Sunday, August 19, 2012

Yard sale prizes!

After a successful yard sale this weekend James decided to be superdad and purchase the twins b-day present early this year.  While heading to Walmart to deposit our loot from the sale the kids wanted to show him the bikes that they had been eyeballing.  We decided to go ahead and get them with a bit of denial that my babies are old enough for a 16 inch bike.  Addison got home with her princess bike and found that the brakes were rubbing because the tire was bent.  We decided to take it back and found no other biked that she liked.  After 3 other stops in search of bikes we found this Huffy that she was very proud of for half the price of her original princess bike.  Anthony was just fine with his Hot Wheels bike that "revs" when you crank that right handle as you can see.  I believe Addison is about to pee her pants.  "Ahhh my bike has decorations!"  She kept asking as we were putting it together "Can we decorate it yet?"  I spent my night choking back sobs as I watched my little ones grow up right before my eyes.

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