Saturday, October 16, 2010

First of all thank you for all of the support and prayers that you have sent for us during the troubles that we have had with Victoria's biological mother. We love you all for the love you have sent to us.

I wanted to inform you of the recent status of everything and ask for more prayers. Tina has had health issues starting about 2 months ago. Trouble with her heart and liver. We was unclear of if this information was true or not as truth was rarely something that we received. James allowed Victoria to see Tina the week before our last court date for a few hours and witnessed her heart monitor and her physical well being. She didn't look good. We then knew that these condition to some extent were true.

I received a call yesterday morning from her ex husband (the one that helped us with the trial and has two children by Tina) telling me that Thomas (Tina's current husband) came home from work yesterday and found Tina dead. They were doing an investigation to determine cause of death. Tina has some suicide attempts in recent months and I am still unclear if the cause was health concerns or suicide. Obviously this is really hard news to take and my heart is breaking for Victoria. Not sure how to tell her and how hard she is going to take this. James is home and I believe we are going to tell her together. I am so thankful for her counselor and for God setting that relationship in motion already so that we can get the help we need to get through this.
 I wish Tina peace and pray that all those that have been affected by choices made by her can mourn and have peace as well. The funeral is on Tuesday.  Unfortunately James will be out of town working so I will be taking Victoria.  Can you send a prayer up for us?  Victoria will need all of the encouragement that she can get and will need all of the strength I can muster.  This will not be comfortable and is going to toss my emotions all over the place. It was very hard tonight to watch her at the zoo trick or treating knowing what information she will be given tomorrow.  She was so happy that it just broke my heart.  I believe we are going to tell her tomorrow after church with her Elementary Minister.  God please give us the right words to say.  Love you guys!

1 comment:

Amanda E said...

Will be praying! May God give everyone peace and give you the words for little miss Victoria