Friday, June 25, 2010

Life is just plugging along here in the Craig home.  We got the pleasure of having Gramma Harb come to visit.  She got the OK to drive from her doctor yesterday so we invited her over for lunch and some entertainment from A & A.  They played restaurant, doctor and just did their thing to make Gramma laugh.  So glad mom has done so well with her surgery and healing.  She is able to drop her arm a dozen times a day and then she will move onto therapy for a few weeks to get her mobility back.  She still is doing well with pain and just takes her pills to help her get comfortable to sleep.

On a bad note my niece is not doing well.  My sister took her back to the doctor and had her x ray taken again.  Both of her rods that they put in her back have broken.  They are wanting to put a bolt through her spine to hold it in place (if I remember that correctly).  They are looking for someone that will do the surgery.  Not able to go back to the other doctor and that is probably a good thing.  Please pray that this road to find a new, better doctor is a short one.

This past Tuesday we had our first court ordered "Family counseling" session with Tina and her new husband.   The only place that James could fine was a place that does equestrian therapy.  I cracked up at James because he said "Now after a dozen places told us they weren't taking new patients I have to take counseling with a horse?" I wasn't looking forward to it at all but left feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.  Her and I locked horns and I got to get off of my chest all that we had heard from her family including, children, sister, and "friend".  We got to confront her in front of her new husband about all of the lies.  Her husband seemed very surprised by all of it and Tina hit the roof.  Her husband jumped in and got onto Tina saying "Let her talk".  If nothing else comes from this James and I at least got to tell Tina face to face and in front her of hubby what we know about and that our phone is blowing up with information that we should be concerned about.  She didn't take it to well.  I maintained composure and delivered my information firmly but in a calm manner.  I left so relaxed.  I had been holding that in for about 3 1/2 years now and all of it came out and I maintained control of myself.  I didn't blow up but got my point across.  We are to go back bi weekly.  I am not expecting too much to come from it but will keep you posted on what "horse therapy" is all about.  One thing I will tell you I don't like about it is we have to dress in pants at every session.  In this heat I am going to melt! 

Life is good.  My mom is getting back to normal, I got to get a lot of stuff off of my chest.  Many things are lining out in our life.  God is good and patience pays off.

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