Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oh so much to tell!!

My goodness so much to catch up on so this is going to be a long one. We had a blast as Ceaser's. Travis did his 30th in! The food was great and I am in love with tiramisu. Yummy. I ordered Kobe steak and lobster tail. I was educated on Kobe beef and how the cows are pampered and massaged and listen to sounds of the rain forest while sleeping and how tender that makes the beef. (I was able to cut it with a knife) We went to the bar that Travis works at for a while and listened to a group of guys that called themselves a band ( I would beg to differ) We took a cab back to the boat and finished off the night with a little gambling and conversation. We crashed into bed at about 3 in the morning so stress free.

Also while on the boat James met a man that offered him a job driving the tour bus for Ozzfest for a HUGE weekly paycheck. $3500 a week guaranteed and a 50,000 bonus if he drives Ozzy's bus personally after the tour ends. James and I are contemplating this and all of the things that it could do for our family and our housing situation. We could have a home bought and paid for in a year, year and a half, and then just go back to work like he is now and have less bills to worry about. Then we think about all of the things that we will miss birthday's seeing all of us and all of the milestones that will happen without him here. The guy said that they fly their families out to see them once a month so it would make it a little easier but still he would be gone for a long long time. Oh another decision to make. We will see where this option leads us. James is going to call the man back today to get some more information. I will keep you posted.

In the morning we headed to IHOP to take in some food. We laughed and giggled about all of the events of the night and how much fun we had. James and I finished up our breakfast and got our car at the bar and headed to pick up Victoria at Mamaw and Papaw's house and then go to mom and dad's to get my babies. When we drove up to Mamaw and Papaw's house Victoria ran up to the car and tells me that she missed me so much that she picked a flower for me in Mamaw's flower bed. I didn't understand why Mamaw was laughing until I saw the flower that she picked.

We headed up to Pekin to get the babies and help my Dad put a new seat in his semi and tint his windows. Victoria has been bugging me to take her fishing for weeks now after she heard the her aunt Punkin went. I grabbed a pole from my nephew and we headed next door to Grandma's house to catch us a fish. We used balled up bread for lack of energy to go and dig up worms. Victoria was raring to go stuck to my hip on the dock while I cast the first time into the little pond. She leaned over the dock with her eyes glued on the bobber watching to see if we would catch anything. It wasn't long until my bobber disappeared in the water and I started to reel it in. On the end of my line was about a 6 lb catfish. HUGE!! Victoria saw the mouth on it and started running to Grandma's house. All I saw was curls and tears. She was terrified!! I had to laugh at her in her state. All I have heard about for a week is about fishing and we caught a good size fish and you would of thought that we caught Jaws. Mom and Dad said that it took them a minute to calm her down before they could come over and help me get this thing off of the line. She told me that she didn't want to fish anymore and I promised her that we would catch a fish her size (like I usually caught out of that pond, little did I know that Shamu lived there now) So after a little coaxing I got her to sit next to me again and she even touch a bluegill that was about 4 inches long ( a fish "her size" as she called it.) We caught about 5-6 more "her size" fish and sat and watched the bobber float again until it disappeared underwater. I then reeled in a fish that was about a foot and a half to two feet long. I got excited and turned to Victoria to show her what was surfacing on the water when I noticed that all that was behind me was Victoria's bright green clogs and no Victoria. I looked over on the other side of the pond and saw Victoria's curls flying straight back off of her head as she made another mad dash to Grandma Harb's house barefoot. Apparently she didn't have time in the excitement of things to put her shoes back on before she ran scared back to "safety". I cracked up! Dad was amazed at this fish that I caught. We had no idea that there were fish in this pond that size, and that they liked bread crumbs. Victoria came back to the pond holding Grandpa's hand and inching, very slowly, her way to edge of the water to show Grandpa what we had caught. I have pictures but they are on Grandma's camera so I have proof of these whoppers that we caught I will post them when I get them loaded onto my computer along with the video of Anthony's new trick that he learned while on his overnight stay at the Grandparent's house. You will crack up. Oh the things that Mom and Dad came up with to entertain the babies while they had them.

Today we are getting ready to go camping. I promised Victoria that if she was good for Mamaw and Papaw that we would go camping. We are going to set up her Dora tent in the living room and pretend to make roasted marshmallows with toothpicks. She is really excited and I have to admit that I am too. I am completely refreshed and ready to be Mommy again.

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