Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Night of fasting and prayer

Today the kids and I participated in a church wide fasting day.  I have never fasted and I couldn't decide to go with the traditional food fasting or of my second love.  My computer, TV and phone.  I decided to just do it all.  I spent the day with the kids baking for my sister's Thanksgiving feast and my buddy Felecia came over for a haircut.  Poor thing was in a panic not being able to reach me via FB.  Not to worry girl I gotcha!

In the middle of the day before nap time I asked the kids to each go into their room and spend some time with God.  I spent my time going over scripture on anxiety and just spending some time quiet listening to what God has to say on the subject.  My biggest hindrance.  In the process Anthony whips open the curtains over his door and says "HEY MOM GUESS WHAT? ME AND GOD ARE FISHING!"  Way to be fisher of men little buddy.  Addison said that her and God played and they had a good time.  Victoria said that she spoke with God about her fears and enjoyed sitting her room praying. 

Church had a service tonight to break the fast as we all shared communion together.  Anthony sat down in the sanctuary and was checking the place out.  The kids were so excited as the first song we sang was "I will follow you" one of the kids favorites.  Anthony is scanning the room as George our pastor comes out so speak and Anthony spots the sound booth in the back of the room.  He turns to me grabs a hold of my sleeve and whispers in my ear.  "Mommy that is where the judges sit!  That guy is going to wiiiin!  He is going to go to Hollywoooood!"  Guess that fasting from TV was a good pick for the kids as my son think that our church is X Factor.  During the time of communion Addison decided that she is wanting a snack as well.  She starts crying for a piece of bread.  She sees everyone in front of her getting a piece and dipping it in a wine glass.  Anthony, my take charge boy, leans over to her and says "You don't want that.  That dip is spicy." 

What an incredible day with God and my little ones.  I have needed the quiet in the house and the time to get my head wrapped around some things going on.  I feel better and know that I am in good hands no matter what the conditions.

1 comment:

Jill said...

What an awesome experience for you guys! We do have so many distractions that take away our focus way.too.much!

I read your FB staus to David and he was laughing hysterically. Love Addison's input, too! :)