Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bluetoothing Jesus.....Good stuff

Tonight was Design 101, the bible study that I have been going to to monthly for the Women's ministry. Tonight we learned more about the holy spirit, what it is, what it does, and what it is capable of.

I have been known to have my hands full every minute. Whether it be a baby that needs changing, food that needs to be cooked, clothes that need to be washed, it always seems to be something. Tonight we talked about Bluetoothing Jesus. Being in constant communication with him, Like David. He may not have STARTED everything with conversation with God he always went to him, to learn, grow and understand more about how he should be and how things should be done. We are told to be in constant communication with God, and when the Holy Spirit doesn't give you rest listen to what God is trying to teach you and say to you. The Holy Spirit in us as believers is the same Holy Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead! Isn't that AMAZING! I had never heard it said like that. That same holy spirit is inside of me, living,
breathing, and wanting to guide me.

It is no mistake how things are worded in the Bible. Living water is spoken about in the Bible quite often. Tonight we talked about how living water fills us. How does water react? How can it be described? We went through illustration after illustration of water and how it is pure, it is clear, it is moving, it is simple, it is what makes up so much of our body, when it fills something it doesn't require something to change it just fills it in the shape that it is in, it fills a hole completely, it fills from the bottom up, and all of those things describe the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is all of those things, and it wants us to let it be all of those things too.

Visioneering is the name of the book that we are studying this month. It is by Andy Stanley. It has been a great read. It has spoken to me on so many levels. Here are some quotes from the lessons in the book. .....

"God may very well use the "time of waiting" to REPAIR something in you in order to PREPARE you for what He has in store" This helped me to understand even more that the answer to some prayers may not be "NO" just "Wait I am working on lining things out for that to happen even better than you imagine" We need to keep praying and planning. We can not be idle. James always says "Yes God can move a mountain but someone may need to pick up a shovel."

I am hoping that some of this makes sense to you reader. I am really excited about it and wanted to get some of the thoughts swarming around in my head grounded and my mind and comprehension is working faster than my fingers are. I hope that at least one things speaks to you in this moment in your life, that you are letting the Holy Spirit lead you and also giving yourself time to rest and allow God to heal you and put you back together as you give of yourself.

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