Wednesday, August 29, 2012

13X9 brick about sums it up!

Today is quite the intense day!  I started out doing some AMAZING hair on a friend of mine.  She went super blonde and it turned out great!  That was the good part of my day. 

About 20 minutes after she left the people at Lowes arrived at my house with the man that installed our new dishwasher.  You see the yard sale was for a new one as the old one appeared to be leaking so much so that had a spot of black mold in the basement corner.  Quite fun! Victoria sleeping in the living room black plastic hanging floor to ceiling to block off the area to get rid of it. Better safe than sorry right?  So we had the successful yard sale and bought a new one for about the total profit of the yard sale. 

Guess what?  The leak is still there!  I love the dishwasher. Does a great job and even has a sanitizing feature that I love.  But..... I would have rather used the money on a plumber bill instead.  I bite my tongue as my husband is just as frustrated and I don't want to be a nagging wife. 

Anywho, James called Lowes to make sure that they installed correctly. They were very sweet to return to my home and was able to find the problem.  The water is coming down the wall in the basement under the kitchen from the drain. It is escaping the pipe somewhere upstairs as the water is leaking under the cabinets and entering the hole where my dish washer is inserted into my kitchen.  That is why we thought it was the dishwasher, we was wrong.  So we now have black mold under our kitchen sink and was advised to knock down the wall under my sink and the bottom of the cabinet under the sink. 

I am trying not to complain too much but I am REALLY sick of dealing with water issues in this house.  I love my home don't get me wrong and have even made peace with the burgundy carpet. I know if I hang onto it long enough I will be back in style  :)  I appreciate the fact that we are no longer on top of one another in the house and we have more space etc.  I also understand that many, far too many actually have clean water accessible to them and that I have as much as I want available to me.  I just want it to stay in the pipes. 

On another note my husband is on his way home from California and isn't here to personally handle the problem.  So I wait and while I wait he has asked me to not run the dishwasher and not to let water down the sink.  He wants it as dry as he can get it so that Eric our plumber can come and fix the problem for us.  I decided to not freak out and cry and to just make a batch of brownies.  Chocolate could fix this right?

Tonight my mom came over and I had fixed meatloaf (already in the oven before I got the "don't use the sink" news) and she was gracious enough to assist me in washing the dishes in the bathroom in my tiny sink with spacious counter and freshly painted base. :)  I washed in the sink and then transferred into the bathtub to rinse.  My bathroom floor got cleaned in the process as well.  My back is KILLING me from the painting of the cabinet the highlight that I did today and not getting to the chiropractor in two weeks for my decompression.  I am about in tears at this point from frustration and laughter as my mom is sitting on the toilet drying the dishes while I wash.  Victoria is making trips to the bathroom picking up dry dishes and taking them back into the kitchen to put them away. 

Are you aware of how loud washing your dishes in the bathroom is?  I didn't realize myself until I started smelling something burning.  Something chocolate burning.  Crap! My brownies.  I didn't hear the buzzer got off and my brownies are burnt to a crisp!
Yep folks that about sums it up a 13X9 brick of brownie.  We headed out shortly after setting my smoking pan out on the front porch to get a chocolate bunt cake from Meijer.  While there I found a T-shirt fitting of the day it says.  Plan for the day: 1. Wake up 2. Survive 3.Go back to bed.  Believe I will wear that tomorrow.

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