Friday, November 12, 2010

Im still alive and kicking

Been a very intense month around here.  I just wanted to touch base and let you know that I am still live.  Lots of things going on as usual.  I will hit the key points while my coffee is kicking in and give you an update.

-Anthony has had the sinus infection that everyone in the area has.  Been running a fever and we've had to stand close by because he has been throwing up as well.  MB you have a new convert to the Boogie Wipes!  Those things are great!

-Victoria's behavior and thought process has been a lot to deal with.  We are trying to unpack the idea of her feeling she needs to "lie for Mommy Tina now since she can't".  She said she is wanting to do that for her since she can't anymore.  She also has taken on the responsibility of praying for her all of the time (which is a good thing) because she thinks that Jesus isn't to take care of her if she doesn't (which is a bad thing).  She has had this huge weight on her shoulders to be the one that "takes care of her" now and carries on the legacy of lies.  How the heck does a 7 year old come up with that concept?  Been a tough one to uncrack.  She has been in trouble at school for language and I had to find out from the teacher because Victoria has been coming home from school and lying about what color her name was on the behavior chart.  Just need to remember that this is the last time that we will start from square one on Tina stuff.  Just breathe!

-Makenzie ran away from home a couple of weekends ago and now is living with us looking for someone to help her make changes in her life.  She has hit a crossroads and is reaching out for someone to help show her a better way.  This has actually been a good thing to have her here.  She is very responsive to help and has poured out her heart to me and been so helpful around the house. She is going to go on her first Church retreat this weekend with the high school ministry at church.  I asked her if she would be interested and she jumped all over it.  So glad to see her taking steps to make changes. She told me she need to reinvent herself and start over and she wants to do something with her life besides be known as the party girl.  I continue to be proud of her and ask that you send up a prayer this weekend as she is scared to death about not knowing anyone on the retreat.  I know my first retreat (180 Spring Retreat) I was feeling the same way but in the same place in life.  I needed to make changes and know that weekend was the kick off to many changes in my life.  I have friends from that weekend that I still talk to and love dearly.  I know God has something in store for her this weekend I just pray for a continued open heart to it.

-On top of the 101.5 fever from Anthony, Makenzie adjusting to our home, me remodeling stuff and spray painting everything that doesn't breath Victoria came home with head lice two days ago. So on top of my house looking like a tornado hit it from redecorating I now have critters to get rid of.  Back to the help of Makenzie in the house.  I went to Walmart to get the shampoo (BTW Lice MD AMAZING STUFF!!!  Gone after the first treatment!!)  Makenzie had already chucked every bit of bedding out of the door and bagged it up.  My house house was a cloud of lice home spray when I walked in the door.  What a help she was!  She jumped in and started cooking dinner as I was treating Victoria's hair.  She is on day 2 of being egg free so my new best thing is Lice MD.  Just hope I don't have to use it EVER again.

So there you have it folks!  My last month in a nut shell.   I'm still here and I am surprisingly doing alright.  I have started counseling myself to help me unpack some of the stuff that I am dealing with and practicing my "slow to anger" lesson in the study I just finished with my Bible study girls.  I'm hanging on and refuse to let any of this beat me or my home.

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