Monday, November 29, 2010

Dumb camera!

I have wanted to write a post for a while and wanted to include a pic so that I could get your understanding of the misunderstanding.  I have searched online for a pic and this is the only one that I found...
I have two huge loves in my life.  Crafts and Dollar sections of a store.  I was introduced to Michael's in Clarksville and I have never been the same!  Crafts AND a dollar section all in the same store!  Woo hoo!  I found a bin outside the door with clearance merch. and found these cute little soaps.  They said things like Delete, Undo, All Gone.   It thought it is was such a clever idea and could "delete" the dirt off of my hands, "undo" the day, and wash my troubles "all gone". I fell in love with them and they were only 29 cents!!  I grabbed a fist full and headed inside to the sound of angels singing "Welcome Home Kelly!"  I could write a months worth of blogs on the ideas I came up with while spending every dime that comes in our home but I will refrain on both counts. 

Things continue to be stressful around here and I decided to take advantage of the massive tub and soak the day away.  It was then I thought of my clever little soaps I got.  I searched my way through them in my drawer and found the only that best described my day "Undo" will be PERFECT!

I climb into the tub and let the hot water take away any stress that has found it's way into my muscles and soak for a few.  Grab my razor and my adorable soap and rub the bar on my legs to "Undo" the day off of my body and let it drain into the plumbing.  I rub.  I rub harder, no lather!  What the heck?!  I grab the soap and in between my hands and rub quickly trying to get the dumb thing to lather...nothing!  I take my nail and scratch the surface thinking maybe there is some kind of film on it from the lettering, nope!  I try to break the bar in half now and the darn thing won't break either as a matter of fact it bends a bit.  Puzzled I rub the soap on the wall and see that little slivers of the bar come off in little rolls.  It then dawns on me.....

I am trying to shave my legs with an eraser!!!

Undo! Delete! All gone!  I need a new bar of soap that says "Idiot!"

1 comment:

Jill said...

You seriously crack me up! I'm so glad you're able to laugh at yourself and share it! :)