Sunday, October 10, 2010

Take cover!

Mom and I took a trip out of the house today after church while my dad was taking a test online for work.  Anthony wanted to go with us so the three of us hopped in the car and took off.  After a trip to Walmart to make a deposit and Feeder Supply to check out the "pish" we walked to Kroger.  Anthony was hot stuff pushing the little cart for us.  It was the first time he got to do it and I was quite impressed with his driving abilities.  He only wiped out on shelf of medicine the whole trip.  He wouldn't let ANYONE touch the cart.  Even when I tried to put one finger on it to help guide him he wouldn't have any of it.  He would push my hand away and give me a firm look saying "MY CART!"

We wandered through the produce department and Anthony proud as a peacock was checking to see if the other shoppers were aware of how cool he was pushing his cart when all of a sudden he heard the thunder.  That is the warning that they are about to turn on the misters to water the produce.  Anthony stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the first clap. Then with the second he ducked down covered his ears left his cart at very high speeds and ran to me across the aisle yelling "We got to get outta here!"
My poor boy needs some courage.  I don't believe he is going to be a cop, fireman, Security,  or anything of that nature anytime soon.  Could you imagine? 

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