Saturday, October 8, 2011

Best in show!

We love the Harvest Homecoming Costume contest!  There were so many great costumes!  Lots of competition and such creativity floating around.  I wish I could have taken more photos of the other kids but I was busy with my own.  ;)  My buddy Felecia and her mom came out to Harvest Homecoming as a tradition they have had for years.  They came to the contest to cheer us on and help me out a bit.  I didn't have enough hands and attention to go around and their presence was appreciated and helpful!  Here is my crew ready to go.  Let's just say that the mommy had a bit more fun with people asking if they could take a picture of my kids.  Such a proud momma I was.  Now picture fitting these costumes into an elevator several times for trips to the parking garage.  I wish I had someone take a pic of us trying to do that.  :)
This was one of my favorites.  Her momma was dressed up like a Dalmatian.  Such a cute idea!

 This was one of many homemade "floats" that had been assembled to enhance their costumed little one.  These entries made me nervous for our chances of winning. I started giving the pep talk of "Not everyone can win" when I saw this one roll up.  There was a group entry that came as the Flintstones with a wagon decked out like the Flintstones mobile. They even spray painted their dog to make him look like Dino.
 Here is a pic of my little kitty.  She was a nervous wreck waiting to go up on stage and did great once she got up there.  I was proud!  Check out the Harvest lion in front of her too.
 Anthony won 1st place in his age group.  Addison erupted into tears as she didn't get a "star" she only got a ribbon for her 2nd place prize.  Victoria unfortunately didn't place in her age group and I had an emotional roller coaster on my hands with two upset little ones and one that was jumping up and down because he had a trophy. Again thanks Felecia for coming and help fan out the flames. 
We headed back to the parking garage after Anthony got his trophy.  On the way back I saw a bigger trophy on the table with the words Best In Show on it.  I thought, well we DID win in his age group so we have a shot and I walked three emotional kids back down to the costume contest to wait out the results.  WE WON!!!!!!!!  Again Anthony is beside himself and I have two upset little ones on my hands.  That was rough to celebrate and console at the same time. A trip to Dairy Queen for a round of milk shakes calmed everyone right down and we were all smiling by the time we got home.

I have a whole new reason to love Harvest Homecoming!

Here are my little grapes with her second place ribbon.  Anthony spent most of his time with Miss Harvest Homecoming flirting with her.  ;)  Daddy would have been proud.  lol

After a trip home for a nap for all of us my parents showed up and we headed to the Louisville Zoo for trick or treating.
Jam packed day and by far the best day of Halloween celebrating yet.  I am exhausted my body hurts and I have a huge smile on my face.  I have to post this video of Addison as it makes me tear up every time I watch it!

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