Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mothers day

Boy did my husband earn some brownie points this Mother's day!  He got me a Willow tree figurine.  Not only did he get me one he picked a new one that I didn't know was out called "Welcome Here" for our new home.  Of course I cried!  He surprised me by asking me to get the one last bag in the truck as he was unloading all of his stuff.  I opened the truck door and found the Hallmark bag.  I knew exactly what was inside.  I am in love with her.  I just think that they are so beautiful.  I will be keeping her in her box until she has her permanent home on my fireplace mantel.  :)  Do you notice the flowers behind?  My Mother in law cut some flowers for me from Papaw's rose bushes.  Again iimmediate tears.  They are so full of blooms! So proud that they will be in my front yard.

Now I know that most women wouldn't get excited about how I spent my Mothers day but I had a blast, literally!  James took me shooting.  His buddy Jason lives out in New Washington and we used his back yard a few haystacks and frozen milk jugs.  We geared the kids up with their ear plugs..

Victoria ready for the show.
 Anthony was in hog heaven as Amy, Jason's wife, gave him a bag of chips.  I teased him and told him he looked like the honkers on Sesame Street with the horns coming out of his ears.  He couldn't hear me tease him though.  lol
 Addison didn't want to wear hers until we told her that they were ear plug earrings.  Then she was all about it.
 After a ride around the yard in their golf cart to go see the fish in the pond Addison grabbed a hat she found in the house and started to pose.
After a few shots she just started getting silly.  The kids had so much fun playing in the back yard, "camping" in the back of the car watching the show, and were really well behaved the whole day.  I am so proud to be a momma and enjoyed a day of good ol country living fun and time with my family.  I am a blessed woman!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Sounds like a GREAT day! :)