Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gramma Harb's boo boo

Not very good news.  I got a call from my dad.  Very quick "Mom fell hurt her arm, thinks she broke it.she is on the way to the ER keep your phone close by she may need you" 

My mom fell on the way into a house that she was about to clean.  She tripped on a raised piece of concrete from what I understand. From what I understand she broke the ball off of her Humerus (Funny bone, MB don't laugh at my medical terms :P) pulled it out of socket about two inches and tore the ligaments and muscles.  She scrapped up her knee pretty good too.  She is getting some aches and pains that are surfacing too.  They put her in a cast up to her shoulder.  It is weighted from what I understand and she is not to rest it on anything for 8-12 weeks.  They are unable to find a piece of bone after they set it and she is to get a (CT?) scan tomorrow.  My mom is horribly claustrophobic and I am sure she is very nervous about this.  If this bone is not properly in its place they are going to have to do surgery and put a plate and screws in her shoulder.  This is really scaring her.  I spoke with my dad and he said that she is having a terrible time getting comfortable.  Not being able to rest her arm on anything is quite a challenge.  Please pray for her.  She doesn't do well with slowing down and this adjustment is going to be hard on her. On the flip side this will give us a chance to help her for a change.  She is always there for us to help us with going to the grocery store, or doc visits among several other things.  Now we get to be there for her. 


Jill said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Just had a chance to catch-up with your blog. I'll be praying. Let me know if I can do anything.

Mary Beth said...

well spelled, not laughing ONE bit! So sorry she was hurt... saw on FB the surgery went okay. Let me know if I can do anything for ALL of you!!