Monday, September 15, 2008

The huricane wasn't what blew me over

Many of you that read my blog know my story about mistakes I have made in my past and things that I am not the most proud of. About 12 years ago now I gave birth to a healthy little boy. I named him Johnathan. I made the heartbreaking decision to give him a shot at a better life than I was able to provide him with at the time in my life and found him amazing parents.

Through the years I have received letter and photos from his adoptive parents. They were always through the agency for privacy reasons. About 5 years after the adoption took place the agency that he was placed through closed with no notice to the birth parents at all. I found this out as I walked up to the door with presents to mail off to my son one Christmas only to find that the doors were locked and the place was bare.

While working at Dillard's I ran into a woman that worked at the agency and gathered information about the closing and a list of the agencies that the files were relocated to. For a few months we remained in contact (Rich, Anne his adoptive parents) and then just kinda lost contact again. About 3-4 months ago I called the agency and asked if Rich and Anne would be OK with me reconnecting with them. They immediately said yes and I got together a letter and pictures of my family. I waited and waited and had no response. I just kind of gave up and thought that maybe Johnathan (they named him Richard) wasn't interested in hearing from me for whatever reason. I honestly had kinda forgotten about it to a certain extent after checking and checking the mail daily for a letter from him.

Today I woke up finally feeling better. I had been running a 102 temperature for the past few days and had the achy body where you hair even hurts. It has been horrible! I checked my email and found this email...........

Hi Kelly –

We are so embarrassed that it has taken so long to get back in touch with you. We have had a challenging year here with my Dad ill (now doing very well) and other personal family stuff that has now calmed down. All of that aside…you are such an important part of Richard’s and all of our lives and I am so sorry we took so long to get back in touch. We were first trying to get some pictures together to send, etc… and then thought let’s start with e-mail first. We have attached a few pictures of Richard that we hope you will enjoy. If you would like we can mail a bunch to you or can put some up on Shutterfly and you can order some from there.

Congratulations on your marriage and the birth of your twins! How wonderful …we know motherhood is challenging but it is the best job around too!

Richard is doing great. He started Middle School a few weeks ago! We can’t believe it! He is very bright, athletic, dramatic, impulsive at times, very funny (he can make Sam laugh harder than anyone else) and very handsome as you can see from the pictures. The girls are already calling! He loves soccer and plays on a competitive travel team and is really into magic right now. He is always coming up to us and doing card tricks, etc…Always the showboat! He played Aladdin in his school play this past spring and did an amazing job. I should try to send you a tape of it. The local station had it on TV and I think I can copy it for you..I will try. He also loves skateboarding and learned to snowboard last winter and always wants his hair to be as long as he can get away with. He really looks like a surfer dud right now with his tan from the summer. He spent the summer at a local camp for a few weeks and did one week of overnight camp through a camp affiliated w/ our church. He loved it! He likes to be very independent at times and other times is just our little boy.

We are on our way to church now. Please write back and let me know you received this. Richard has mentioned that he would like to e-mail you directly. Are you OK w/ that? Let us know…

Enjoy your family and hope to hear from you very soon!!

Much love…Anne and Rich

I am completely floored. Not only did I hear back from them. My son wants to email me and talk with me. I have been a flood of tears today. This is one of the most amazing days of my life. I am walking on clouds. That says alot considering that I spent 6 hours in the dentist office to have a root canal, an unsuccessful attempt to pull a tooth ( I am now drilled down to the gum line and need to go to an oral surgeon to finish the job) , and two crowns today.

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