Sunday, November 22, 2009

Can I have this dance?

Anthony and Addison have been getting along really well and enjoying each other's company. Last night Anthony, Addison, Brooklyn and I were sitting on the couch watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The kids were getting a kick out of it. We reached the song Ol Bamboo. Anthony got up and started dancing. He looked over and saw that Addison was still sitting on the couch just watching the number. He walked over to her with the sweetest grin on his face held out his hand, took hers and said " 'Mon Sissy, dance." Addison looked up at him and said "OK" and they joined hands and spun in circles in the middle of the living room. I had to fight back tears. It was one of the most beautiful things I have seen. Such sweet kiddos when they are enjoying each other's company.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Our newest FREE obsession..

Floyd Co. Public Library. We are now proud Library card owners. Victoria and I both. I took off early this morning to take care of it as James watched the kiddos. I had to be a sight wandering around looking at the millions of book available. I have to be honest, I spent most of my time in the children's books. I found Anthony a book called Truck Stuck, he LOVES it. It is about a semi that gets stuck under a viaduct. He gets very excited at the "step on the gas" part. He loves to stomp his foot. Addison had a book called "Mouse gets mad" selected for my little temper tantrum thrower. Victoria got a selection of Junie B. Jones books and a really cool one called fun things to do with Mom. Lots of ideas for crafts, recipes, and games to play. My throat hurts from reading. A lot of that going on here lately. It is a nice change from Spongebob, and Elmo. Victoria gets really excited to see her sight words in the book. She leaps off of the couch and says "CAN, WE, YOU, LIKE" makes her feel like a real big girl. Now to figure out taking the kids TO the library solo. Should be a challenge but I can do it!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Giving Thanks

Victoria was having a great night so James and I decided to do some special things with her. She got her usual treat of Leslie's homemade hot chocolate with "wet creme" and peppermint sprinkles. At the end of the night I stumbled upon our McDonalds Monopoly game pieces. So off to McDonalds we went at 8:30 at night. 4 Cokes, one french fry, and two hot fudge sundaes later we were on our way back home. First let me explain the hot fudge sundaes. Everyone is feeling the crunch of the economic state our country is in. People are cutting back. Portions are getting smaller and quality is lowering. THESE hot fudge sundaes were top notch. You know that kind that not only has hot fudge on the top but they gave you some on the bottom as well. WONDERFUL! I made a comment about it on the way home, "That woman knows how to make a sundae!"

We got home, Victoria took her first bite and managed to get hot fudge all over her face. She looked at me and said "Man, I am loving that lady! She makes the bestest hot fudge sundae EVER. She needs to work everyday and they need to fire everyone but her. She can be the new manager!" I couldn't' resist. I ended up searching for the number for our McDonalds and asking to speak with a manager so that I could warn him that his job was in danger. He got a good chuckle out of it and said he would relay the message to the sweet woman running drive thru.

By the way I kicked some booty in Candyland tonight. Even James got in on the fun.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Psalm 5

Victoria is off for her first weekend with "Mommy Tina". We recieved a letter last week from her attorney stated that he was contacted in regards to us refusing to allow Tina "Parenting Time". This has never happened. We have threatened it many times, but never told her that she can't get her and see her. James pulled out our custody agreement and read that we are suppose to allow 92 overnight stays a year. This weekend is one that is going to have a lot of prayer attached to it. I am a nervous wreck, you could cut the air in our house with a knife. Lots of tears shed over it and the day got capped off with finding out that James's oldest got caught stealing again, and the girl she stole from might press charges. Suspended for 5 days, and is already on Police watch, at the age of 14, for her prior offense for stealing a shirt at Sears. Been a lovely day at the good ol' Craig house.

Victoria, God love her, knows how to push every button I have. Yet, the house is incredibly empty now that she is gone. Sometimes you never realize how much you have a blessing staring you right in the face till you have to trust someone else with taking care of that blessing.

-I miss her constant singing of her color songs and her zoo phonics rhymes that she does all day long as soon as she hits the door from school.

-I miss her wanting to help with everything, even though my control freak nature comes out and I end up doing it over.

-I miss popcorn and late night TV with her. She loves her "Mo Cosmy" .

-I miss her asking to make cards for everyone that she meets. She loves to give things to people, and make art projects.

-I miss her wanting to snuggle on the couch.

-I just miss telling her goodnight, and to get her butt back into her bed.

Please pray for a safe enviornment, and for protection of her impressionable brain.
Please pray for my peace of mind during these next few days, my brain is everywhere and my heart is troubled.