Saturday, September 15, 2012

Game Day

Today was about the most perfect day that I can remember in quite some time. It started with me bouncing out of bed with the first thought being GAME DAY! I know that many are excited about football season but this new T-ball momma can't see past the adorable little man that has been chomping at the bit to get on the field in a real game. We met up with James who traveled through home on borrowed time to see his boy play. James played from T-ball all the way through high school and with Anthony being the only boy and only one "First Game" I was a bit emotional at the thought of getting to watch my husband watch our son on game day. It was a bit much for me to take. I am always relaying things via phone but to have him there was so amazing and made my weekend.

Check out my boy in his uniform!
                            Getting a little coaching from Daddy on the sidelines. 
 Warming up those muscles.  This was one of the few times that he threw the ball when get got it.  During the game Anthony was able to get the ball after it was hit and then carried it around the field listening to everyone yell "THROW IT! THROW IT!"  He then handed the ball to this coach.  James yelled out to him "You are going to make an awesome mailman."  He got quite a laugh from the crowd with that one.  He was having a ball out there and having a hard time paying attention to the game instead of watching to see if we were watching. 
 Anthony has been practicing his batting.  He had yet to hit one off of the pitching machine.  I was surprised that it didn't scare him as the balls looked like bullets heading toward his head.  This momma was concerned but all of the kids handled themselves very well.  Alright Anthony is up to bat.  First inning, first pitch and HE CONNECTS!!!  I almost peed my pants.  I was up and jumping of course with sunglasses on so that nobody could see my proud tears.  Look at this shot!  Mommy did a good job documenting it didn't I?
 After the game we had to take Daddy back to his truck.  This pic also makes me cry.  A bit weepy?  Yes I say so but this shot just melts my heart.

I was so proud of my men.  Anthony for the game and James for the effort to get there.  Our family was as it should be and of course I cried as I am trying not to at this point. 

On the way to the truck James tells me that he has to go to Office Depot to fax some papers.  I take him over there and while we were inside James purchased my Anniversary/Birthday present.  A Nexus 7.  I had no idea what crack I was about to partake in.  Have mercy I haven't been able to pull myself away from it and it has been two days. 

Mamaw takes Victoria and my mom takes Addison and it is just me and my little man for the night.  We head home and get ready for church.  His classroom was full so he was off to big Church with me.  He was doing great!  Very quiet and well behaved until it was time for communion.  He looked down the aisle at the plate coming towards us and says rather loudly "YES SAMPLES!"  I believe my mom is cut off from taking him to Sam's club to have lunch via samples.  We snuggled on the couch.  Me with my tablet and him with my phone playing games.  Perfection!

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