Monday, December 27, 2010

Wow what a Christmas!

It was very good to us and it turned out to be one of my favorites!  The kids are at a wonderful age to appreciate the season and understand what it is all about.  Addison would proudly tell you that it was Jesus birthday and Anthony would agree along with the fact that the fat man in the red suit was going to bring him presents. 

The festivities started off with the Pennington Christmas.  It was great to see family!  Addison was a pill through most of the party and I spent most of the party standing out in the rain while she had a fit in the car.  She was not a happy camper and was full of attitude.  After a long nap (much needed) she came to life and was more cordial.  :)  Great food great conversation and family was a wonderful way to start out the Christmas season.

Leading into the later part of the month we had a volunteer appreciation room set up by the staff of Northside.  They got together and baked up cookies and decorated the room so special for all of us.  So nice to be appreciated for all of our work.

James' dad entered the hospital about a week and a half before Christmas.  He has pneumonia.  They had him all pumped up on steroids and poor man was so swollen.  We took a trip to the hospital to see him and brighten his day.  He made it home on Christmas Eve so that we could enjoy the Holiday with him.  He was told he had a week to get his strength back or they were going to send him to a rehab center to help him.  He is NOT wanting to go but finding it hard to find the will to get his strength up.  We are trying to help him not give up.  The grandkids are the only thing that seems to bring him a smile.

Christmas Eve I volunteered for the 9pm service at church to help out in the classroom.  They had already had 2 services and had 2,600 people attend.  WOW!  I showed up after driving through the beginning of the snow storm that brought us the prettiest white Christmas.  I arrived and found that I was the only one with kids for the 9pm service. Seems that the snow scared everyone into staying home.  I laughed and so did everyone else when I said "So I came to church to watch my own kids?"  I planned on James meeting me and we could attend the 11 service.  I guess that goes back to memories of midnight mass when I was growing up.  One of the staff ended up watching the kids and Crissy grabbed me and took me into the secret room where they had food prepared for the volunteers.  :)  I got to have a moment to myself with my friend and it was much appreciated.  It wasn't a long break until Andrea (the head minister over the early childhood) came to tell me that Anthony fell in Bible land and was upset.  She said she had things under control and laughed at all of the kids they had so far for the Christmas service and not one incident and my kids show up and Anthony has a black eye.  lol

James arrived and we headed into the sanctuary for the service.  Before the service could begin James' dad called lonely and wanting him and he decided to go and be with him.  I sat with Crissy and Derek for the service.  I had to chuckle a bit that the evening didn't turn out at all like I expected.  The roads were super slick on the way home but we arrived safe and James made it home around 2 after he finally got his dad to go so sleep and get some rest.

When it was time for bed I crashed!  James came in our room and laughed at his wrapping abilities being so poor and he asked if he could just give me my presents.  I was more than happy to oblige! :)  He slid the presents one by one under the comforter while I closed my eyes.  I would dig around in the blanket to find new slippers, some accessories for the kitchen, new ink for our printer, a huge pack of batteries and a new memory card for the camera.  Wait that doesn't fit my camera..... I GOT A NEW CAMERA!  I was so excited!  I had been wanting a new one that took AA batteries.  I never have my camera charged up and have missed so many opportunities to snap a photo because of it.  No longer. Just have to get the computer set up to load my pics they will follow soon.

Christmas morning Anthony was the first one up.  Addison was still in a coma after fighting sleep till past 2am!  (HELP!)  He walked down the hallway to find his loot.  "OH MAN!" was his response.  So cute!  He went to wake up sissy Addison by poking her in the face and saying "Thissy waked up!  Thanta got us prethents!"  Addison rolled over and said "We don't need presents. We just have a tree."  ( I hope that this attitude stays through the teenage years.  Will be much cheaper.)  She finally rose from her slumber to find the presents. She woke up really quick.  Victoria was soon to follow.  The kids were so excited to find their Leapster, remote control car, and new Disney princess dolls.  Anthony has been "fixing" things around the house with his Black and Decker tool set complete with tool belt, and Addison has been having tea parties with her dolls.  Victoria hasn't put her hand held Leapster down since she opened it. 

We got the kids dressed and put them down for a nap while James' went to help get his dad out of bed.  When he got home we found Anthony standing in his room in a completely different outfit than we put him to bed in and wearing his tool belt.  LOL!  We headed out to my folks house to spend some time with them and enjoy a good dinner.  The kids loved showing off their toys Santa brought to Grandma and Grandpa. 

The day after Christmas we headed over to James' parents house for a feast and some Olympic present opening.  The highlights were the apple pie, Victoria's 5 foot tall doll house, Anthony's semi filled with cars, and Addison's princess dress up set (complete with Addison's first pair of plastic high heel shoes)  It was very hard to see James' dad in the state that he was in.  He didn't say much but just sit there and stare at the kids opening presents. We ended the day with a pic of him and the whole family surrounding his hospital bed.  We never do family pictures at the Craig Christmas and it was bittersweet that we did it this year.  I think we all kind of know what is ahead and want to remember all being together this year.  The kids gave him hugs and kisses and we loaded up the cars and headed home.

It was a very nice Christmas.  It was a simple Christmas (the best kind) and not filled with the extra things that it is so easy to make it about.  The kids were happy and everyone got along always a plus! Happy Birthday Jesus!  Thanks for such a wonderful gift you gave us.  Let us not stop remembering what the season is about.

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