Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Tea at Northside

Tonight was the first night of the Christmas Tea at Northside.  I have never been to this event but was asked to help sing during it.  There is a group of about 6 of us.  We sang a Christmas carol medley.  I got distracted singing by looking at all of the beautifully decorated tables.  Some of these women really went all out on their tables.  Some had decorated Christmas trees as a center piece, one was a Grinch theme and adorable!!  HUGE turnout!  We are having it two different nights and was asked to do a third but two nights took enough organization and energy that there really wasn't any volunteers left to do any more.  We had nearly 50 tables at 8 people each so we were looking at 400 people there tonight and another 400 tomorrow.  It was a great way to kick off the Christmas season. The speaker was amazing and spoke on anticipation and how we have lost it.  She spoke of being a professional rewrapper of presents.  She is a pro at unwrapping gifts that are for her and then rewrapping them so that nobody knows.  She had all of us in stitches during her stories until she reached the part of losing her daughter to Cancer at age 14.  She brought the story around to anticipation and losing the moment being worried about things.  She took all of the anticipation of her gifts for Christmas away by sneaking a peak.  She never anticipated her daughter getting Cancer and learned to take each moment as a gift.  She really put things in perspective and did an amazing job!  So glad to be a part of it.

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