Thursday, March 15, 2012

Aren't we supposed to be in the car?

I asked the kids if they wanted to go on an adventure today.  Of course the kids were excited and said "YES!"  I packed a lunch in their backpacks and we headed out the door after telling Anthony that his knee socks were not appropriate for his new crocks today.  My kid is so fashion forward.  lol  They were very perplexed by the fact that we walked past the car when they obviously were wearing their zoo backpacks.  They both looked at each other and laughed asking "Where are we going?"  I told them just stay with mommy and we crossed Green Valley Rd and headed to that big hill that we look at from our front porch.

As we were walking they grabbed each other's hands and I darn near shed a tear.  I love them so much and the fact that they love each other and are still sweet enough and don't care enough about what other people think of the fact that they love each other too and want to hold hands in public.  Warmed a momma's heart right up.  Even more so than the record breaking weather we had today.

Once we topped the hill and the kids realized that we were at their favorite park they ran straight to this patch of flowers for a photo opp.

Addison picked me a flower.

Anthony, not to be outdone by his sister decided I needed something bigger and better and he brought me a "flower ball" as he called it.

He was so excited to see the creek at the bottom of the hill and to be our tour guide.

Addison checking it out herself.

 More shots from a momma with a camera.
Enough already mom!

 Addison shoes sounded so cool on the wood, just ask her.  lol
 While Victoria was at her appointment we headed over to dollar tree and found these gems. We got in some play time before the storms hit.
Awesome day today! Not only did we have a great adventure Victoria and I had a WONDERFUL night tonight as well.  I even got thanked for helping her with her homework.  I will sleep well when I lay my head on my pillow tonight.  Thanks God. :)

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