Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Addison Happy 5th Anthony!

Let the shopping spree begin!  What a day we had.  We started with opening presents after dropping off Victoria at the bus stop.  Cupcakes for breakfast and a quick bath we were off.
How cute are these?  The kids loved them.  Only 88 cents and no left overs to be tempted with.  :)
This part went a little something like this... "Happy Bir-(blow)"  candle was out on Anthony's cake.  No need to sing mom I just want the cake!  Please note the fancy "coffee cups" that the kids have had their eyes on at Walmart.  They think that it is really something to drink out of a cup with no spout like mommy does in the morning. 
3 year old presents are the BEST!  Dollar tree here I come.  So easy to shop for and so excited about EVERYTHING!  "I wub it! I wub it! O cank cu Mom!" came from Anthony with everything he unwrapped.  Lots of character Ziploc bags for snacks, flash cards and books for school, dress up clothes (note that tough fireman look and the fairy sister that is humoring him) but the hit of the dollar tree presents was the boo boo ice packs.  They have had more boo boos today than any other day in history, yet I can't find a single bump or scratch on them. :)
We stopped my Mamaw and Papaw's house to pick up their presents.  They got two huge bean bags for the living room.  They were very excited about them.  This is Anthony telling (arguing with) Mamaw that he is 5 today!
The kids had a ball at Chick-fil-A.  Free play areas are always nice.  This was a rare occurrence, Anthony giving Addison a hug in the slide tunnel.  They left there a sweaty mess and worn out.

We headed over to Target to check out the sales. We had birthday money to spend after all.  The kids picked out their toddler bedding.  Mommy was feeling brave and was ready for the cribs to go bye bye.  I am probably insane for doing this but feel that we have mastered the potty training on Addison so might as well take the next big step.  BTW Anthony still says "No way!" when asked if he would like to go potty.  Even after Papaw Gee promised a big T-Rex from Toy Story if he does.  The kids also got their very own Leap pad computer.  They were very excited about these too.  Great for school days.  Loud but they are learning none the less.
Walmart, another Target (just in case they had anything that the other one didn't.  Can you ever have too much Target?!) and then off to Toy's R Us.  

The newest obsession (but not purchased due to obvious reasons) umbrellas...

They pushed these carts around the store forever.  They were very serious shoppers.  Check out that pointing finger.  I am sure that he is pointing out a clearance end cap.  He is mommy's boy after all.
Anthony and his electronics.  Check out that attitude from the sister waiting for her turn. 
Addison toted around this Minnie Mouse through the whole store.  She has tons of stuffed animals and not enough room for more until we get some kind of shelf up.  So we had her put it back.  She was not happy about this and continued to look for it after her potty break.
I hope that I can explain this well.  This is a chair that you can wear.  The back of it (the jet pack) can fold underneath and that is the seat of the chair or you can flip it back so that you can wear your chair.  Buzz Lightyear of course.  Please picture Anthony running full speed up and down the aisle yelling "To finity and beyon!" 
The arm rests have holes in them so that you can slip your arms through to wear it.  I never did find a price on this but I may have to make another run to Toy's R Us for Santa.  :)
We thought that Addison had given up on the Minnie Mouse until we told her it was time to leave and we found her like this.  "We don't have to get that Minnie Mouse Mommy, I'll just take these."

We had a ball we were exhausted and the back of the car was loaded down.  Can't wait to get the beds converted and make my little ones their big boy/girl beds.

After my photo book of the day I would like to share some things about the age 3 to my little people.


  •  You are always coming up to me and saying "Mom, I want to tell you something...Pa Pa Gee is making Big T-Rex money"  You have to tell me this at least 20 times a day (no joke) as if I have forgotten that he told you he would buy you one. 

  • You still have no interest in potty training even after watching sissy get to wear something other than a diaper.  I find it funny that I mentioned this last year too.  Hopefully I won't be posting on your 4th birthday about how you are still not potty trained.  :)

  • You love and have mastered the art of pestering your sister.  You know just how to push her buttons and sometimes it is hard to tell if she is laughing or screaming at you.

  • You are still in love with anything superhero.  You refer to yourself as Ironman, or Superman on a regular basis.  Although sometimes you take a break from it to call yourself Pa Pa Gee, your other superhero.

  • You love your "Tar".  It is located in the basement of Pa Pa Gee's house.  You love to give concerts to anyone that will listen and you have to get your foot tapping first before you even start to strum the strings.

  • You love to dance and have a preference to classic rock songs or anything with electric guitar.

  • You can be found with your index finger to your chin then pointing it straight up and saying "I Know!" when you feel you have come up with a brilliant idea.  This usually involves something to eat.  ;)  You also will someone else's conversation (that you are not involved in) with "Me too!"

  • You love to play school and your coloring cracks me up. You are a one line per color kid.  Green (one line) DONE! Blue (one line) DONE!  You also get excited when we go over the letters that we have already done and make sure to let everyone know that B stands for Bubby!

  • Where do I even begin my sweet little drama queen.  You are mommy's little princess.  You are a fashion girl and will hold everyone in the house up if your shoes, socks, shirt, pants, anything on you is "Not working"

  • You also love school and your coloring is in clusters.  Your coloring pages look like polka dots.

  • You love to dance and most of your dancing is in your shoulders and finger tips.  You love club music and anything with a strong bass line.

  • You are very proud of yourself for using the potty and haven't had any accidents out yet.  I probably just jinxed myself didn't I?

  • You have become quite a picky eater.  If it doesn't resemble a chicken nugget you don't want much to do with it.  Anything with sauce is a plus, but you usually just eat (wear) the sauce.

  • You worship your big sister.  You think that Victoria hung the moon and will do anything that she does.  You watch her like a hawk and hope that one day you can be as cool as she is.

  • You LOVE to dress up!  You have a whole drawer of dress up clothes.  Most of is is Victoria's that she has out grown which  you love.

  • You have an almost permanent mark on your forehead from where you lean against your bed rails watching TV at night.  You are your fathers daughter.  You have to have your head propped up against something when in bed.

  • You hate to admit it but you love your brother.  He pesters you to death but you secretly love it.  You crack up and love to receive horsey rides from him.  You yell "Gitty up Cowboy!"

  • When you are having trouble with something like getting unhooked from the wagon you yell "Save me Superman!" to get your brother to help you.  It is quite adorable, and Anthony loves that you run to him for help.
You are still my snuggle bug and can wad up in the tiniest ball on my lap pressing your check to mine.  You love touching faces when you snuggle and think that snuggling with Gramaw is just the best.  She does too. 

I wouldn't trade either of you for the world.  I love you to pieces and you have brought me more joy that I could ever imagine.   

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