Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let's see....

Well life as always has been adventure as always. My head is doing better and I am slowly but surely gaining the capacity to let things go.

Here are some of the highlights and favorite quotes of the past week:

-Friday we headed to "The Pine's (the park that we live in) pitch-in dinner" James had gone to work and I walked the kids over to the storm shelter for the festivities. We were the youngest there by about 50 years and the evening ended tragically with Victoria being frightened to death by the entertainment (An 86 year old Elvis impersonator that only knew about 10 words to every song he sang) to the point of hiding under the table while I got more mac and cheese for the babies.

-James and I started our first Bible elective this weekend. It is geared toward marriage enrichment and looks like it is going to be great! I am VERY proud of him for participating. I know getting up early is not his favorite thing to do on his only day off but he is an incredible husband for doing so. My favorite quote of the class titled "Dealing with Differences" is that "My wife and I live in a two-story home, her story and mine" This was not a quote from James but from the man teaching the study. Even though I understand the meaning of the statement it made me feel like we have a bigger home.

-Victoria added to my love for the Kirk Franklin's song "Stomp" There is a line in the song "My brother can't you see I've got the VICTORY.....stomp" Well our little Victoria was singing the song at the top of her lungs on the way home from church this morning and sang the line like this....."My brother can't you see I've got someplace to be.....stomp" I cracked up so hard I almost peed my pants. That girl cracks me up.

So Victoria this is for you......

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