Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

No big plans today to report. James is off running errands and I am at home with the babies hanging out. I finally got to load Mom's pics from Spring Mill and a couple other ones from my own. So I had to share some of them.

While Victoria was with Tina one Sunday the babies took over her "big girl" bed. I had to put in a movie for them to watch so that they would sit down. Once the movie came on I didn't hear a peep out of them for a good half hour.

Yes I know this is horrible to take a picture while my daughter is in complete throwing a fit mode but you should have seen Mommy's face, after a quick trip to the bathroom, finding peas from the living room to the bedroom.

Anthony decided to see if he could beat Addison's distance that she got on her peas and chucked his off of his tray too. The peas stretched all the way across our laundry area to our living room carpet. I guess next time Mommy is just going to have to hold it until they are finished eating.

Addison's new favorite thing is to run through the beads in the Herp Aquarium at the zoo. She would fly through them giggling so loud. It is quite cute.

This picture cracks me up of Dad. This was taken the night that they watched the babies while James and I went to the wedding.

Tyler giving Anthony some pointers on how to give "Hey Baby" look to the girls.

Addison "smelling" the flowers at Spring Mill. She would blow on them instead.

Apparently they taste really good too. Can you see me squatted down ready to take another photo of her the scrambling across the flower garden when I see the flower going into her mouth. It was quite comical.

Here is the babies first photo under the arch in the flower garden at Spring Mill. I believe that we have a photo of everyone in the family under this arch. It is a tradition.

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