Thursday, July 14, 2011

There were really 4 little pigs..

Not many know that there were not 3 little ones but 4 little ones and his house was made out of wallpaper!  I will quit with the wallpaper tangent shortly as I am almost done taking all of the horrible stuff down. Still can't find my camera cord to upload pics as I would love to share that hard work.  It is coming along nicely with a few glitches. 

The chicken in the kitchen are now ripping the texture (stucco?) off of the walls so I had to stop.  I have all of the wallpaper down in the kitchen except for the walls that only had wallpaper.  So we improvise right?  My mom came up with a genius idea of crown molding.  I believe we are going to do some kind of a trim in the kitchen to just cover up the border.  So only you readers know the secret!  Shh don't say anything.  :)

The main bathroom was finished in about an hour.  The steam from the shower has been working on it for a while now and some of it came off completely in areas without even scoring it or wetting it.  I did however find a hole in the wall with a bit of mold.  I believe this is where the little drips of water are coming from in the basement when people take a shower.  So good news and bad news...I found the leak and I found the leak. 

The half bath in our bedroom is giving me a run for my money as I have been working on it in spurts for the past few days.  I am getting a bit burned out on wallpaper removal but know that if I start on another project before I am done that I won't finish my house makeover the way I would like, one project at a time.  I have have a bit of trouble bouncing from one project to another and never finishing so I take my stand now.  Mission 1 Wallpaper!

I have found a really nice product called WP Chomp that is doing a great job on the wallpaper.  If you have any to remove I highly recommend it.  I had Do it best order it for me and while I was there picking it up I found the ugliest rug that I am contemplating purchasing.  It is 9X12 and U-G-L-Y!  But it is like so ugly that it has a unique charm to it that has me drawn to it.  It is mustard yellow, slate blue, orange and some of the carpet color I currently have.  It is only $50.  That is a steal for that size you have to admit but is it too ugly?  I just can't tell.  I really need to take a pic and post to get some input as my husband is out of the country today in Canada under a load and couldn't get the "go" from him and it can't be returned.  So if you are in the area of New Albany check out the area rugs outside of Do it Best right off of State Street and shoot me a message on what you think.  Trust me you will know it when you see it. 

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