Monday, August 27, 2012


Today I had a thousand things I wanted to do and the energy for none of them.  Isn't that the way it usually goes?  I did manage to get a batch of white chili in the crock pot and in no time my house was smelling delish!  I needed a red pepper and had been craving watermelon since I went to my parents yesterday so I looked at ads online to see if anyone had watermelon on sale.  What I did find was that Kroger had their tubs of Kool Aid on their 10 for 10 again.  I just recently ran out of Lemonade about a month ago from the 30 that I bought last time they had that sale.  I had the kids throw on come clothes and I took off to Kroger to get my red pepper, watermelon and about 40 tubs of Kool Aid with a quick stop at Home Depot in case I did start my project.

Kroger did not disappoint!  ANY flavor of Kool Aid was included in the deal along with Country Time lemonade and pink lemonade.  I started digging and within a few seconds my cart was full of Kool Aid burying my watermelon and red pepper (what I needed in the first place).  When I made my way to the check out the sweet lady said "Someone liked Kool Aid!"  I told her "Yes and we like this price!"  She started ringing up and the original price was 2.79 a tub.  By the time she got finished ringing up my 40 tubs she was blown away that I had saved $112.00!  I was a bit excited too and the people behind me in line as well.  I got drunk off of the savings and went back in to get another 40 tubs.  I know a bit obsessive but when you drink as much as we do around here it adds up very fast.  I wished I had purchased more last time that I went and have been keeping my eye out on the ads to see when the sale would happen again. 

Once we got home we had to unload all of them.  I needed a wheel barrel!  I backed the car in and unloaded right into my mudroom/pantry where I have my new shelves.  I asked Addison and Anthony to come and help me and Addison comes down the hallway in this....
 I hear ya fancy girl!  She was a huge help with her brother as they unloaded the bags and handed me each one so that I could stack them on the shelf.  My pantry now looks like Kroger itself.
 Once I got done with my stocking I started in on the house.  Someone came in and messed it up while we were gone. ;)  I got a burst of energy and decided to quit procrastinating and just get started on my vanity.  I have wanted to paint it for some time now and never gotten around to it.  I have regretted painting the walls that dark brown ever since we packed up the paint that day but it is just paint and paint can be covered right?!  So a quick review this is what we started with.  I had already taken the drawers out and started painting before I ran down the hallway afraid I wouldn't get my before shot. 
 Now about an hour later and a couple of coats I have this!  I LOVE IT!  I am going to put some brushed silver drawer pulls on it as well.  I found the poster hanging over the toilet while at Walmart the other day.  I love the colors and words so I grabbed it for the hallway and it is going to end up in my bathroom as my inspiration.  I am thinking maybe a mustard yellow for the walls now.  Can't be as bold as the sh*t brown right?  Of course this means that I will be replacing the shower curtain yet again.  I have only had it for maybe a month and a half.  For about $50 I have a "new" vanity.  Well worth the money I say!

1 comment:

Jill said...

The pic of Addison = PRICELESS!!! You inspire me, girl! LOVE the pic above the toilet.