at the Pennington 4th of July festivities. We had a ball. Great food and company. It was the first time that the family has all been together in a long time. I got to meet my new cousin Brooklyn. She is 5 months old now and adorable. It was quite a scene to see all of the babies in the family crawling around and getting acquainted. I wish my Mamaw could of seen all of them. She was missed. Victoria had a ball playing with the "big kids" and felt all grown up when she got to walk down the road to the old store to get a snack. We even enjoyed a little picking-and-a-grinning from my dad and my uncle Rick.

"Are you ready!?" is what Victoria said over and over while saying goodbye. That is how she warns people that she is coming in for a bear hug. Everyone got a kick out of it. Victoria told me as we were leaving the drive way that she wanted to come back on Tuesday. :)

Boogie Bear loved his cousin Candy!

"Cupcake? I didn't eat no cupcake."

Victoria was a hit with her new haircut. She got gum in her hair for the second time and I decided it needed to go! It looks adorable on her.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We better get there early so we can find a seat!

Today was the babies first theatre experience. The local theatre here has free movies on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Today's movie was Veggie Tales Pirates that don't do anything. I met my friend Marlina at the theatre at 8:30 (for the 9:00 show) because I was told that they fill up really really fast so in order to get a seat you need to get there in plenty of time. Let me tell you we did. We arrived at 8:45 and waited for them to open the doors. I was puzzled, there wasn't many cars in the parking lot and they had 3 screens showing the movie. Seemed like a lot of fuss for only 10 or so cars. After about 15-20 minutes of sitting in the theatre I went to check and see if the other screens had started the movie. I was then informed by another family in the theatre next to us (at 9:15) that the movie doesn't start until 10!!!!! So needless to say we found a seat without problem as you can see below.

The babies did great during the show. Anthony wiggled all over until the lights went down and the movie started, he just froze and stared with his mouth hanging open at the screen. He enjoyed shaking Marlina's box of Nerds too. Halfway through the movie he took a nap and spent the rest of the movie watching people behind him after he woke up. He did great. I was so proud!

Addison Marie wasn't too impressed she watched casually and clung for dear life to her breast cancer puppy dog. She also took a nap during the movie and became very interested in Mommy's cup of coffee that went so well with her outfit and puppy dog. She is such a slave to fashion at 10 months.

Victoria loved getting to run around the theatre for 45 minutes while we waited for the other 200,000 people to show up. That place was packed by the time the movie started. It is true what I had been told, a great movie, it's free, babies are welcome, you don't have to worry about your kids making noise during the movie (parents are outnumbered 10 to 1) because all of the kids are talking and laughing, AND YOU NEED TO GET THERE EARLY!!! but not as early as we did.:)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Some of my favorite pics from the past week

Grandma.....are you going to pick me up?

"It IS ok that I am doing this right?!?"

They took their first bath together at Grandma's house. There were more great picks but I thought it would be best to save those for the photo album.

The next series of photos Grandma took while waiting for me to try on clothes in Meijers. I don't believe Anthony has alot of tolerance for shopping, or dressing rooms.

"Ok, not a big deal, Mom is going to try some stuff on and make sure it fits.... I'll just wait here." (Like I have an option)
"She took HOW MANY items into the dressing room?! Isn't there a limit on stuff like that?"

"Oh heck with it just wake me up when we are home!"