Saturday, November 14, 2009

Giving Thanks

Victoria was having a great night so James and I decided to do some special things with her. She got her usual treat of Leslie's homemade hot chocolate with "wet creme" and peppermint sprinkles. At the end of the night I stumbled upon our McDonalds Monopoly game pieces. So off to McDonalds we went at 8:30 at night. 4 Cokes, one french fry, and two hot fudge sundaes later we were on our way back home. First let me explain the hot fudge sundaes. Everyone is feeling the crunch of the economic state our country is in. People are cutting back. Portions are getting smaller and quality is lowering. THESE hot fudge sundaes were top notch. You know that kind that not only has hot fudge on the top but they gave you some on the bottom as well. WONDERFUL! I made a comment about it on the way home, "That woman knows how to make a sundae!"

We got home, Victoria took her first bite and managed to get hot fudge all over her face. She looked at me and said "Man, I am loving that lady! She makes the bestest hot fudge sundae EVER. She needs to work everyday and they need to fire everyone but her. She can be the new manager!" I couldn't' resist. I ended up searching for the number for our McDonalds and asking to speak with a manager so that I could warn him that his job was in danger. He got a good chuckle out of it and said he would relay the message to the sweet woman running drive thru.

By the way I kicked some booty in Candyland tonight. Even James got in on the fun.

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