Friday, October 2, 2009


-Imagine if you will Anthony getting upset with Mommy because she took away his really cool big boy cup with a lid and straw at McDonalds.

-Imagine Anthony getting so upset that Grandma and Mommy look at each other and know what is about to happen.

-Imagine Grandma make a mad dash for a tray and Mommy grabbing a stack of napkins to hold under his mouth.

-Imagine Anthony "getting rid of" the dinner he just ate.

-Imagine Mommy opening up the bathroom door and pushing him, highchair and all, into the bathroom.

-Imagine Anthony eyebrows down in complete confusion about the situation, looking at me as though I had lost my mind.

-Imagine me standing him up and stripping me down on the sink and the look of the woman walking in witnessing me doing this and having to walk around the high chair.

-Imagine Anthony walking out of the bathroom on his own wearing only his diaper and black tennis shoes with his chest puffed out and proud. "Im naked at McDonalds!"

-Now imagine us leaving the McDonalds having to walk all through the dining area, all of us wearing long sleeve shirts and pants holding hands and Anthony bringing up the rear in his diaper and black shoes. We exit the building and out into the parking lot we go. I am very surprised that we didn't have a wreck with the people in the drive thru straining their necks trying to see the show that we were putting on.


Jill said...

Wish I could have seen it. I love how you retell stories, Kelly. You have me laughing.

Mary Beth said...

quote of the week:
"I'm naked at McDonalds"