Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Embarassment at Target

The kids and I had to go to the pediatrician for Victoria's med check appointment.  On the way out of the school parking lot from dropping V off Anthony said "Go fast mom!"  I told him that I couldn't because a cop would pull me over and I would get a ticket.  He just looked out the window disappointed and said "Hmm when I tell Grandpa to go fast he just does it."  Thanks for making me look like a party pooper dad.  lol

We took a quick lap (quicker than I had originally wanted) through Target today.  My son loves Thomas the train.  While walking through Target he spotted Percy.  His poor speech problem proved to be quite entertaining in the toy department as he is saying VERY loudly "I love p*ssy!"  We didn't stay in Target much longer.  I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I made a b-line for the check out.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Again like I said on FB, it would be a crazy shopping trip with K screaming, "I want a sucker!" :)