Monday, April 27, 2009

Everything started out normal

Getting up after a 2 o'clock in the morning return home from the drive in was a struggle. Everyone had a great time and was feeling great. James was getting ready to go to work and I was planning on taking the kids to Mom and Dad's so let them play in the yard. After Anthony's morning nap he woke up with a barking cough. I took him to the Immediate Care and was sent into a room immediately. The nurse hadn't even left the room yet when the doc came in to tell me that I was in the wrong place. I needed to take him to Kosair to the ER. They checked his oxygen and gave him 2 steroid treatments with the breathing machine and one oral steroid. After two x-rays, one long nap on my painfully asleep leg and buttocks, Anthony peeing all over leg, 4 1/2 hours later they ended up admitting him.

Thank God for Grandparents! My in-laws took Victoria and Brooklyn so that Brooklyn's mom could pick her up, and my mom was on her way to help relieve James so that he could leave for work. She stayed with Addison. Poor thing was stuck at my house because I had both car seats in my car in the parking garage. She and Addison did have a great time though.

Anthony has Croup (sp?). I settled in for the long haul and spent most of my time trying to get him to go to sleep in the crib that they had for him. VERY different from his bed at home and he wasn't too trusting of it. They put the oxygen monitor on his big toe and gave him some Tylenol to get him comfortable because it was hurting him to cough. On the way to the hospital I was freaking out because he couldn't take one breath without going into a coughing fit and strangling. It was very scary. I decided to go ahead and get caffeinated so that I would be able to watch his oxygen through the night. At one point they did have to put an oxygen mask on him because his level had dropped. It was quite a task being there with him and not being able to leave the room. I was STARVING!! I had fixed everyone else lunch and neglected to eat myself before I left the house. Anthony was having no part of me even walking towards the door of the room and I didn't want to leave him either. It wasn't like he could push the call button if he needed anything. He did get some rest though, and I got a 20 minute nap in the morning.

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