Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mental block

If any of you have know me more than a week you know that I don't deal well when I am spread thin.  I work well under pressure if I have pressure coming from one area but if it is from multiple areas I am spent!  The flea market is stressing me out trying to figure out a way to make a display to hold my pieces that will fit in our area we have reserved.  I am planning a graduation party for my mother in law next weekend. After a lot of hard work she is getting her GED.  We are so proud!  Then there is the move.  I am so stinking excited about moving yet I haven't packed one thing.  Our space is so cramped and my craft stuff has taken over our bedroom (that is soon to change :) and I just can't seemed to focus on one area and get it taken care of.  I need to pick out carpet for the basement and trying to figure out color schemes for the house (Yes I know carpet to replace the carpet that got ruined in basement due to flood necessary, color scheme for whole house/not necessary). Plus I have some special orders that I need to get working on for Artistic Praise.  I have deadlines hanging over my head and my brain is collapsing.  I just need to focus on the Graduation party and the custom orders and then move onto the flea market display for the following weekend.  Oh and I need to start working on these things instead of sitting at the computer desk.  Got to get motivated!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Would LOVE to help out. Let me know whatever you need. Can even watch the kids for a bit to give you some time. Let me know! :)