Thursday, April 2, 2009

Future business???

Here is my latest creation and obsession, the Pillowcase dress/shirt. I found a website via Facebook called It is a site that you can buy and sell homemade wares. HELLO, JACKPOT! I am love! I thought about maybe selling my hand painted stools that I have been working on for the babies but they can be quite time consuming. I saw these Pillowcase dresses and fell in love with them. They looked super easy to make and I hurried out to Hobby Lobby to see if I could find some supplies. I studied the pic and tried to duplicate them best I could. I made this one with 2 bandannas and a little ribbon. Didn't take me any time at all and Addison loved it so much that it gave her, her first goose egg. I tried it on her and when I took it off she went screaming into the kitchen and fell hitting her head on the corner of the cabinet. Let's just say she knows fashion and likes to look pretty.

On a different note I got my wig done today. It was so nice to get out of the house/state and go and get pretty. I took a little extra time to see some old friends and visit. On top of all of that I came home to dinner on the table. Who is this man and where is my husband? Guess I am going to have to balance the checkbook to help repay him the favor.

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