Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cramps, crying, and cat pee OH MY!

Last night was rough. The first part of my title is self explanatory, so we will just leave it at that. At 12:30 last night Addison started crying HARD. This isn't unusual because when she rolls over and loses her paci she freaks out. I got up twice to help her find her paci again and then headed back to bed. The third time I did this she still had her paci in her mouth, but was still crying. I put my hand on her back and she stopped. I think she was just having one of those night where she just needed mommy. This continued for about forty five minutes when I decided to take a blanket and pillow into the nursery and just lay with her for a while. I ended up laying on the floor with my hand through the rails on her bed rubbing her feet to let her know that I was there. This worked for a while, then the crying started again. She wasn't hot, she wasn't dirty, I just don't know what was wrong with her. I ended up giving her a dose of Motrin in case it was teeth or something and took her into the living room to hold her and get her calm. She sat in there with me for a while but wouldn't fall back asleep. After about 20 minutes of no crying I decided to try her bed again. I tip toed down the hallway to lay her down and she did without a fight. I very quietly took my place next to her bed where my pillows and blanket were laying and sat on my urine soaked blanket....THANKS LUCY!! Seems as though her night wasn't going to well either. I finally got Addison down around 4 this morning and fell into my own bed after putting my blankets from the nursery in the wash. Looks like I will be going to bed early tonight, and Lucy will be sleeping in the bathroom. :)

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