Thursday, June 18, 2009

The answers that I have needed

Today was a day of relaxing my shoulders and taking a deep breath. I had an appointment with a friend of mine that is a therapist. Lots has been going on in our house with little Victoria. I love her to death and try so hard to be patient with her energy and let's just say "quirks" but I have been losing my mind with some behavioral issues. I was needing some advice on coping methods and asking some questions about the therapist that Victoria saw. Just needing some sound advice from a third party that wasn't closely related to the problem. I left feeling all of the weight off of my shoulders and ready to face this storm. I really heard what I needed to hear today and have some great ideas on some things to implement in our house. One that I found particularly exciting is the interruption cards. I can hand them out at my discretion and Victoria can use them at hers. I couldn't just use an index card, you know me, I had to get on my scrapbook program and get creative with it. We have interruption cards for when Mommy is on the phone, has company, is playing with Anthony and Addison and also for snacks, and so on. I also made some reward cards on my own for an activity for only her to do when she is having a good day. I am hoping that this may limit some of the attention seeking interruptions and help reinforce some manners.

On another good note.... My sister has her pathology report reading tomorrow and has an appointment with another surgeon in Cincinnati tomorrow too. Dr. Holt (the surgeon that has been working on Ariel) found her someone else the is willing to take a look at her. My sister has done an amazing job of research on the computer and is really getting some footwork done. I am proud of her! She has two other appointments with other surgeons too lined up. She is needing all of the professional opinions that she can get. Options are good at this point, we all thought we had hit a brick wall as far as options are concerned, it is nice to have a few now.

My Father-in-law is going in for surgery tomorrow for his liver Cancer. They found a spot on his liver a while back (I can't remember if I had mentioned it) and they have made a decision to operate. He is a high risk patient for going under anesthesia because of having such a weak heart. He has two chambers of his heart that are completely dead. We are all a little nervous about it.

Anthony is scheduled for another hearing test tomorrow too. I will keep my fingers crossed that they have no surprise toys hidden in a black box over the speaker. I believe that I am going to take a sweatband to this test and some duct tape.

Speaking of duct tape I have begun using duct tape on the babies diapers to help keep them from taking them off during the night, or anytime for that matter. I had used a piece about two inches long to help secure the diaper. Apparently that size it too easy for little fingers to pull off, so I have gradually moved up to about an 8 inch piece. Addison now gets made if she doesn't have a piece of duct tape on her diaper and feels that it is the best accessory to her outfit that she has ever seen. Anthony just looks at me while I am taping him down like I am wrapping him up to be shipped somewhere. I have to admit I feel like I am. I have a feeling it might come to just standing them up after their diaper is on and wrapping the duct tape completely around their waist a couple of times. If it comes to that I promise to take pictures.

1 comment:

Jill said...

You are amazing! When I read your blog post about all that is going on in your life, I wonder how you remain sane. Yet you do. And you do it all so well. Praying for you guys! :-D