Friday, September 14, 2012

Plug house

Tonight we headed up to the kick off of Old Settlers Days in Salem on the square (pronounced Sqwar).  On the way I was explaining to Anthony that we were heading to the court house.  The conversation went a little something like this..

A-Where are we going?

M-We are going to Salem to the square.

A-What is the square?

M-It is where the court house is. That is the building that kind of looks like a castle. 

A-No mom, that is the Church on the hill (Bunker Hill for those familiar) .

M-No Honey, it is in the middle of the square.  Your cousin Tyler is going to be there. 

A-YES!  I can't wait to see him at the Plug house!

I have no clue where that came from but believe it will stick. 

We had a ball.  Let me tell ya you haven't lived until you have been to live Karaoke on the Salem Square.  The quality of sound and singer was up there with American Idol.   That is sarcasm folks!  Salem never disappoints.

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