Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm mad!

This morning just before my alarm went off Anthony crawled in bed with me and was coughing and hacking. When my alarm went off I headed downstairs to wake up Victoria and then crashed on the couch with Anthony.  Me resting my back and him resting period.  Addison was still knocked out on her floor of her bedroom.  About an hour later I hear "AAAAHHHHH" as if someone is trying to pull a 747 down my hallway.  "Addison?"  She is walking down the hallway with James black t-shirt draped across her shoulders.  She loves cuddling up in her hero's shirts.  They barely skim the floor when she walks and she has the sleeves bunched up on her shoulders so that it "doesn't show my boobies".  She thinks it looks good but it is more like a black ghost floating across my floor.  "I'M MAD!" she says as she looks up at me.  "Who are you mad at?"  She reaches up and squeezed her little button nose and says "My nose ISN'T BREATHING!"

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