Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to me

I can't believe that I am 31 years old. That just sounds soo old! It is barely 7:30 here and I am enjoying the quiet house. The babies are fed and Victoria is still asleep for the time being. I have a busy day and exciting night ahead of me.

Mom and Dad offered to watch the babies for my birthday so I could finally have a date with my husband. It has been quite a while for this. Things always get in the way and we have to make a conscious effort to keep our relationship fresh and maintained. We wanted to get a chance for one last night out but once I started having contractions and stopped working that kind of put a halt to that plan. Plus can't really have a romantic evening and feel pretty with feet the size of an elephant.

James is on his way home from Connecticut today and I have so much to do before he gets home. I am going to try to get my hair colored (still trying to figure that one out) and go shopping for an outfit with some birthday money from my Aunta Kathy and Grandma in California. I am really excited to have some money that I can just spend on me. It has been so long since I have worn "real clothes" that I have no clue what is cool anymore. I am going to have to mark some time in my day to see what is in fashion before I go shop. I have been stuck in maternity world for so long and now that the babies are here I barely have time to make sure I have underwear on let alone makeup and a pair of cute shoes.

OK Victoria is awake now and she hasn't stopped babbling from her good morning hug. Her hair is the largest I have ever seen it with all of her curls and she is rambling on like a crazy person. I swear her eyes and mouth open at the same time in the morning and neither one of them shut without the other. Love her to death but I am fully aware that I am getting paid back for all of the energy that I had as a child. Funny how parenthood makes you want to give your own folks a spa day for the energy used to entertain yourself as a child. "Sorry mom and dad I understand what it is like now to raise a child that thinks that she has something to say all of the time and has ambitions of being a movie star." I guess the former childhood diva is going to have to step down from her throne to make room for the newest diva "Princess Victoria" I'll wait till tonight to regain my premommyhood diva self when I have a Maker's and Coke in my hand and my ears are ringing from loud music and not kids crying. Go Kelly it's your birthday!

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