Thursday, May 8, 2008

You give and take away and still I choose to say blessed be your name

Those are the lyrics that come to mind today from a Newsboys song. Yesterday was spend with a packed suitcase in our bedroom waiting for a very important phone call that never came. "Shaggy" was called over 14 times with no answer or no response. James was suppose to get the call about when he would be leaving Louisville to catch a flight. We are somewhere between disappointed and irate. A lot of money and time was spent in preparation for this job, along with the fact that James cleaned out his truck and it is now given to someone else at Summit to drive. James took a leave of absence instead of giving his two weeks notice so that we would have assurance that there would be a job waiting for him if this didn't work. We don't know what happened. We have no answers except that this also has to be in God's plan. He is protecting us from something. He just wasn't suppose to go.

James took off to Travis and Marlina's house to help them clean out their garage. It was good for him to just get out of the house and not stare at the phone. It is great to have good friends. I met him there later in the night to hang out and eat and sit in the hot tub for a bit. Travis is still looking for a job after the fire in our little hang out. We are going to miss Steinert's. We have a lot of memories there. After a night of good food, good conversation and a game of Uno and left right center we headed home to try to forget the loss of our "winning lottery ticket".

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